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TPLF awaits with open hands for President Hadi     as done for Ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

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On June 23, 2014 the Yemeni intelligence officers arrested Ato Andargachew Tsege, an Ethiopian-born British national and secretary-general of Ginbot 7 movement, at Sanaa’s El Rahaba International Airport, while on a transit flight to Eritrea. The Yemeni government had him extradited to the Ethiopian government. Recently the Yemen government has been in the midst of tension by his own people. When the Yemen government stuck its nose on Ethiopia’s political affair, it is now trapped in a huge political turmoil in its own country.adhanom

Ato Andargachew had been struggling for prevalence of democracy in Ethiopia. He has devoted himself to the true cause of Ethiopian people, the inevitable desire for democracy. He was diligently struggling the dictatorial regime of Ethiopia which was helping Eretria in the time of Yemen Eritrea warover the island of Greater Hanish in the Red Sea in 1995. On this war the munitions and other arms that Eritrea government used against Yemeni people were given and conveyed by the Woyane regime. But president Hadi seemed to forget this vivid reality. In a deep and closer look, the Woyane regime was attacking the Yemeni people siding the Eretria government. President Hadi should have paid attention to the vexatious TPLF before reaching a decision on handing Ato Andargachew Tsege over to the cruel Ethiopian current government. History tells us that the Woyane regime (the current Ethiopian government) was as much an enemy as the Eretria’s to the Yemen. The current Yemen government has painted an unforgettable and probably unforgivable mistake by extraditing the freedom fighter Ato Andargachew Tsege to Ethiopian government. Any other country would have a second thought before making such decision.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued two arrest warrants on Omar Hassan al_     Bashir, President of Sudan, in March 2009 and in July 2010 for crimes of war, genocide and against humanity .However after the arrest warrants had been issued he travelled to different countries including to Ethiopia without being apprehended and extradited. On 25 April 2014 Omar al-Bashir travelled to Ethiopia to attend the 3rd Forum on Security in Africa. Why did the Ethiopia government (TPLF) neglect the call of the international community? Why did not the Woyane criminal leaders apprehend him to ICC? Of course the Ethiopian leaders are still unwilling to be the member of ICC because they have also committed both of genocide and violation against humanity. The world knows that Omar Al-Bashir was the root cause for the irritating civil war in Sudan especially in Darfur that resulted in more than three hundred thousand death and in the displacement of millions. On the contrary Ato Andargachew Tsege was trying to get rid of the Meles Zenawi’s cruel party (TPLF) which was adding fuel on the horrific fight between north and south Sudan by assisting the south Sudan while playing a catalyst role in the north. Ato Andargachew was fighting this same party that is cruel to its own citizens and unfaithful in the region. From what angel did president Hadi see the importance of extraditing this freedom seeker and equality advocate to Ethiopian current ruling party?tsege

There was no need for the Yemen president to apprehend Ato Andargachew Tsege. He was not a threat to the Yemeni people and government. On the other hand TPLF was Yemeni’s people and government enemy and it was proved by its collaboration during the Yemen Eretria war. Ato Andargachew Tsege is like a composer who was trying to create a work that brings equality, justice and freedom to those who have been deprived of them for more than 23 years.  The 2011 Yemen’s revolution, which led to the death of more than 40 protesters, brought the three decades Ali Abdullah Saleh dictatorial rule to an end after a yearlong protest and mob. It was not Ato Andargachew Tsege (is secretary-general of Ginbot 7 movement until he was illegally extradited by Yemen) but rather the deceased prime minster Meles Zenawi (chairperson of TPLF before his death)   who was arranging conducive hiding place in Addis Ababa after the Ex-president Ali Abdullah Sale ousted on 2012.The Ethiopian people are under the rule of this tyrannical regime (TPLF) for more than 23 years. Many have sacrificed their life to free Ethiopians from the harsh rule of the current narrow minded ethnocentric Ethiopian government. “ The country does not need additional crises to deepen its wounds, as the next period requires serious dialogue and clear outlines through a new constitution that meets the national expectations,”(President  Hadi on his inauguration on 2012). It is a true fact that no country wants to deepen its wounds and worsen them. During the time that the Ethiopians are suffering from misery which this cruel government brings daily upon us, the Yemen government added acid on our wounds by handing over our freedom advocate and legend Ato Andargachew Tsege.

There is a saying which goes “What goes around comes around.” What the Yemen government did to the 90 million freedom seeker Ethiopians, fired back to itself. The world is witnessing at the present time that the Yemen government is on constant battle with its own citizens who are determined to dethrone it. However, for the Ethiopians the arrest of Andargachew Tsege brought us in to more unity and solidarity. If things do not work for president Hadi, then running towards TPLF seeking for asylum may be a good idea. Of course for the favor of extraditing Ato Andargachew, the Woyane regime (the current tyrannical ruling party in Ethiopia) will arrange a favorable resident in Addis Ababa as it was done for the x president Ali Abdullah.  I hope the heartless TPLF leaders will grant him all the protection in Addis Ababa until they themselves are removed from power by the united Ethiopian power.

By Zerihun Shumete (From Germany)

Sources: – Wikipedia free encyclopaedia

–         Boston .com

–         Aljezera.com

–         BBC.com

–         International Criminal Court ( Date 29,April,2014)





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  • Published: 11 years ago on September 7, 2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: September 7, 2014 @ 2:53 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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