Nine people have been arrested over alleged match-fixing in multiple football fixtures in Hong Kong, the city's anti-corruption watchdog said Tuesday. "Nine persons, including professional football players, were arrested for alleged bribery in rigging the results of football matches involving a local football club," the Independent Commission Against Corruption said in a statement released late Tuesday, without specifying names of the players or the club. "Enquiries revealed that the sponsor's representative and the executive officer might have offered advantages to the players of the football club as rewards for their participation in rigging football match results," it said. "It's not a Hong Kong issue, it's a worldwide issue.
Hong Kong arrests nine over possible match-fixing
Nine people have been arrested over alleged match-fixing in multiple football fixtures in Hong Kong, the city’s anti-corruption watchdog said Tuesday. “Nine persons, including professional football players, were arrested for alleged bribery in rigging the results of football matches involving a local football club,” the Independent Commission Against Corruption said in a statement released late Tuesday, without specifying names of the players or the club. “Enquiries revealed that the sponsor’s representative and the executive officer might have offered advantages to the players of the football club as rewards for their participation in rigging football match results,” it said. “It’s not a Hong Kong issue, it’s a worldwide issue.
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