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Ethiopian Oromo Rebel Group Founder Returns to Domestic Politics

By   /   March 21, 2015  /   Comments Off on Ethiopian Oromo Rebel Group Founder Returns to Domestic Politics

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By William Davison
(Bloomberg) — A founder of a banned self-determination
movement for Ethiopia’s most populous ethnic group, the Oromo,
returned to the Horn of Africa nation to try and re-enter
democratic politics, a spokesman for his splinter group said.
Oromo Democratic Front President Leenco Lata arrived in the
Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, on Thursday, Lencho Bati, a
spokesman for the group, said in an e-mailed response to
questions. The group held inconclusive talks with Ethiopian
officials over the past two years, Beyan Asoba, the head of the
U.S.-based ODF’s foreign relations department, said in a
separate e-mailed statement. Leenco began the Oromo Liberation
Front in 1973 before leaving to join the ODF in 2013.
“We accept the current constitution and want to
participate in peaceful political struggle,” Lencho said. The
former OLF leaders left the organization and created the ODF
“because we currently do not believe in the secession of Oromia
and armed struggle,” he said.
The Oromo comprise about 34 percent of Ethiopia’s 96.6
million population, according to the CIA World Factbook. The
Oromo Liberation Front, classified as a terrorist organization
by Ethiopia’s parliament in 2011, was one of the allied rebel
groups that overthrew the military socialist Derg regime in 1991
and participated in the transition to a multi-ethnic federalism.
In 1992, the group fell out with the Ethiopian Peoples’
Revolutionary Democratic Front, a four-party coalition that has
run the country for more than two decades. Members of the OLF
were jailed in 2011 after being found guilty of attempting to
bomb an African Union summit in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa.

‘Genuine Federalism’

The ODF is seeking instead to expand the struggle for Oromo
autonomy into a broader battle for democratic rights and
“genuine federalism” for all Ethiopians, according to the
group’s website.
Leenco’s previous influence in the OLF and his “key role”
in the transitional government that ruled from 1991 to 1995
makes the return significant, said Abel Abate from the Ethiopian
International Institute for Peace and Development, which was
started by the government.
“His return to his country after two decades definitely
will impact the political structure in the country positively,”
he said Thursday in an e-mailed response to questions.
Government spokesman Shimeles Kemal in a phone interview on
Thursday denied the visit had occurred.
Ethiopia holds parliamentary elections on May 24. The
ruling coalition and allied parties won all but two of 547 seats
in 2010 polls.


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  • Published: 10 years ago on March 21, 2015
  • By:
  • Last Modified: March 21, 2015 @ 7:37 am
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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