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Chinese firm Huawei shows Tron console at CES

By   /   January 9, 2014  /   Comments Off on Chinese firm Huawei shows Tron console at CES

Chinese firm Huawei shows Tron console at CESChina’s Huawei micro-console is called the Tron, runs on Android, contains a Tegra 4 chip, and outputs 1080p HD graphics for around $120. Huawei has already made a name for itself with a range of budget-friendly Android handsets that compete with rivals from more established brands; The Mac Pro tube-style casing of Huawei’s Tron accommodates a Tegra 4 chip, the same processor that powers the Nvidia Shield, Microsoft Surface 2, and Asus Transformer Pad Infinity. A sub-$120 price tag puts it in the same ball park as the Android-powered Ouya and its contemporaries such as the GameStick and GamePop, should Huawei’s distribution plans include territories outside of China.

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Chinese firm Huawei shows Tron console at CESChina's Huawei micro-console is called the Tron, runs on Android, contains a Tegra 4 chip, and outputs 1080p HD graphics for around $120. Huawei has already made a name for itself with a range of budget-friendly Android handsets that compete with rivals from more established brands; The Mac Pro tube-style casing of Huawei's Tron accommodates a Tegra 4 chip, the same processor that powers the Nvidia Shield, Microsoft Surface 2, and Asus Transformer Pad Infinity. A sub-$120 price tag puts it in the same ball park as the Android-powered Ouya and its contemporaries such as the GameStick and GamePop, should Huawei's distribution plans include territories outside of China.

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  • Published: 11 years ago on January 9, 2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: January 9, 2014 @ 9:32 am
  • Filed Under: Ethiopia

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