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The smarts remained united while the greedy divided.

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In 1993 has Woyane in collaboration with Eritrea’s current government separated Eritrea from Ethiopia. The long history ( both Ethiopia’s and Eritrea’s) was easily brought to an end by these TPLF’s butchers. On the other hand the Scotland voted to remain united as before with Great Britain on 2014.
The end of the Solomonic Dynasty of Emperor H /Selassie at 1974 brought in to power the Derge , a Marxist military led by Mengistu Haile Mariam. However this military rule had faced several oppositions such as the Ertriean People’s Liberation Front ( EPPF) , Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party ( EPRP) , Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front ( TPLF) and the Oromo Liberation Front ( OLF). The EPRF(Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party) seemed to get more support from the public because of its multi ethnic squad. On contrary the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front ( TPLF) stuck on its narrow ethnic policy which led Ethiopian into bloodshed and disintegration. Some people those who are one way or another benefiting from the corrupted Wayane rule, argue that TPLF had ended the military rule. These people still consider that TPLF’s uneducated soldiers had killed the enemies of Ethiopia but not Ethiopians during the civil war. But those who stood against these ethnic-centred TPLF’s soldiers and gave their life for the unity of Ethiopia were indeed brave and true Ethiopians. The narrow minded TPLF leaders do not still accept the fact that they shed the blood of Ethiopian people who were in favour of Ethiopia’s unification but not separation.
TPLF was formed only a year after the Derge took power on 1974. Ever since the year 1975 this group (TPLF) had no intention to see prosperous, peaceful, united and stable Ethiopia. The country was recovering from severe hunger and famine crisis (1972- 1973). In addition the military group Derge had not had enough time to solve the famine crisis as well as the political change. No country would be able to bring political, economic and social changes in less than a year period. Instead of working together on the possible and better means to alleviate problems Ethiopians had in the year 1975, TPLF chose to form an arm group in less than a year after the Derge took power. This decision led our country to a deadly civil war which lasted for more than 17 years and the break up and separation.
Woyane’s main objective was not to help Ethiopia or Ethiopians. In fact this Mafia group (TPLF) was allergy to Ethiopia and its nation. Its main goal (TPLF’s) was to disintegrate Ethiopia, divide its people and plant animosity among the nation. Actually they should be awarded because they totally succeeded in demolishing the long, ambitious and proud Ethiopian history. They slaughtered thousands of Ethiopians in order to disintegrate and divide the country.
The present day TPLF has not changed its stand, aim and objectives from what it used to have during its formation in 1975. After 23 long years on power TPLF leaders are still ethnic-centred, undemocratic, cruel and allergy to unity. On 1993 TPLF had played a great role in the segregation of Eritrea from Ethiopia. Woyane never understood the value and significance of unity. Actually they will never understand the value of unity because it endangers their dictatorial rule. But those who realizes the significance of unity, remains united as Britain and Scotland did. I wonder what the illiterate, greedy and savage TPLF leaders reaction is when the Scotland voted YES to unity and NO to segregation.
By Zerihun Shumete (from Germany Hof )

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  • Published: 10 years ago on September 30, 2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: September 30, 2014 @ 3:34 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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