በቺካጎ የወያኔ አስተባባሪ የሆáŠá‹ አቶ በáቃዱ ረታ  ያስተባበረዠስብሰባ ኮሙኒቲá‹áŠ• እንደማá‹á‹ˆáŠáˆ እና  በተጻáˆá‹ ደብዳቤ ላዠየተጻáˆá‹ á‹áˆ¸á‰µ ከመሆኑሠበላዠየኢትዮጵያ ኮሙኒቲ ማህበሠከማንኛá‹áˆ የá–ለቲካ ድáˆáŒ…ት የማá‹á‹ˆáŠáˆ á£áˆˆáˆ›áŠ•áŠ›á‹áˆ ድáˆáŒ…ት የማá‹áˆ°áˆ« መሆኑን የማህበሩ አባላቶች ገáˆáŒ¸á‹‹áˆá¢  የኢትዮጵያ ኮሙኒቲ ዳá‹áˆ¬áŠá‰°áˆ ዶ/ሠእáˆá‰áŠ• በስáˆáŠ ባáŠáŒ‹áŒˆáˆáŠá‰ ት ወቅት ሰለ ደብዳቤዠመጻá ስንጠá‹á‰ƒá‰¸á‹ áˆáŠ•áˆ አá‹áŠá‰µ መáˆáŠ¥áŠá‰µ እንዳላስተላለበእና በኢáˆáŠ–ዠህጠመሰረት ማንኛá‹áˆ ኮሙኒቲ ከá–ለቲካ á“áˆá‰²á‹Žá‰½ የጸዳ መሆን እንዳለበት ስለሚታመን ለስራቸá‹áˆ ሲባሠኮሙኒቲዠከማንኛá‹áˆ የá–ለቲካ ስራ ላዠእንደማá‹áˆ³á‰°á ጠá‰áˆ˜á‹‹áˆÂ ከከንቲባዠጽህáˆá‰µá‰¤á‰µáˆ áˆáŠ•áˆ ደብዳቤ ለኮሙኒቲዠእንዳለደረሰá‹áˆ ተገáˆáŒ¾áŠ ሠ::የተጻáˆá‹ ደብዳቤ ኮሙኒቲá‹áŠ• የማá‹á‹ˆáŠáˆ ሲሆን የራሳቸá‹áŠ• የወያኔ አባላቶችን ብቻ ሊወáŠáˆ እንደሚችሠጠá‰áˆ˜á‹‹áˆá¢
በሌላሠበኩሠአንዳንድ የቺካጎ ኮሙኒቲ አባላቶችን የማለዳ ታá‹áˆáˆµ ዘጋቢ ከስáራዠእንዳጠናቀረዠህብረተሰቡን የሚወáŠáˆ ስራ እንዳáˆáˆ†áŠ የተናገሩ ሲሆን በተለá‹áˆ á‹áˆ‹áˆ‰ :: በáቃዱ ረታ በኮሙኒቲዠጥሩ ስሠየሌለዠእና áˆáŠ•áˆ áŠáŒˆáˆ ቢሰራ ህá‹á‰¡áŠ• የሚወáŠáˆ ሳá‹áˆ†áŠ• ወያኔን እና ወያኔ አáቃáˆá‹«áŠ•áŠ• ብቻ áŠá‹ ሲሉ ገáˆáŒ¸á‹‹áˆ á¢
በቦታá‹áˆ የተገኙት የትáŒáˆ«á‹ ተወላጆች እና ወያኔ አáቃሪያኖች ብቻ መገኘታቸá‹áŠ• የማለዳ ታá‹áˆáˆµ ዘጋቢ ጠá‰áˆžáŠ áˆ::በሌላሠበኩáˆÂ በማለዳ ታá‹áˆáˆµ ዘጋቢ ዘላለሠገብሬ ቤት á‹áˆµáŒ¥ የማስáˆáˆ«áˆªá‹« ዛቻ ደብዳቤ እንደድረሰá‹áˆ á‹áŒ á‰áˆ›áˆ እáˆáˆ±áˆ ከáˆá‹ˆá‹³á‰µ ሃገሬ አባረራችáˆáŠ• በሞት ááˆá‹µ áˆáˆ¨á‹³á‰½áˆá‰¥áŠ áŠáŒ»áŠá‰µ ባለባት አሜሪካሠመጣችሠáˆá‰³áˆµáˆáˆ«áˆ©áŠ አትችሉሠሲሠáŒáˆáŒ¾áˆ‹á‰¸á‹‹áˆ ::á‹áˆ…ሠሆኖ መለስ ዜናዊ በኢትዮጵያ ህá‹á‰¥ ላዠጥሩ áŠáŒˆáˆ ሳá‹áˆ†áŠ• የሞት á‹áˆáŒ…ብአለ21 አመታት ሲወስን ኖሮአሠዛሬ á‹°áŒáˆž ተራዠደáˆáˆ¶ ጽዋá‹áŠ• ቢጎáŠáŒáˆ á‹áˆ… ከእáŒá‹šáŠ ብሄሠየመጣ ትእዛዠእንደሆአብናá‹á‰…ሠእንደ አደረገዠድáˆáŒŠá‰µ እና áŠá‹á‰µ ለááˆá‹µ መቅረብ á‹áŒˆá‰£á‹ áŠá‰ ሠሲሠአáŠáˆŽ á‹áŒˆáˆáŒ»áˆ ᢠየወያኔ አባላቶች በዚህ የáŠá‹á‰µ ስራዠሊመጻደበእና የአáሪካ አባት እያሉ ሊጠሩትሠየሚገባ ሰዠአá‹á‹°áˆˆáˆ á£á‰ አáሪካ á‹áˆµáŒ¥ ስለ አáሪካ ደህንáŠá‰µ የታገሉት ማንዴላ እና ሃá‹áˆˆáˆµáˆ‹áˆ´ ብቻ ናቸዠሲሠá‹áŒˆáˆáŒ»áˆ á¢á‰ ሌላሠአጀንዳ መለስ ዜናዊ የሰዠመገኛ ቅáˆáˆµ የሆáŠá‰½á‹áŠ• የሉሲን አጽሠለአሜሪካ ሸቶ ሳትመለስ ያስቀረ የታሪአጀáŒáŠ“ መሆኑን ሲጠá‰áˆ á£áŠ¨á‹šáˆ… በáŠá‰µ ስለ አáŠáˆ±áˆ ሃá‹áˆá‰µ ሲáŠáˆ³ የአáŠáˆ±áˆ ሃá‹áˆá‰µ ለወላá‹á‰³ áˆáŠ‘ áŠá‹ በማለት አቶ ተሾመ ቶጋን መሳደቡ የሚታወስ áŠá‹ á‹áˆ‹áˆ ሆኖሠአáˆáŠ• በአቶ መለስ áˆá‰µáŠ የሚተካዠየወላá‹á‰³ ተወላጅ ናቸዠእሳቸá‹áˆµ áˆáŠ• á‹áˆ°áˆ›á‰¸á‹ á‹áˆ†áŠ• በማለት መáˆáŠ¥áŠá‰±áŠ• በጥያቄ መáˆáŠ ያቀáˆá‰£áˆá¢ ታሪáŠáŠ• የገደሉ አገáˆáŠ• ያጠበእና የሰá‹áŠ• áˆáŒ… መሰረት ያጠበናቸዠአቶ መለስ ሲሠወደ ኋላ ከሳቸዠጋሠያሳለáናቸá‹áŠ• ዘመናቶች ዘወሠብለን እንመáˆáŠ¨á‰µ ቪድዮá‹á‰½áŠ•áˆ እንበáˆá‰¥áˆ ከአንድ ባለስáˆáŒ£áŠ• ወá‹áŠ•áˆ አዋቂ ለáŠáŒˆáˆ የማá‹áŒˆá‰£ ጸያá ቃላቶችን ከሳቸዠእንሰማለን á‹« ከሆአጀáŒáŠ“ ያሰኛቸዠየስድብ ጀáŒáŠ“ ናቸዠሲሠጠá‰áˆžáŠ áˆá¢
