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East African sex workers tell of being sold into sex slavery in Singapore

By   /   August 6, 2012  /   3 Comments

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Tanya’s friend, “Susan” from Ethiopia, said she had a similar experience, arriving and being taken to another building, where she was put to work as a sex worker.

For both girls, they struggled to survive, being forced to have sex with as many as 8 clients a day.

SINGAPORE: She was forced to be a sex worker in Singapore for two years after being told she was to be assigned to work as a cleaning lady in the Southeast Asian city. For “Tanya” moving to Singapore was biggest moment of her life.

Upon arrival, however, that all changed. And it changed quickly.

“I got to Singapore and was picked up by a man who said he would take me to my new flat,” she began. “I was the happiest girl in the world,” the 21-year-old told Bikyamasr.com.

Her life was turned upside the next day, when she was again picked up by the man, but instead of being driven to see her new boss, she was taken to a unmarked building, told to strip and was forced to take a shower and be “groomed.”

“It was the scariest moment of my life. They just told me to take off all my clothes and then two women washed me and shaved all the hair off me as if I was just a thing that they could use.

“Then I was sent to a room and two men came in and forced themselves on me. They raped me over and over again. I was in tears the whole time. But I couldn’t do anything, because they said they would kill me if I tried to leave,” she continued.

While sex work is legal in Singapore, there is a growing trend of East African women, and young girls, being co-opted into arriving to the country, where they are then forced into sex work against their will.

Tanya’s friend, “Susan” from Ethiopia, said she had a similar experience, arriving and being taken to another building, where she was put to work as a sex worker.

For both girls, they struggled to survive, being forced to have sex with as many as 8 clients a day.

“I still don’t even know how this happened,” Susan told Bikyamasr.com. “It was the worst time of my life and now I just feel so scared all the time,” she added.

The two women say they know other African girls who had been told they were coming to Singapore to work as domestic workers, but are then taken to buildings where they are forced to work, as they call it “sex slavery.”

“We didn’t get paid and we didn’t have any clothes. They would take us to a shower after every client and force us to wash. Our cries and tears did nothing. It was horrible,” Tanya, from Uganda, added.

Both women are now free of their situation, running away, naked late in the night.

“I grabbed my sheet and just pushed my way past a client and sprinted to the street. I found a couple who helped me and finally it is over, but I can’t imagine what other girls have to deal with,” she said.

Both women have become close, living together in the city and dealing with their physical and psychological trauma together. They say that without each other, the both would have killed themselves.

“I just wanted to die. Every night I have horrible dreams about what I have been put through,” added Susan.

While the Singapore government and the police have told Bikyamasr.com they are cracking down on sex slavery in the city, it is often difficult to track such incidents and with clients not willing to say anything, finding illegal facilities is difficult.

Human rights organizations say hundreds of African women are forced into sex work across Southeast Asia as the “appetite” for African women appears to be growing.

For Tanya and Susan, they hope they can assist other women who have been put through similar situations.

East African sex workers tell of being sold into sex slavery in Singapore ,Uganda-sex-worker

“We want to work with police and women’s organizations to put an end to this horrific experience that we and other women have been forced into so we are staying in Singapore to help,” said Tanya.

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  • Published: 13 years ago on August 6, 2012
  • By:
  • Last Modified: August 6, 2012 @ 10:12 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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3 thoughts on “East African sex workers tell of being sold into sex slavery in Singapore

  1. How come no one stand up and broadcast on the issue of women trafficking on ESAT, and Nude clubs those establishment infesting Addis Abeba are the very failure of our culture and moral. What kind of society are we going to have in few years. Are we allowing another Ethipia to be like todays Thailand. Is that the major of progress as the west major it’s progress by the advanced technology yeap, you right my brother who could not complet your degree here in west in U.S.A or Europe go back and make money on our poor sisters who are innocent and trying to make a living on the cost of her life.

    I understand I have discussed this issue with some people in our community all I hear is leap service or blame on the corrupt meles regime. Yes, I admit this government has it’s own agenda trust me he would not allow that establishment to open in tigre region but he knows some morally corrupted and have no value system besides money will do it in Addis. All the colleges and business are moving to tigray while our childrens, brothers and sisters are being manipulated and become garbage dump for those “boys” who never grow up after leaving U.S they go and open this establishment and spread disease and drug problem in our society. Who’s going to take care of this down the road. Todays young or are we relying on west as they financing the aids medicine today to finance to and selling our resources for cheap and stay in that rut for ever. Or someone need to send a clear message to this “boys” yes, that’s what they are cheap morally corrupted has no what so ever dignity. if they have succeded in their education they would never have done this but the other way for them is whatever the consequences are they will make their money. If they have to sell their sister or making drugs look cool and sell that. How about we send a clear message for them that they should close or face concequences our youth need to demand the whole society need to demand. NOT IN MY BACK YARD! LOUD & CLEAR!

    I haven’t heard from ESAT, Ethiopian Review to open discussion and allow our community to discuss and come up with solution or this is not an issue since those who been sacrificed are women, we are suppose to sit aside and look good.
    No, wasn’t I a hero when I defend my country from the facist Italian invasion, wasn’t I a hero when I surve as a military and defend my country, or Am I not a teacher, a doctor,…or a pilot. Why my brother and father are not standing up for my right and shout! NO, not in my yard why you are not angry am I not your sister or mother.
    I have heard we have to first throw this regime, he’s the cause, No don’t tell me that we can fight every issue simultaneously all we have to do is sending a clear message to those establishments and let them know it’s not acceptable and organize our youth and make them aware.

    As they say to change a society teach a women she’ll change the whole village. You can’t deny that I’m not minimizing the importance of our fathers and brothers but this corrupt and decay which cause morally infectious disease we have to fight it now. let us hear from our brothers and fathers to stand up strong and champion the flag of freedom of women and teach them to be a strong Queen of Sheba, Tshay….

    We can do this. We should not allow it and defend our women & our country. It’s equally important Say Not in my back yard.

    Thank You!

  2. gigi you stupid woyane,stop blame dispora for everything.after all tigre by blood are shemuta.what can we do?its on your gene.you pretending educated woman while suck huge nigero dick.stop that first bitch a3ame.

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