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Ethiopia official demands reform for workers in UAE

By   /   August 9, 2012  /   Comments Off on Ethiopia official demands reform for workers in UAE

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Ethiopia’s Consul General in Dubai Meshuga Arta Moach called on the United Arab Emirates government to move quickly on reforms for workers from the East African nation in order to resume allowing workers to arrive in the Gulf country.

He was speaking after the death of 25-year-old Azeri Abebe, who died from injuries sustained in a gas container blast at her employer’s home in Dubai.

Moach said the case showed how important it is that “changes are made to the system as it highlights three major problems: Sponsors hiring employees through unofficial channels, the lack of medical insurance and the lack of a safe workplace.”

According to the consul, the embassy received “many, many cases” of exploitation and domestic abuse leading up to last month’s move by Addis Ababa to bar workers from going to the UAE.

Last week, Moach revealed the consulate receives more than a dozen calls every day, from domestic workers complaining about abuse.

The Ethiopian labor community has praised the move, saying it is needed until the UAE establish regulations and oversight of foreign workers in the country, who many argue face hardships, abuse and assault while in the country.

The Ethiopian government said they have received repeated reports that there has been abuse of citizens rights by some employers in the UAE.

Amare Abrha, a member of the Ethiopian community in Dubai, told 7DaysDubai.com that the move taken by the government was positive.

“It is long overdue but, nevertheless, we hope it will reduce the suffering housemaids are subjected to, both mentally and physically.

“Any agreement signed with the UAE should address the need to increase minimum wages and also shelter workers from abuse,” Abrha argued.

One woman, a domestic worker in Abu Dhabi for the past 7 years, told Bikyamasr.com that further discussions are needed to protect Ethiopians already living in the country.

“I know at least two women who have been sexually assaulted, one of them raped, by their employer here, but there is nothing they can do because their bosses have their passports,” she told Bikyamasr.com, asking for anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the comments.

Migrant workers face hardship, abuse and trivialization of rights in UAE.

For many domestic workers, life in the UAE can be positive and negative, but across the board, there seems to be consensus to develop an understanding and regulations for workers in the country.

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