ከዚህ በáŠá‰µ በኢትዮጵያ ኮሙኒቲ አሶሳሽን ኦá ቺካጎ ሲያገለáŒáˆ የáŠá‰ ረ እና በመጥᎠስራዠከኮሙኒቲዠየተባረረዠእና ስሙን በወያኔ ማህበሠá‹áˆµáŒ¥ ለማደስ የተሯሯጠዠá‹áŠ¸á‹ áŒáˆˆáˆ°á‰¥ በ2002 ኢትዮጵያን አቆጣጠሠበኢትዮጵያ በተደረገዠáˆáˆáŒ« ላዠመንáŒáˆµá‰µ አብላጫá‹áŠ• ቦታ እንደያዘ እና እንደዚáˆáˆ ዲሞáŠáˆ«áˆ²á‹«á‹Š ስáˆáŠ ት ባለዠየáˆáˆáŒ« á‹á‹˜á‰µ 99.7% አሸንáŽáŠ ሠሲሠለሪá–áˆá‰°áˆ ጋዜጣ በሰጠዠጋዜጣዊ መáŒáˆˆáŒ«á‹ የቺካጎን ህá‹á‰¥ እንዳስቆጣ á‹áŠ“ገራሉ á¢á‰ ሌላሠበኩሠበቺካጎ áˆá‹© áŠáˆáˆ‰ አᕠታá‹áŠ• እየተባለ በሚጠራዠአካባቢ ለአáˆá‹°áˆáˆ›áŠ•áŠá‰µ በሃገራችን አጠራሠዋáˆá‹µ 46 ላዠ(ለወረዳ አስተዳዳሪáŠá‰µ) የተወዳደረ ሲሆን በá‹áˆ¨áˆ« መሸáŠá‰áŠ• ሪá–áˆá‰°áˆ«á‰½áŠ• ማጣራቱን á‹áŒˆáˆáŒ»áˆ á¢
በአá‹áŒ‹ áŽáˆáˆ ላዠየወጣá‹áŠ• ደብዳቤ እንዲህ አያá‹á‹˜áŠá‹‹áˆ
Chicago Remembers the Life and Legacy of Late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi
August 1, 2012 (Chicago)—Ethiopians, Americans of Ethiopian origin, and friends of Ethiopia
mourned on Saturday the untimely death of Late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi who died August
20, 2012, and unanimously vowed to carry on his impressive legacy that spanned nearly four
decades of public service–twenty one years of which as prime minister. More than 450 people
attended the memorial service that was held at the heart of Chicago.
Representatives from the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, Protestant and Muslim
religions took turns to pay tribute to late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, and consoled the
mourners by citing verses from the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran, respectively. They extended
condolences to the family of the late Prime Minister and to the Ethiopian people in general.
Members of the Chicago Ethiopian Community presented poems and gave touching speeches on
the life of Prime Minister Meles. Selam, a young girl from Wheaton, brought the mourners into
profound tears when she proclaimed, “We will put Meles’ legacy in the tablet of our hearts.†A
