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Salvadoran ex-president admits Taiwan payments

By   /   January 8, 2014  /   Comments Off on Salvadoran ex-president admits Taiwan payments

Former Salvadorean president Francisco Flores (R) answers questions to the congress in San Salvador on January 7, 2014, during a special commission investigation on the disappearance of a $10 million donation made by the Taiwanese governmentSalvadoran ex-president Francisco Flores admitted to a congressional panel Tuesday that he had received checks worth millions of dollars from Taiwan but denied the funds were for his personal use. “I handed in those checks (from Taiwan) for their appropriate use at all times,” said Flores, who was president from 1999-2004. President Mauricio Funes last month suggested to reporters that the missing funds might have been skimmed or misused, and said prosecutors would call Flores in for questioning. Funes recently charged that three checks — for $1 million, $4 million and $5 million — were issued by the Bank of New York, on behalf of Taiwan, and endorsed by Francisco Flores.

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Former Salvadorean president Francisco Flores (R) answers questions to the congress in San Salvador on January 7, 2014, during a special commission investigation on the disappearance of a $10 million donation made by the Taiwanese governmentSalvadoran ex-president Francisco Flores admitted to a congressional panel Tuesday that he had received checks worth millions of dollars from Taiwan but denied the funds were for his personal use. "I handed in those checks (from Taiwan) for their appropriate use at all times," said Flores, who was president from 1999-2004. President Mauricio Funes last month suggested to reporters that the missing funds might have been skimmed or misused, and said prosecutors would call Flores in for questioning. Funes recently charged that three checks -- for $1 million, $4 million and $5 million -- were issued by the Bank of New York, on behalf of Taiwan, and endorsed by Francisco Flores.

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  • Published: 11 years ago on January 8, 2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: January 8, 2014 @ 12:28 pm
  • Filed Under: Ethiopia

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