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Stolen Rolex watches recovered inside women’s vaginas at Las Vegas hotel: police

By   /   August 30, 2014  /   Comments Off on Stolen Rolex watches recovered inside women’s vaginas at Las Vegas hotel: police

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The two timepieces, valued at $12,000 and $4,000, went missing last week after police say their three female bandits flirted their way inside their victims’ room at the Encore hotel-casino,BY
From left, Bryanna Warren, Trinity Kennard and Charmella Triggs were arrested in Las Vegas last week after police say they stole two Rolex watches and hid them inside of their vaginas.LVMPD)
From left, Bryanna Warren, Trinity Kennard and Charmella Triggs were arrested in Las Vegas last week after police say they stole two Rolex watches and hid them inside of their vaginas.

Talk about a conversation piece!

A pair of Rolex watches stolen from two men in a Las Vegas hotel were recovered after found inside their alleged thieves’ vaginas, said police.

The timepieces, valued at $12,000 and $4,000, went missing last week after police say their three female bandits flirted their way inside their victims’ room at the Encore hotel-casino, Fox5 reported.

Bryanna Warren, 23; Trinity Kennard, 23; and Charmella Triggs, were eventually collared after elevator video surveillance captured two of them hiding the watches inside of them, according to the Aug. 17 police report.

One of the two victims, a tourist visiting from India, told police that the trouble started after first meeting Warren and Triggs at the hotel’s bar around 3:30 a.m. and the women slipping him their phone number.

About 30 minutes later, after stumbling into him again in the hall, they joined him for drinks in his room before one of his friends joined them, as well as Kennard.

One of the two male victims told police that they met Warren and Triggs at the Encore hotel-casino's bar. They allegedly flirted with him and came up to his room for drinks before performing sex acts.George Rose/Getty ImagesOne of the two male victims told police that they met Warren and Triggs at the Encore hotel-casino’s bar. They allegedly flirted with him and came up to his room for drinks before performing sex acts.

It was while two of the women were performing some kind of sex act on the men in separate rooms that police said the men noticed their watches were missing after they were taken off.

When confronted about the theft, the women fled the room and into an elevator while threatening to shock the trailing men with a stun gun.

They were allegedly then filmed inserting the watches inside of themselves.

The women were collared downstairs by police and the pricey watches were recovered.

They were booked on counts of burglary, conspiracy to commit grand larceny and conspiracy to commit robbery.


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  • Published: 11 years ago on August 30, 2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: August 30, 2014 @ 10:34 am
  • Filed Under: Ethiopia

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