moving poem, narrated by a young boy from Chicago, reinforced the people’s determination to
embrace Meles’ legacy and to realize his vision—to see a peaceful and prosperous Ethiopia.
Haile Berhe, a childhood friend of Meles, described the late Prime Minister as, “an avid reader
who had broad knowledge on all subject matter.â€
Judging from the people who attended the memorial service, the untimely death of Prime
Minister Meles Zenawi has brought sadness to many who are not necessarily members of the
Ethiopian community. A case in point; representatives from the Eritrean community and the
South Sudanese community read messages of condolences and affirmed their solidarity with the
Ethiopian people. The South Sudanese said,†Meles was our brother and friend through thin and
thick of our people’s struggle for freedom, and we trust Ethiopia more than any other country.â€
Likewise, the representative from the Eritrean community offered this: “Peace loving Eritreans
equally mourn the death of Prime Minister Meles with you. The outpouring of grief from all
sections of the Ethiopian society, which I witnessed on ETV, shows how much the prime
minister was loved and admired by his people.â€
The Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel has also offered condolences to the Ethiopian
Community in Chicago in particular and the Ethiopian people in general. The Mayor praised the
late Prime Minister’s legacy. The Resolution letter was read by the Chair of the Memorial
Service Organizing Committee Befekadu Retta. It will also be sent to Ethiopia via the Ethiopian
Embassy in Washington, DC, after it is adopted by the city council on September 12, 2012.
In closing, Befekadu Retta reminded us that we have to redouble our efforts in helping our
country, Ethiopia, if we want Meles to be proud of us. “If we love Meles,†he says, “We have to
stop the grief right now and start working towards the realization of his vision for Ethiopia.â€
Amen to that!!
May God rest Meles Zenawi’s soul in peace.
Memorial Service Organizing Committee,
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