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The Legasy of Meles Zenawi
By Abby /
February 18, 2014 /
Read Time:3 Minute, 34 Second
by Gheremew Araghaw
 As for Melese Zenawi, history will remember him as mother of all traitors who has time and time again betrayed Ethiopia. He fought for Eritrea to make his own country landlocked, instituted corruption and created Bantustan in Ethiopia.
He committed genocide several times. He has done everything in his power to deny Ethiopians their human and basic rights. Torture, summary execution, imprisonment, and mass deportation were a daily occurrence throughout his rein in power. In the name of economic growth, he brought misery to majority of Ethiopians, while making sure his-tribe-mates are the only one who are economically empowered people in Ethiopia and at the expensive of the rest of the population. He took the county to a stupid war for barren land (an estimated 70000 of the youngest of our country men perished in it). He sent troops to Somalia to engage in a war of choice, playing Russian roulette on the life of young Ethiopian soldiers. He gave Ethiopia’s fertile land to Sudan. He leased/sold virgin land to the Saudis and Indians at dirty cheap price for 100 years and the water free of charge. To do that, he conducted a forceful villagaization. For me, the most despicable crime he has committed is the ones he has done while he was a guerrilla leader. He, together with his comrades in arm, bought weapon with drought relief money given for starving children of Tigray by donors. The second one, the way they massacred young guerrilla fighters. They first asked who wants to go back to his home for break from the war, and those who showed an interest to go back to their parents was massacred in coldblooded way.
He, together with Berket Simon, instituted liar’s academy in Ethiopia. All of the big people in the top echelon of power exercise their skill to lie at ease without problem; Shemiless Kemal and Berket being the masters in it. In current Ethiopia, It is as if you need to be good lire to get a good position in power. People (like HD) who says that they are conservative, charismatic evangelical Christian, who swears in the name Jesus day and night, spend a good deal of hours praying to God commit all sort of sins including lies without being force to do so. All of the well-known good virtues like loyalties to friends respect to elders, speaking with good manner, speaking the truth, allegiance to a cause, trust and keeping promises, which are good attributes of the average Ethiopian, were strange to Zenawi. He killed his comrades mercilessly and without hesitating and he went to their funeral shading crocodile tears. He was such racist person he could not even constrained by the highest office he was holding from lashing out repulsive racial slur about his countrymen from other ethnic group in big meeting .
He was such a jealous and insecure person; he could not tolerate any intelligent or popular person next to him. That attribute in him made such sadist person so much so, .He first would allow his opponents to grow in popularity, he would do everything to humiliate them in public, so that to enjoy on their misery he put them. For instance, He had to send Burtukan (the leader of a toothless party then). That was not enough for him; he had to keep her in solitary confinement for six months. He surrounded himself with losers and losers so that to standout and feel better about himself. When He sometimes brags openly about the fact his ministries does not need educational background to run an office or Ethiopia does not need an educated MDs to run health services, that was the dwarf and jealous in him talking. No amount of re-branding would clear such a dark legacy of Zenawi – a man with twisted personality. He himself was aware of his own bad legacy. A few months before he died, probably knowing that he would die soon; he went on TV to compare himself against giants like Atse Tewdors, Atse Minilik and HIM. He tried to diminish their contribution to our country hoping that it will put him in better position, but to no avail.
Internet reporter, freelancer and webmaster.
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