www.maledatimes.com 547 seats occupied & only one opposition get in to it . - MALEDA TIMES
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547 seats occupied & only one opposition get in to it .

By   /   November 29, 2014  /   Comments Off on 547 seats occupied & only one opposition get in to it .

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The Americans have loud and clear sent their message to the white house by electing Republicans for the house of senate on 6.11.2014. It bench marked the significance of the next coming presidential election. On the contrary the Ethiopians people are being twisted unlawfully and autocratically to live with a parliament which has 547 seats all occupied by the dictator Woyane regime except one sit. Surprising the ethnocentric brutal TPLF regime is pressuring the people for the fake, undemocratic, unfair election to posses all the 547 seats by wiping out any opposition party in or outside the country.

The various opposition parties inside Ethiopia have been deliberately targeted by the democracy allergic TPLF regime. Prominent opposition party leaders are still being harassed, imprisoned or forced to leave the county. For example, Ato Andualem Arage from UDJ party, Ato Andargachew Tsege, chair person of Ginbot 7 for democracy movement, Ato Natnael Mekonnen, Ato Bekele Gerba and many hundreds are rotting in prison. Under all these tight circumstances and oppression nobody will except that any opposition group will gain a single seat in the parliament.

In order to make sure that no opposition gets a seat inside the parliament, the Woyane butchers have long begun to cut down the blood roots of information flow. Anyone who has the gut to criticize the illiterate TPLF leaders or members will be easily termed as terrorist. Bringing pen and paper to pinpoint or jot down the lack of good governance in Ethiopia, will cost one’s dear life. Openly stating the facts that the 90 million people in Ethiopia are living in an extreme harsh economy caused by the corrupted TPLF leaders and regime, will undoubtedly lead to a life time imprisonment. Was it not what journalist Esknder Nega (sentenced 18 years imprisonment by the TPLF government), journalist Reyot Alemu (She was also sentenced 18 years imprisonment by TPLF), other journalists and bloggers tried to show for the people and the world?

The prize for voicing the people’s heart beat and brings the people’s fear, tension or anxiety, is to be forced to flee the country. Journalists, publishers or owners of magazines and newspapers are the key victim by the brutal punishment of the EPRDF government .In addition bloggers and even those who are caught reading or following news other than the state owned and controlled media ( such as internet websites )are sadly on the list of wanted people by the government as terrorists. Let’s say a host invites several people for dinner but there is only one type of menu or food, there is no other variety. Among the guests, there might be diabetics, vegetarians or those who do not like to eat the already presented food. How in the world would this host force his or her guests to eat the only food menu that is on the table? How in the world can 90 million people would be forced to follow news or information that is tailored and censored by the government to suit itself and only itself. There must be variety. There must be options which enlighten people the good from the bad. That was what motivated several  journalists , freelance journalists and bloggers to open a venue so that the poor oppressed 90 million people can really see a bright future, a united Ethiopia and a better life. As it was done for the past 23 years, the Woyane members want nobody else to be prosperous other than themselves. They want the population to live under poverty while they rob and save millions of dollars inside and off shore banks. They have no desire to see the Ethiopian people awake and analyze how they have been for 23 years oppressing, robbing and selling off the country. But those who dared to reveal this dark truth are either in prison or in exile. For example journalists, owners and publishers of Enku, Addis Gudaye, Lomi, Fact, Afro times, Jano and Inuk magazines were targeted unfairly and unlawfully in 2014 by the Woyane mafias.

Ethiopians are not lucky to see many political parties but only one dictatorial party controlling the parliament by unfair and undemocratic condition. The people are unlucky to see politicians debate over ideas and principles and pass laws that would benefit the majority if not all. However we Ethiopians are not going to let the parasites Woyane authorities to suck our blood any longer. We will shout and fight for our freedom, unity and strength. This midterm election will make things difficult for president Obama in his remaining two years in office. The coming unfair and undemocratic election will make things more difficult as before for Ethiopians.

By Abenezer Ahmed  (Germany)


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  • Published: 10 years ago on November 29, 2014
  • By:
  • Last Modified: November 29, 2014 @ 7:37 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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