‹‹መሬት ለሱዳን á‹áˆ°áŒ¥ ብዬ አáˆáˆáˆáˆáˆá£ እናንተ ብትስማሙሠእኔ አላስáˆáŒ½áˆáˆâ€ºâ€º አቶ አያሌዠጎበዜ
አቶ አያሌዠጎበዜ በችሎታና በáˆáˆá‹µ ከአቶ ደመቀ መኮንን የተሻሉ ቢሆኑáˆá£ አቶ በረከት አቶ አያሌዠ†በሱዳን ድንበሠላዠባሳዩት አቋáˆâ€ ቂሠበመያዠበእáˆáˆ³á‰¸á‹ ስሠሆáŠá‹ ሲሰሩ የáŠá‰ ሩትን አቶ ደመቀን ወደ áŠá‰µ በማáˆáŒ£á‰µ አቶ አያሌá‹áŠ• እንደተበቀሉዋቸዠታá‹á‰‹áˆá¢ አቶ አያሌዠአቶ በረከት እንደáˆáˆˆáŒ‰ የሚያሽከረáŠáˆ©á‹‹á‰¸á‹ ሰዠአለመሆናቸዠለከáተኛዠስáˆáŒ£áŠ• እንዳá‹á‰³áŒ© እንዳደረጋቸዠየá‹áˆµáŒ¥ áˆáŠ•áŒ®á‰½ ገáˆáŒ á‹‹áˆá¢
አቶ መለስ †áˆáŠ•áˆ á‹áˆáŠ• áˆáŠ• አቋሠያለዠሰዠá‹áˆ»áˆ‹áˆâ€ በማለት አቶ አያሌዠጎበዜ በስáˆáŒ£áŠ• እንዲቆዩ የተከራከሩላቸá‹á£ በእአአቶ በረከት በኩሠየሚታየá‹áŠ• የመሰባሰብ እንቅስቃሴ ለመከá‹áˆáˆ እንዲመቻቸዠእንደáŠá‰ ሠታá‹á‰‹áˆá¢
አቶ መለስ የአማራ áŠáˆáˆáŠ• ለáˆáˆˆá‰°áŠ› ጊዜ በá•áˆ¬á‹á‹³áŠ•á‰µáŠá‰µ በመáˆáˆ«á‰µ ላዠየሚገኙትን አቶ አያሌዠጎበዜን ከስáˆáŒ£áŠ• እንዳá‹á‹ˆáˆá‹± ታድገዋቸዠእንደáŠá‰ ሠá‹áˆµáŒ¥ አዋቂ áˆáŠ•áŒ®á‰»á‰½áŠ• ገለጸዋáˆá¡á¡
 የኢህአዴጠáˆáŠ•áŒ®á‰½ እንደገለጡት ኢህአዴጠበá•áˆ®á–ጋንዳዠመስአለደረሰበት ኪሳራ አቶ መለስ አቶ በረከትን ተጠያቂ አድáˆáŒˆá‹ áŠá‰ áˆá¢
በአንድ የáŒáŠ•á‰£áˆ© ስብሰባ ላዠበመንáŒáˆ¥á‰µ ኮሙኒኬሽን ጉዳዮች ጽ/ቤት ሠራተኞች ብቃት ማáŠáˆµ የተበሳጩት አቶ መለስ ‹‹እዚህ ተቋሠላዠከሰበሰብካቸዠሰዎች á‹áˆá‰… á‹« የáŒáˆ ጋዜጣ የሚያዘጋጀዠáˆáŒ… የበለáŒ
አቶ መለስ ስሠሳá‹áŒˆáˆáŒ¹ በደáˆáŠ“ዠ‹‹አንድ ጋዜጠኛ›› ሲሉ ማáŠáƒáŒ¸áˆªá‹« ያደረጉት የáትህ ጋዜጣ ዋና አዘጋጅን ጋዜጠኛ ተመስገን ደሳለአáŠá‹ በማለት áˆáŠ•áŒ®á‰»á‰½áŠ• ገáˆáŒ¸á‹‹áˆá¡á¡
በኢህአዴጠባለሥáˆáŒ£áŠ–ች ዘንድ አቶ መለስ ዜናዊ በáŒáˆáŒˆáˆ› እና ስብሰባ ወቅት የኮሙኒኬሽን መሥሪያ ቤትን አá‹á‰°á‰¹áˆ እየተባሉ á‹á‰³áˆ™ የáŠá‰ ረ ሲሆን ከላዠየተገለጸá‹áŠ• ትችት ያቀረቡትሠለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ እንደáŠá‰ ሠáˆáŠ•áŒ®á‰»á‰½áŠ• አስረáŒáŒ ዠገáˆáŒ¸á‹‹áˆá¡á¡
አቶ መለስ የኮሙኒኬሽን ጉዳዮች ጽ/ቤትን በሚንስትሠማዕረጠየሚመሩትን አቶ በረከት ስáˆá‹–ንን ከሌሎች ሚንስትሮቻቸዠእና የá“áˆá‰²á‹«á‰¸á‹ አመራሮች የበለጠእንደሚያቀáˆá‰§á‰¸á‹ á‹á‰³á‹ˆá‰ƒáˆá¡á¡  (áˆáŠ•áˆŠáŠ ሳáˆáˆ³á‹Š)Â
You mean Ayalew cared so much about Amhara region he refused to sign to give land to the Sudan. Isn’t that ridiculous. In the first place the border issue between Sudan and Ethiopia is handled by the federal government not by region administrators so Ato Ayalew has no say in that. In the second place even if he did have say in the matter these hodams have no consciounce to stand for anything. All they are interested in is eating and drinikng. SO do not make them what they are not. Anyone who can say what you claim to have Ato Ayalew said will not join EPRDF in the first place.
About the issue Land provission ….
As maintiooned above the issue is too old, what is the important now, for critisism, or to claim the Land?
What ever the case the two actor were doing in such a way what the Amharic scripts declaier. About the committment, devotion, inefficiency and to all related matter, almost Ato Ayalew and Ato Demeke are the same. They were/are not worried about Amhara and Amhara region. The two leaders were not having good complementarity, rather they were kept each others. Besides, Ato Demeke was/is more submissive than Ato Ayalew. And as that time we all know as Ato Demeke was on the side of Ato Bereket. For your Witness as they did it Ato Demeke gave a chance to went USA. That trip was after the accomplishment of this mission.
What Ato Ayalew did, of course nothing. Because,that is why he is there still. If he was doing something good with no doubt he would not be there. Aba Dula the Oromia ex presidant is a good example. Not alone in and to Amhara, Meles and his follower did not want such committed and devotion performance. That is why they pick Aba dula from Oromia. So, make clear the issue why you raise now and we are here (Gondar) and can provide you the right information.
God bless Ethiopia and Ethiopian