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The past 20 years and the current political situation in Ethiopia

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On 30th May 2014 the members of Democratic change in Ethiopia support organization in Norway(DCESON) presented about the past 20 years and the current political situation in Ethiopia to the Norwegian and Ethiopian society in Norway . Presentation was prepared on the day mentioned above and many peoples were participated from different places in Norway. It was well presented by Mr Daniel Fikere and Natinael Kebtimer.

Mr Daniel presented about “The past 20 years and the current political situation in Ethiopia’’. When he presented he mention different points, Ethiopians 23 years and current political
situation under the brutal and dictatorial regime of Ethiopia by the
name of Ethiopians those who suffer journalists and activists in
different parts of Ethiopia’s prison, innocent peoples who lost their
life, killed, tortured, displaced with force from their land, leaders
and followers of both Christian and Muslim who are in prison and lost their life, the new and the young generation those who are hopples by poverty and fled the country to find work in the Arabs killed ,raped ,tortured ,killed alive take out their kidneys and sold and lost their life in the sea and oceans. Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) government, a brutal dictatorship, albeit one dressed in democratic western grab 23 years of suppression at the hands of the EPRDF, simmering discontent and anger appears. Robbed of hope, the people have had enough, of the wide-ranging human rights abuses. The denial of constitutional rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of expression, the right to assemble, gender equality, freedom of religion, the arbitrary imprisonments and torture, regime violence, the displacement of people from ancestral land, the partisan distribution of aid, and the rising cost of living.

As I try to explain to understand some of the characteristics and
features of the regime today in Ethiopia forget the other human rights, freedom of expression is impossible. Press and media almost belongs to the regime. As of CPJ (committee to protect journalists report on 2012.Ethiopia is top countries from which journalists in to exile in recent years, Somalia 78, Iran 68 Ethiopia 49.  72 papers are closed under Males Zenawi. Internet Ethiopia ranked bottom on the 2013 Web Index the World Wide Web Consortium rank Ethiopia 80th out of the 81 countries it covered. The ranking reaffirms ‘hélas‘ the
wide spread Cyber Censorship and Surveillance in Ethiopia, corroborates that with regards to ‘Internet freedom’, Ethiopia is the one of the most repressive countries in the World as recently reported by Freedom House in its Global assessment of Internet and Digital Media. Cost of living rises from time to time and now food expenditure of total household income estimated to account for more than 60 percent that any increase in food price has negative effect on the well-being of large majorities.
Independent institutions like the judiciary, the media, the election
board, and the many civic organizations that create a healthy society, cannot exist in the country. Laws are passed and misused to criminalize dissent; causing heroes of truth, freedom and justice to be charged and sentenced to years in prison as terrorists under vague anti-terrorism laws. The Charities and Societies Proclamation (CSO) has totally paralysed civil society by outlawing organizations that obtain more than 10% of their budget from foreign sources from advocating for such things as human rights, child rights, women’s rights, conflict resolution between ethnicities and religions, and other essential responsibilities of civil society. It is estimated that over 2,600 organizations closed their doors in response to this draconian law. On the other hand, the TPLF/EPRDF regime has set up their own pseudo-institutions in order to deceive outsiders. Ladies and gentlemen! After 23 Ethiopians under EPRDF political repression is continued from bad to worst and now in Addis Ababa the capital city of Ethiopia and the sitting place of United Nations, African union and many international organizations.

After 23 years we have electric without power, Pipes but not water.
Telephone without network, Tea without sugar Economy cannot feed one meal a day. Our offices led by only one ethnic and membership to EPRDF instead of educated ones, Transport costs very expensive, Internet without connection, Media control by the regime, We have religion but not free to worship, We have country but not elected leaders.

Mr Daniel Said, that he can say a lot more about Ethiopians political repression it is undiscovered to tell but now he want to say something about the 2014 political repression because this year a lot of crime against humanity after 23 staying of powers continued and reach out its boiling point!

The Muslim questions start from December 2011 and still protesting
peacefully and they are not yet solved and accepted by EPRDF The
Awelye Mosque protest that started almost two years ago by our Muslim brothers and sisters is nothing else but the right to exercise their God given if not their democratic right. To elect their Leaders of the
Council of Islamic Affairs is their democratic right rather be
instrumental, it makes the Muslim leaders and flowers
jailed, tortured, killed all over in different parts of the country
still continuing their voice on every Friday for their right.
An opposition group blue party formed by engineer Yelekal Getenet with a young Ethiopians staged a protest on September 2013 The public protest Semayawi organised in June was the first major demonstration on the streets of Addis Ababa since 2005 when hundreds of protesters
were killed in violence Some 100 members of Ethiopia’s opposition
Semayawi (Blue) party were arrested and some badly beaten and 0n 2014
Semayawi Party (Blue Party) Ethiopia’s most active opposition party held rare protest against the ruling regime TPLF/EPRDF on April 27,2014 in the capital Addis Ababa hundreds were beaten and arrested and still 26 members are in prison. Following the arrests, calling for “greater liberties and a true democracy” in Ethiopia, but police shut the 200-person demonstration down soon after it started. HRW said 20 members of the political opposition Semayawi or “Blue”party have also been arrested since Friday.
Another opposition group UDJ also prepares on May 4, 2014 crying day through Ethiopia was finished by intimidation and arrest of the
general secretary of UDJ Mr. Aserat Tase and it is known
internationally the leader of this party Andualem Arage is sentenced a long life prison and now he is in jail.

Following this Zone9 bloggers in Ethiopia. They have not been charged; in fact, the government could not come up with reasonable
cause for detaining the 6 bloggers and 3 journalists. It has now come to our attention that two have been tortured. All they did was blog about conditions in their own country. Corruption has gone out of control; in a decade beginning in 2001 $16.5 billion have been illicitly transferred to foreign banks [according to Washington, DC-based Global Financial Integrity]. There are chronic water, power and food shortages. The state security literally eavesdrops on
telephone conversations and controls Internet connectivity making
Ethiopia the least served in Africa were still in jail. Here we can see in Ethiopia blogging is seen.
And now currently Ethiopia: Crimes Against University Students and Humanity On May 2, 2014,BBC reported that the security forces of the regime in Ethiopia had massacred at least 47 university and high school students in the town of Ambo 80 miles west of the capital Addis Ababa. The regime dismissed the massacre and tried to sweep it under the rug claiming that a “few anti-peace forces incited and coordinated the violence”. There has been little international coverage or outrage over the massacre.
Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a statement condemning the “shooting at and beating [of] peaceful protesters in Ambo, Nekemte, Jimma, and other towns”. According to HRW, the student “protests erupted over the release of the proposed Addis Ababa Integrated Development Master Plan” which would “expand Addis Ababa’s municipal boundary to include more than 15 communities in Oromia” and displace Oromo farmers and residents. HRW demanded an immediate end to the excessive use of force by the regime’s security forces against peaceful student
Here the BBC did not match what the local peoples figure out. The
local people says more than 70 peoples are killed more than 200 wounded and thousands are put in jail and others are not where they are.
This big crime against humanity in the 20th century after 23 years of staying power is not getting a media coverage by the international community.
Finally in his speech mentioned that we are coming from the opposition parts such us GINBOT 7 movement, OLF, ONLF and others groups which where labled as a terrorist group. All of them have a question which has to be solved but, the government continues to kill with 23 years of brutal and dictatorial way.

Reported by: Kumilachew Gebremeskel Ambo



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  • Published: 11 years ago on June 10, 2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: June 10, 2014 @ 6:59 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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