www.maledatimes.com “. Near who really rules, these kids are lying on the floor as dangerous as the Patati and Patatá” – By: Mariana Albanese - MALEDA TIMES
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“. Near who really rules, these kids are lying on the floor as dangerous as the Patati and Patatá” – By: Mariana Albanese

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From  Douglas Belchior

Frightening image and actions, celebrated on Facebook pages BOPE, realizing that the deaths of two soldiers were being vindicated and his honor washed with the blood of young black bodies lying on the steps of a hill in any Rio de Janeiro.

There is a saying of origin of the African continent, which says: “The true story of the forest will only be known on the day when the lion speak”. In the case here, Leone. Mariana Albanese, journalist, editor of  Page Vidiga! , human rights activist and resident of the Vidigal slum in Rio de Janeiro, brings us his account of one who feels the contradictions and the effects of a security policy that has as primary mission sanitation and extermination.

It’s long, but worth checking out.

Catching the big thugs that control the trafficking of weapons and drugs, and who do not usually smudge the tie of blood, the kids in the slums of Hawaiian will not die by the hundreds because they are just the tip of the problem. Close to those who really rules, these kids are lying on the floor as dangerous as the Patati and Patatá.

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By  Mariana Albanese  – Journalist and editor of Vidiga page!

When I saw on TV the information of the death of the young officer Alda Castilho, 22, the UPP Proletarian Park, gave me a lump in my throat. One detail caught Background: she was studying psychology, to try to better help the community’s children. It hurt because I remembered that the police act in Vidigal, hillside home where I moved in 2011, eight months before the pacification. Like most who go to the UPP, these girls are young, full of life and end up actually getting involved, giving sports classes, music. Are responsible for morning coffees community. These cops do not come from affluent neighborhoods, earn little and certainly see us little something from their childhood.

But there was no time to feel much, because the next day he began to chase that ended with nine shot on the hill of the Oath. Six young people dead, lying on the floor of a ladder which could be any one of which exist in Vidigal, and the bodies of any of the boys that fill its narrow streets with joy and funk carioca and provocations. Yo mulek!
background Photo hurt, and perhaps even deeper has been the pain of seeing the post I made ​​in the Vidiga page! phrases ever, repeated ad infinitum: “‘re sorry for? Takes him home. “ Or “good bad guy is dead bandit.” For starters: who knows who they were?Then came the information, three had even pass. The other three were blacklisted for minor crimes.

The questions I did here is to kill themselves bring peace, Rio de Janeiro had already turned Stockholm. Simply need to change strategy, because that does not serve. And further: where is the chance to change? In the outback, Padre Cicero preached: “Who stole, steal no more. Who killed, do not kill more. “ At no time in my life seen someone wise to preach peace urging war. But reviews, Bible quotations are used to justify decrees of death.

When I arrived on the hill there was (still are) the memory of the war, it was the clash between two factions, between 2004 and 2006, had the grand finale with seven guys killed by BOPE invaded within a home. The owner of the house, lying on the ground under police gun, seeing a die, tried to say it was not a criminal. Only saved because his dog licked, proving that lived there. He was rendered, and would be killed because BOPE does not hold, just kills. Since always, the same tactic: Shoot, then ask the name.

The chance to change (on its own) was one of the few changes that the UPP has brought the city’s favelas: as armed trafficking was complicated, many people who fichada saw there was not a chance to leave that life behind. Life trafficker soldier, in general, is short: either dies, or tired. It’s almost impossible to stay there a while and not run into many who are now tired and in honest toil.You deal with several of these guys that society calls monsters and wants dead, but are now making strenuous work and then enjoying a barbecue in the slab. One day one of them came to me vent. He told me he just came into the room and UPP captain said: “I’m out. But I’ll just fall off if you give me a guarantee that will not stay on my feet. “ And that day he was heartbroken because I had a police officer who threatened to take his vest motorcycle taxi all the time. How smart he is, he was kind of aware others to organize themselves as a category. And he told me: “end of next week, I have to pay support. Have called me back, but I will not. “

You must understand the whole context to know what animus against the UPP. It’s not just a battle of good versus evil. Especially in the beginning, they fill the bag of honest residents lay rules that hamper the lives of more people than when I was what I call “the other management.”
There are shifts. Shifts of character. The staff know if that night is good or malicious police, and you know if it will or will not be able to give a party. Why, yes: beyond the violence that everybody knows, is day to day with the extreme social control. Philosophy of pacifying assumes that everyone is a suspect until proven otherwise. So popular agglomerations are feared and restrained. The funk is the first thing to be prohibited. Neither indoors nor with lawful sponsor. There are many cases of UPP that ended kids party, or the crowd gathered in a bar watching the game on Sunday. Have shot went over it in German. The blessed Resolution 013 of the Security Secretariat (which has now fallen, but as there is nothing to replace it, we still see remnants of the dictatorship that puppy) is only valid in the slums and gives the commander the final word: he can simply decide that you will not celebrate his birthday.
For this pressure and the track record in the slums, actions against the PM are usually celebrated.

