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U.K. government halts aid to Ethiopia government.

By   /   August 19, 2014  /   Comments Off on U.K. government halts aid to Ethiopia government.

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The largest foreign aid of UK government goes to Ethiopia however on the 14.Aug, 2014 the UK supreme court has passed a decision to revise the aid program. The corrupted and dictatorial Ethiopian current government uses foreign aid especially from UK to fill government’s cadre’s bank accounts instead of alleviating the people from poverty. In fact it is a painful truth that Ethiopia is the 2nd poorest country in the world at the present time. But the stone hearted Ethiopian current ruling party leaders have no shame saying the country is growing fast. Actually they made no mistake if they are referring to the corrupted officials and cadres. But the truth of the matter is that almost 96% of the population is immersing day to day into an extreme poverty. United nation has announced in the week before that more than 14million people are in need of desperate food aid in East African countries. Among these countries Ethiopia has more than 2 million people depending on foreign food aid for their survival.

On contrary the Tigrian ethnic dominating Ethiopian government sells fertile land in an extraordinary cheap price to Indians, Saudi Arabians investors and of course to the Tigrian wealthy butchers by forcefully resettling more than 10,000 indigenous poor people .To achieve this cruel resettlement program and human right violation acts, especially in western Ethiopia, the narrow minded Ethiopia government depends highly on UK government aid. The aid was supposed to build schools, health centers and pay the salary of public servants. What a government which cannot even pay the salary of its public servants but brag claiming they have recorded a fast growth in the country!

Aljazeera television has prepared and aired on Aug 9, 2014 a special program on People and power at this time, entitled ‘’ Land for sale’’ to show how poor farmers in western Ethiopia are forced to abandon their land so that the government can sell their fertile land for private investors. Sadly the investors are not totally interested to allocate even small percent of the product to the local market. They rather export their products while the poor indigenous people are starving day after day. While these investors are in a hurry to grab these fertile lands given by Woyane leaders almost as a gift to feed the world, the Ethiopian people are staggering day to day for daily bread. All in all the UK Supreme Court in London said a review would be conducted into whether the UKs aid agency is adequately monitoring the human right record of Ethiopian government.

By: Zerihun Shumete Tessema Germany


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  • Published: 10 years ago on August 19, 2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: August 19, 2014 @ 9:03 am
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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