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HRLHA fears torture in Ethiopia after reported kidnappings, disappearances

By   /   August 15, 2012  /   1 Comment

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The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa is highly concerned about the safety and whereabouts of two Oromo nationals who were kidnapped and taken away by Ethiopia’s government security agents.                                                                                                                               Negari and Getahun feared kidnapped in Ethiopia. 

According to reports obtained by the HRLHA through its local correspondents, Mr. Biranu Nagari Calchisa, a father of six, was kidnapped from his home in the Ayyana town of Gidda Ayyana District in Eastern Wollega Province in the middle of the night on the 20th of July, 2012. Mr. Calchisa’s family and friends have never heard from him ever since he was taken away by armed security forces; and his whereabouts are not known. Sources added that this is the second time for Mr. Calschisa to be a victim of extrajudicial actions under the same TPLF/EPRDF regime.

In 2000, he was arrested in his hometown and taken to the capital Addis Ababa/Finfinne, where he was detained at the Kalitti and Ma’ikelawi prisons.

Similarly, Mr. Tesfa Getahun Barkessa, also a father of six, a businessman of age 42 and a resident of Najjo town in Western Wollaga Province was abducted from his workplace by security forces on August 2nd, 2012, at 5:00pm local time.

Mr. Tesfa G. Barkessa was seen at Naqamte Hospital, a few days later after his disappearance, escorted by strange people.

Both Mr. Biranu N. Calchisa and Mr. Tesfa G. Barkessa were said to be hardworking citizens, who were very well respected in their Community. Not only the families and friends of these two Oromo nationals, but also HRLHA is highly concerned about their safety and wellbeing, as their whereabouts are not known ever since they disappeared. There is also a very high fear that both Mr. Biranu N. Calchisa and Mr. Tesfa G. Barkessa might have been subjected to tortures and other forms of ill-treatments. The HRLHA calls up on the Ethiopian Government to unconditionally release the two Oromo national; or allow the due process of law to take place in case the two are suspected of committing any crime.

HRLHA also calls up on all regional and international human rights organizations as well as the Western allies of the Ethiopian government to put all available pressures on the ruling TPLF/EPRDF Party so that it refrains from committing such extra-judicial acts of intimidation and harassment against innocent citizens. Such acts are not just endangering the lives of the targeted individuals, but also ruining the futures of their offspring and other dependants.

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  • Published: 13 years ago on August 15, 2012
  • By:
  • Last Modified: August 15, 2012 @ 6:42 pm
  • Filed Under: Ethiopia

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One thought on “HRLHA fears torture in Ethiopia after reported kidnappings, disappearances

  1. This regime you gave them to much power, they’re no body

    Enough is enough there’s nothing to be fear more than fear itself. Fight against it otherwise they will come and take you one by one. It’s your country you’re Ethiopian do not let any tigre to tell you otherwise. They are thief’s, murderers, nomads, and ignorant all you have to do is stand up together in unity for the same cause, when they come and take your neighbor tomorrow it’s on you too do not sit and watch. Unity makes you strong watch from the Muslim protesters when they stood up together the stupid tigre military could not do anything. But when they are alone they will detain them so do the same disobedience they’ll be gone soon just fight, non stop your forefathers fought for your freedom & you can do for your children do not teach them fear teach them to stand up against any kind of dictatorship a brutality and for liberty before anything else.

    Be blessed Ethiopia is one we will win and build a democratic Ethiopia and justice for all!

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