www.maledatimes.com Ethiopia Country Training on Resource Mobilization and Project Management (Module I, II, III & IV) - MALEDA TIMES
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Ethiopia Country Training on Resource Mobilization and Project Management (Module I, II, III & IV)

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The Ethiopia Country Training on Resource Mobilization, Project Planning, Proposal Writing and Project Management will be held on the dates, and at the venues indicated below. The training programme will cover Modules I, II, III and IV. This training is aimed at making participants more confident in their ability to raise resource, manage their projects, mobilize communities and empower them more efficiently and effectively.

Country Module Date Venue
Ethiopia I November 3rd to 7th, 2014 Gudina Tumsa Training Centre, Mekanisa, Addis Ababa
Ethiopia II November 10th to 14th, 2014 Gudina Tumsa Training Centre, Mekanisa, Addis Ababa
Ethiopia III November 17th to 21st, 2014 Gudina Tumsa Training Centre, Mekanisa, Addis Ababa
Ethiopia IV November 24th to 28th, 2014 Gudina Tumsa Training Centre, Mekanisa, Addis Ababa


Diploma in Resource Mobilization, Organizational Development and Project Management

This training is part of the Four Modules leading to the attainment of a Diploma in Resource Mobilization, Organizational Development and Project Management. Participants who have completed the four modules will be awarded Diplomas in Project Management awarded by the International Institute of Fundraising in collaboration with Shareworld University. Participants wishing to pursue degree courses will be recommended to Shareworld University and the Commonwealth University which are our key partners in this programme.

Module I: Training on Resource Mobilization, Project Planning and Proposal Writing

This Module aims at enabling organizations in the region in mobilizing resources and building their capacity to fundraise more effectively for priority projects and facilitate the implementation of their activities. There is availability of untapped resources within the region which can be identified and mobilized for various activities. But a major cause for lack of resources for many institutions has been identified as inadequate capacity for analyzing, planning and enforcing resource mobilization activities. Scarcity of information on resource mobilization has also been identified as an impediment. Mastery of resource mobilization, project planning and proposal writing skills dictates that organizations and individuals should learn and practice the art of resource mobilization. At the same time they must enhance their practical road-map for resource mobilization success in a highly competitive philanthropic and financial environment.

Module II: Training on Project Management

This Second Module deals mainly with project management skills. Almost every organization realizes the importance of project management as a vital process which plays a central role in achieving project goals and objectives. Learning to use and apply Project Management is a valuable and essential life skill. Every project manager or community worker needs these skills because he/she will use them throughout their life whether on the job or off-job. Everyone who works and deals with projects requires project management competency. Project Management skills will help you achieve better results. Mastering the art of Project Management can help one become a better manager, facilitator and team-worker as well as a stellar performer at work. Project management involves organization of tasks, time and resources to achieve some specific goals.

Besides helping you learn the management projects successfully, this course will also give you the confidence and tact in managing people as well as that rare opportunity to network and build relationships. Project management training will arm you with valuable skills and knowledge such as planning, organization, communication with team members, timely application of various leadership skills and management tools, cost estimation, facilitation of meetings and management of multiple projects. Since maintaining high quality is fundamental in project management, this course helps achieve this through proper planning, budget allocation, resources and good testing methods to help achieve higher quality service. This course will generally help you as a manager to grasp the intricacies of control, quality and management.

Module III: Training on Community Mobilization, Empowerment and Poverty Reduction

The objective of this Module is to equip participants with the skills needed for Mobilization and Empowerment. Community Mobilization is the cornerstone of rural and urban development and poverty alleviation programmes. Community Mobilization is a powerful instrument in delivering programmes aimed at strengthening human and institutional resources development at local level. Community Mobilisation strengthens participation of rural poor in local decision-making, improves their access to social and production services and efficiency in the use of locally available resources, and enhances opportunities for asset-building by the poorest of the poor.

In particular, this Module underscores the importance of increasing poor people’s access to opportunity, security, and empowerment for economic growth and poverty reduction. Community Mobilization and Empowerment is the expansion of assets and capabilities of poor people to participate in, negotiate with, influence, control, and hold accountable institutions that affect their lives. Empowering poor men and women requires the removal of formal and informal institutional barriers that prevent them from taking action to improve their wellbeing – individually or collectively – and limit their choices. This module will also examine the principles of community mobilization and empowerment.

Module IV: Training on Institutional Development and Organisational Strengthening

If you are keen to learn about developing the capacity of your organisation, partnerships or networks for real performance improvements, this is your Module. Where do I start to develop the capacity of my organisation? What should be my priorities? What is the relation between what goes on inside my organisation and the external factors influencing it? What will really make a difference, leading to better performance? At the end of this course you will:

  •          have gained insight into the steps of a systematic process to define capacity development needs of your organisation;
  •          know how to link capacity development with concrete performance improvements;
  •          be able to design a strategy for improving your organisational capacity using a variety of tools and methods;
  •          understand the essential conditions for strengthening your organisation and what drives change in your organisation.


Yours Sincerely,

Dr. John Chikati

Regiona Coordinator

Regional Partnership for Resource Development

IFRD Gardens, Kilimani Road, Off Ngong Road

P. O. Box 5027 – 00506 Nairobi, Kenya

Mobile: +254 721 637584/ +254 722 656856

E-mail: ifdm@hotmail.com / ifdm@wananchi.com / ifdm@repared.co.ke


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  • Published: 11 years ago on September 6, 2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: September 6, 2014 @ 3:09 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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