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Joint Coordinating committee of Ethiopian Democratic Forces

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Joint Coordinating committee of Ethiopian Democratic Forces

August 30, 2012
News Release
The Joint Coordinating Committee of Ethiopian Democratic Forces, composed of ten prominent political and civic organizations, has recently established a common platform to jointly struggle against all forms of repressions, tyranny, corruption, discrimination, ethnic hegemony, and injustice in Ethiopia. In a recent statement we jointly issued in connection with the death of Meles Zenawi, we called for the unconditional release of all political prisoners, guarantee freedom of the press, cessation of interference in religious affairs and respect for human rights. The ten organizations have made it clear that liberty, equality and justice must be ensured and an all inclusive transitional process leading towards a genuine democratic political order in Ethiopia should be set in motion.
It is unfortunate that Ethiopia has been ruled by a minority dictatorial regime that has excluded the majority of Ethiopians from all the key institutions and decision making processes and hardly tolerates any forms of dissent. As a result of which a de facto one-party rule has been instituted for two decades. The death of Meles Zenawi has obviously created a power vacuum since there was no apparent succession mechanism in place. This has created uncertainty on the future of the country.
We are deeply concerned that this may lead to a destructive power struggle that may push Ethiopia into a downward spiral with grave consequences for the unity of the country and regional stability. In order to answer pertinent questions and articulate our visions we have found it timely to reach out to our people with clear messages. Hence, the joint committee has organized a press conference with the purpose of creating clarity and put forward the necessary proposals and contingencies at hand.
International and Ethiopian media organizations are invited to participate in the press conference to give coverage to the issues to be raised at the news conference. The press conference will be conducted at 85 South Bragg street, Suite, Alexandria, VA 22312 on Friday, August 31 at 4:00 PM Eastern Standard time. At the press conference eight representatives of the Joint committee will be present to make statements and provide answers to questions. The representatives of the Joint Committee of Ethiopian Democratic Forces, who will be present during the press conference, are Dr. Nuro Dedefo, Ato Abebe Gellaw, Ato Betru Gebreezigiabher, Ato Neamin Zeleke, and Dr. Fiseha Habtemariam, and Dr. Acha Debella.
Media Contacts:
Ato Abebe Gellaw – Tel:650-387-4940
Ato Neamin Zeleke- Tel:202-386-3037
Dr. Fisseha Habte Mariam Tel:202-735-4262
Members of The Joint Committee of Ethiopian Political and Civic Organizations:
1. Advocacy for Ethiopia,
2. Alliance For Liberty, Equality and Justice in Ethiopia (ALEJE)
3. Beiruh Ethiopia Democratic Movement; (Beiruh);
4. Ethiopian Border Affairs Committee;
5. Ethiopian priorities Consultative process (ENPCP);
6. Ethiopian National Transitional Council (ETNC) ;
7. Ethiopian People’s Congress for United Struggle (Shengo);
8. Global Civic Movement for Change in Ethiopia (Beka);
9. March 4 Freedom ,and
10. Oromo Liberation Front (Led by General Kamaal Galchuu).
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  • Published: 13 years ago on September 1, 2012
  • By:
  • Last Modified: September 1, 2012 @ 4:27 am
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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