On December 13, 2012, the UPP Vidigal acted violently to end the only recreational area of ​​the hill, a sports court. Would build their headquarters, with a “hall you can use”. Nobody wanted to, went to the front of the court to prevent the tractor, which was there without permission of the Municipality, which owns the land. Began a confrontation, an MP who no longer liked me slapped me in the face, grabbed me by the hair, threw my phone on the floor (I filmed the confusion) and kicked the machine. I was a bitch, I flew to his neck and was arrested. And when I went back to the hill, I was approached by many people who came to tell me the stories of abuse and especially congratulate me for having reacted against “reeds”. I had to travel to my mother’s house, because I could not pass an alley that some guy, sometimes drunk, came to hug me. Nobody wanted to attack me. They just thought I was a hero, whatever. And then think, to the hill, the police is not the solution and neither traffickers are the solution. Nothing has improved substantially to the pacified communities.

There are many shades of favela: all ranges. Location varies, ranging from the faction and varies the charge of UPP. In all cases, what outsiders consider a deliverance from evil, is actually a gross social shock without some preparation. It’s as if they took your floor. It has nothing to do with salvation. You live in a way, under certain rules. Then comes the Shock Battalion, boot and theirs. Two months later, enter a new command, and sends other orders. At first, everyone was afraid to be seen talking to police because the overall certainty is that they will go away and things go back to how they were before.

My opinion is that the UPP does not solve any of the roots of the problem, it is just a social control. The boys of the slum do not even know how the gun ended up in their hands. Came across the border? Came from the army? And the drug? How many plantations there in the hills? See the home of drug lords: any actor Fitness has an apartment on the same level. The Not himself, who is caladíssimo, gave real: half of what he earned was not him, was to buy the connivance of the state.
And it is no secret to anyone, is in all the papers, and then I ask myself why people keep repeating, like mantras, the same “justiceiras” phrases?

When I see these people saying good bad guy is dead bandit, I think about how they are handled. The hill does not like villain, as much as the guy does not like Leblon. Because the resident is unable to work and carries the reputation of what is not. And also because, depending on the faction in power, life is really hard. But they are in the problem, have a more human vision of the thing.Overall, on the hill, who is to “create”, the tendency is to stay the action against the PM, even the dead are criminals. Because they are the “wrong way”, but are children of Dona Maria, play ball with you since brat. The resident does not like the crime, but do not want to see the dead neighbor. They just want to leave this life.

When I arrived at Vidigal, was afraid and anxious waiting for the dealer peacemaking. But months later, I thought I had something very wrong with society, not with the slum. He had never seen a social organization as good as that. There was no robbery, sleeping up to open door. They controlled the traffic, the trash (al who all dirty the hill!), Care about the community, really – this is not only currency for buying other people’s connivance. Were sports courts, wore the streets, finally: is much more complex than we know when he’s out, or when going tour.
remember one night when returning from a party and pressed on a grid to see the moon. Without wanting to hit something, and some guy said, “hey, my stuff.” Was a drug dealer in his post. I apologized, explained what I was doing. He stopped beside me, put my elbow which was supported and said: “Fuck the view is here, right? Has no view more beautiful than the Vidigal. I’m here every night, just look. “ So confused me even more: A “marginal”, “bandit” and “bum” who likes to philosophize and see the sea. Ah, if life were as simple as good and evil …
And the solution to this whole mess that’s there? You go on the source of the problem: if people do not want a “bum” raid “sister or mother” them (always the same example) should charge a global action on security. Catching the big thugs that control the trafficking of weapons and drugs, and who do not usually smudge the tie of blood, the kids in the slums of Hawaiian will not die by the hundreds because they are just the tip of the problem. Close to those who really rules, these kids are lying on the floor as dangerous as the Patati and Patatá.

It is urgent to demilitarize the police – not end it, but change the way you act, and especially their conditions and wages. The hatred of the police is not against the guy or beltrano they are on call in your alley. It is the police institution as a whole, that is without credibility. At the same time, do what has to be done: really make the city slum territory with the right to sanitation, education and health.
But, to be honest, I think it will not happen. Who legislation generally has an interest in violence and poverty. We are entering a civil war that will extend for years. The assaults on the street today are not just a matter of money. The violence has not diminished in places where poverty fell. It is a generation steeped in hatred. No longer the kid who climbed the hill with a bag that had scarves and documents, to finally identify the mother, but what will grab the playboy son of a bitch who clap for the ideal world that preaches Scheherazade. Against the “good man”. But he is not aware of why you are doing it. Just know that there is a very great hatred inside him.

I am discouraged about the future as well. In Vidigal, is counted the years for all the poor are outside. The same happens slowly with Rocinha. I think only a very great tragedy will stop it.


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  • Published: 11 years ago on February 7, 2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: February 7, 2014 @ 8:28 pm
  • Filed Under: Ethiopia

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