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The 6th year anniversary and the 80th day mourning; Death as a liberator and as a source of sympathy

By   /   August 24, 2012  /   Comments Off on The 6th year anniversary and the 80th day mourning; Death as a liberator and as a source of sympathy

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Young men, women, elders and children’s were slaughtered in the 2005. There families and relative are preparing to light candles in memorial of the 6th year anniversary in the month of November. In the coming same month, the Zenawi’s loved ones will held 80th day of mourning. Wondering if the 2005 victims’ families are going to make the event any different than the past is inevitable.

The past is not the only root for the subject, but also the feelings Zenawi’s death have brought.

July 13, 2012; was the day the Ethiopian court rule on political prisoners. On this day Journalists and oppositions were convicted.

As human right advocates reported, it was the darkest day of my life too. The coming day, July 14, walking in the heart of the Scandinavian capital, a phone call informed me about Zenawi’s death. I haven’t react in such a way others can see. But, for the first time, since I left my country, my mind have never felt big relief like that day’s. The news has brought me the hopes and dreams that a person who is in his own home country could have. That moment, was the summery of all the experiences and feelings I have served. The lights of hopes and courage sparked out of the hopelessness of being in foreign land with in less than 24 hours. At least for the moment I felt emancipated not by people but the divine power.

After a month and six day’s death officially comes to Zenawi. Not only me, most felt joy and some felt nothing, if not relieved. Not because of his lose; but, hoping Ethiopia will be a better country with out him in power.

Yet, it did not wait long as this sense of liberty is chassed by EPRDF’s need for sympathy. His death become the source of liberty and sympathy at the same time.

Meles Zenawi has his legacy as butcher of Ethiopians by those who lost their relatives. ‘He have no love for his country’ say those who truly are concerned about there society, argue it is reflected in his acts and candid yet deceiving words. But, well known by the international community for his human rights abuse, violation of freedom of expression and association.

When he announce the banning of public gatherings against the regime in the year 2005 and start the long lasting crack on descents, it was like freezing Ethiopians and our liberties.

Now he is gone, people feel mentally emancipated. Not actually liberated; but, this will initiate to achieve freedom.

But, on the other hand, EPRDF has been good at seeing opportunities from changing circumstances, even from out of bad once. That is why it is making effort to score out of Zenawi’s death despite the cloud of change in favor of freedom.

Take notice on the media coverage given to the mourning. Seems, it is the start for the coming act of controlling peoples thought. (ESAT TV have already reported the regime started campaign for people to tear out on the streets; this act of EPRDF is “madness”, not different than North Korean.)

That speculated opportunity most probably is based on the idea Ethiopian’s do not have the culture to wish bad on dead person and will show their sympathy for those who are grieving.

‘Give well orchestrated act, in return earn sympathy for it’s own suppression’ seem the plan.

At the same time, the only left independent journalist Temesgen of Fithi; weekly newspaper, has been imprisoned. Which is telling EPRDF chase for sympathy with out any challenge.

Zenawi’s death heat is not confined to Ethiopians only. As foreign medias cover the story with the bad and the good legacy of Zenawi, some reports “Ethiopians mourn of there leaders passing.”

Had there exist freedom of expression and association, the majority could have told that the man has brought bad fate to our life during his stay and celebrate the opportunity (it doesn‘t mean it will not be done); let alone mourning.

The thing about such reports are either unintentionally or for undisclosed purpose ignore the basic fact Zenawi has left us with totalitarian dictatorship. Expecting the society to feel secured after expressing what they truly feel about his death is unthinkable in such circumstance.

Clouding the sense of liberty, hurtful such massages forwarded in our name and trying to earn sympathy by force.

There exist two sides who see this as a good opportunity. Erin Burnett of CNN is one whom I can tell have tested the true Ethiopia coffee, those who can smell it would say death has come to Zenawi as a liberator and as a source of sympathy.

Bizuayehu Tsegaye

About Post Author


Internet reporter, freelancer and webmaster.
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  • Published: 13 years ago on August 24, 2012
  • By:
  • Last Modified: September 28, 2012 @ 4:53 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

About the author

Internet reporter, freelancer and webmaster.

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