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THE BLIND SAMSON…..BYE! BYE! By Solomon Tessema G.

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These blind Samson didn’t investigate that because of this failure monarchies were destroyed, kingdoms subverted, principalities ruined, aristocracies overthrown, and that they were all finally swept away by the ever-ascending spirit of individual liberty, which is the white-winged angel of human progress. And yet they didn’t learn from a study of the past, as we tried to do, a blind Samson who didn’t study, about any government founded upon the one overmastering principle of the liberty of the individual cannot endure.And so our leaders denied without the duty of recognizing and preserving the rights of the individual on the one hand and at the same time giving equal recognition and preservation of the rights of the State. And they didn’t/don’t wave a fabric so enduring, that from that time to this the progress of our country to challenge the wonder and the admiration of the world.
  In my judgement we are confronted with a condition that in the first place will add to the autocratic authority of one man, and on the other hand will give increasing power to the majority. These institutions of ours are based upon four fundamentals. They are, first, individual rights and to preserve these individual rights a government threefold in character—legislative, executive, and judicial. The four pillars of enduring representative government, founded upon a constitution and preserved by its provision, are, therefore, individual rights—the power of the legislature, the power of the executive, and the power of the courts. If either one of these pillars be pulled down by any blind Samson, the whole edifice will crumble and fall to ruin. Therefore, when we consider the result of giving increased power either to the leader of Ethiopia, we threaten the invasion of the sphere of representative government from both sides, which, if persisted in, must inevitably bring the whole fabric to destruction. 
The blind Samson often says, “You are all my boys and girls, and I don’t intend to let anyone kick you around, for I will defend you to the limit when you are loyal to me and my party, and you won’t go wrong against my will…. I am sure.” Here comes the significant statement, which points the moral to my argument. Samson’s idea is as straight a bid for control as was ever made anywhere in this country. Suppose there were 5,000,000 of them, cannot anyone see the power, cannot anyone apprehend the danger? And what was the inevitable result? Scarcely has his words ceased to echo throughout the county until there was a perceptible letting down in efficiency among the unemployed. This is but human nature, and nothing less was to be expected, for if the men who are employed are told by the man who employed them that, in substance, they can do as they please, and that nobody shall be permitted to interfere, as a matter of course that will result in a greater laxity in the performance of duty.
There was too much of a tendency here and now and always to accentuate class existence in Ethiopia since the military regime. Some want legislation for labouring men. Some want legislation for the manufacturers. Others want legislation for the men engaged in some particular calling or vocation. I object to that sort of class legislation. What kind of class existence the ruling party cadres talk controlling the land ownership by the hands of the government? What kind of labour right form any side they want to legislate, after they control all the industries, factories, buildings, and businesses; even the bigger cafes at the hands of their officials and affiliates?  We ought to have Laws passed for the benefit of the whole Ethiopia people, knowing that what inures to the benefit of one would, if it be a just policy of government, inure to the benefit of all, and that what helps all would, with the proper exercise of industry, help each individual unit of society.
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  • Published: 13 years ago on August 29, 2012
  • By:
  • Last Modified: August 29, 2012 @ 6:14 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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