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Ishihara backs sacked military chief for Tokyo governor

By   /   January 7, 2014  /   Comments Off on Ishihara backs sacked military chief for Tokyo governor

Toshio Tamogami, former air defence forces chief of staff (L), shakes hands with former Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara after Ishihara voiced his support in a speech for Tamogami's candidacy in the Tokyo governor elections on January 7, 2014China-baiting former Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara on Tuesday threw his weight behind the political ambitions of an ex-military chief who was sacked after insisting Japan was not a World War II aggressor. The acerbic Ishihara, 81, who was governor of Tokyo for 13 years to 2012, said he believed the next leader of the metropolis should be fellow hardline nationalist Toshio Tamogami, the onetime chief of staff of Japan’s Air Self-Defence. Tamogami was fired from the role in 2008 after he said Japan was an Asian bulwark against Western imperialism in World War II, rather than the nation responsible for continent-wide suffering. Ishihara’s bid to buy the disputed Senkaku Islands during his tenure as Tokyo governor sparked a nosedive in relations with China, which claims them as the Diaoyus.

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Toshio Tamogami, former air defence forces chief of staff (L), shakes hands with former Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara after Ishihara voiced his support in a speech for Tamogami's candidacy in the Tokyo governor elections on January 7, 2014China-baiting former Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara on Tuesday threw his weight behind the political ambitions of an ex-military chief who was sacked after insisting Japan was not a World War II aggressor. The acerbic Ishihara, 81, who was governor of Tokyo for 13 years to 2012, said he believed the next leader of the metropolis should be fellow hardline nationalist Toshio Tamogami, the onetime chief of staff of Japan's Air Self-Defence. Tamogami was fired from the role in 2008 after he said Japan was an Asian bulwark against Western imperialism in World War II, rather than the nation responsible for continent-wide suffering. Ishihara's bid to buy the disputed Senkaku Islands during his tenure as Tokyo governor sparked a nosedive in relations with China, which claims them as the Diaoyus.

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  • Published: 11 years ago on January 7, 2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: January 7, 2014 @ 11:34 am
  • Filed Under: Ethiopia

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