www.maledatimes.com 25 years since Berlin wall falls, 23 years since TPLF wall stands. - MALEDA TIMES
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                   25 years since Berlin wall falls, 23 years since TPLF wall stands.

By   /   November 27, 2014  /   Comments Off on                    25 years since Berlin wall falls, 23 years since TPLF wall stands.

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Berlin wall separated Germans just 25 years ago, Ethiopians are still divided and separated by TPLF ethnic centric wall for 23 years. The Berlin wall cut and distanced relatives, families and friends. The dictator woyane regime has successfully planted animosity and vengeance between the brotherly Ethiopian people.

The brutal TPLF took power 23 years ago after a 17 years long dreadful civil war. Back then (before 23 years ago) the people of Ethiopia used to give priority for unity, brotherhood and peace. Ever since the foundation of a mafia group in 1976 (just one year after the fall down of a long kingdom in Ethiopia), named TPLF, the people of Ethiopia were poisoned by the narrow, extremely dangerous ethnocentric thinking and philosophy of TPLF. This serum (poison) was released on the pure air and sky of Ethiopia which changed the love, respect and unity that Ethiopians had into hatred, ethnic conflict, and vengeance. But the Germans, who clearly understood the meaning of unity and love after the painful 45 years of separation, made a history by bringing down the Berlin wall that separated them.

The very few but also the most powerful dictatorial and illiterate TPLF leaders or authorities pay almost everything to divide the Ethiopians in order to stay on power and rob the poor 90 million people. These heartless leaders will keep on sucking the blood of innocent Ethiopians as they did during the bloody 17 years civil war. Freedom, equality, peace, unity, democracy and love are not the type of words that the dictator woyane leaders want to hear or to speak. In fact these words are not even in their dictionary, because these words could eventually danger their (TPLF’s) survival as dictators. These words have an imaginable power that can halt the woyane‘s ambition to rule Ethiopia by dividing the people. Of course the logo that TPLF have been carrying since its foundation is “divide and rule.” This was the principle that they have been applying on Ethiopia. They deprived the Ethiopian people freedom and unity.

The various ethnic groups in Ethiopia who used to live in peace and harmony before the coming of the evil possessed TPLF into power.  According to  Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 24, 3, Sept.2006 shows more than 37 ethnic conflicts and fight were recorded in Ethiopia from  1991 -2006.( Ethnicity and Conflict Generation in Ethiopia: Some Problems and Prospects of Ethno-Regional Federalism J. Abbink 2006)  What is so surprising is the fact that this ethnic tensions still exist. For example  in April 2007  by the former prime minister Meles Zenawi’s direct order the Ethiopian army swooped in Ogaden and executed, raped, tortured and imprisoned innocent civilians. Tension grows so high in Gambella region due to the forcefully displacing of the people in Villagization program to sell the fertile land to foreign investors. Due to this forceful displacement tens of thousands was snatched their lands and left to extreme poverty. Those who dare to impose this program faced trial and imprisonment.

Surprisingly the root cause for these ethnic tensions was the current ruling party, TPLF. The Ethiopians are not given the freedom to live in unity, harmony and peace. They are rather forced mentally, psychologically and also physically to adopt, develop animosity and to get into actions of ethnic tension and war. In East Germany, the economy dragged and individual freedoms were severely restricted. The communist, dictatorial and Soviet Union influenced east Germany had deprived the basic freedom of unity and harmony of Germans (east Germans with west Germans). Was it not to prevent the movement of people from east Germany to west Germany, the Berlin wall had been built? The dictatorial German Democratic Republic (GDR or DDR) regime did not have the desire to see brothers, families, mother and child, husband and wife, lovers or in short German people to unite and live in harmony. The current Ethiopian ethnocentric ruling dictatorial regime built the wall of ethnic division, and ethnic segregation in order to prevent Ethiopians from united.

The EPRDF (the current Ethiopian government) must be accountable for all the ethnic tensions and conflicts in Ethiopia. The blood of innocent people of Ethiopians who died on the various ethnic conflicts are on the hands of these immoral and cruel TPLF leaders. It took more than 20 years for the Germans to finally succeed to break the barricade that separated them into west and east. They mark each year their day of unification and the day that they finally brought down the Berlin wall.  They had fought for their freedom and unity during the German Democratic Republic (GDR or DDR) period through various demonstrations (Monday demonstration), strikes and struggles. In all, at least 171 people were killed trying to get over, under or around the Berlin Wall. Escape from East Germany was not impossible, however: From 1961 until the wall came down in 1989, more than 5,000 East Germans (including some 600 border guards) managed to cross the border by jumping out of windows adjacent to the wall, climbing over the barbed wire, flying in hot air balloons, crawling through the sewers and driving through unfortified parts of the wall at high speeds. The Ethiopians have been fleeing the country for the sake of their life by taking very dangerous risks. Educated youth, politicians, journalists and those who criticize or oppose the current dictatorial Ethiopian government are highly fleeing for fear of imprisonment, torture, harassment and killings. The reunification of East and West Germany was made official on October 3, 1990, almost one year after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Now they are enjoying their unity, harmony and respect that they have for one another. On contrary the Ethiopians are unfortunately trapped in a net of Woyane’s ethnic policy. Until the rotten Woyane’s principle and philosophy of Divide and Rule is removed, the peace, unity and harmony will be spoiled.  “A ROTTEN orange in a sack will spoil all”.

Sources:-   Ethno-Regional Federalism J. Abbink 2006

Different internet sites


By Zerihun Shumete Germany Hof





















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  • Published: 10 years ago on November 27, 2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: November 27, 2014 @ 6:20 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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