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Citizens being tortured in and out of Ethiopia.

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Citizens being tortured in and out of Ethiopia.

The 23 years undemocratic , corrupted and poor governance in Ethiopia made large number of people to migrate or exile. Some has fled the country fearing the political consequences and tortures by the savage Ethiopian dictatorial regime. While others made up their mind to abandon their country due to the fact that only the minority but the most powerful and ruthless members of the ruling party control and own almost all the countries wealth , dragging the majority into the midst of poverty. This rotten governance of EPRDF led the citizens to look for a safe place to undertake a day to day life in forging countries including South Africa and Yemen. It is a shocking and terrible incident that is happening to Ethiopians residing in South Africa and Yemen. No body will be blamed for such inhuman doings on Ethiopians citizens in these two countries except the arrogant and selfish Ethiopian leaders and the dictatorial regime.

The anti-immigrant attacks in South Africa since April 14 2015 led to the death of 3 Ethiopian citizens. And many more are stuck in a very dangerous situations. These people had left their country ,Ethiopia, due to the unfair ruling system in Ethiopia by EPRDF. Those who migrate or live in exile are not the one who support to the extent of worshipping the voracious TPLF ,which is the dictatorial ruling party in Ethiopia, but those who are not from the same ethnic group of the ruling party or those who oppose the corrupted and undemocratic system which prevails in the country for the past 23 years. Any one who goes out to street to oppose openly the government will automatically be bitten, tortured , thrown in to prison or even be killed. In fact it was seen very frequently that the Ethiopian government doing these actions of biting and killing any oppositions or critics. The saddest part is the fact that we Ethiopians are still facing such brutal actions on the foreign land too. Is it not so cruel to burn a man alive with petrol and a tire wrapped around his body as a catalyst to keep the fire burning till the man changed into ash? That was what happened to the Ethiopians in South Africa in the previous week. In addition those who owned shops or run their own business were looted . They witnessed their shops being burned down with in hours that they spent years in building and expanding. These attacks were seen in Durban , Soweto and near Johannesburg. Of course the Ethiopian government cares less for these poor Ethiopians who are passing through this difficult time. Actually the government is too busy in its fake election program which is planned to be held in this year ( the European union have decided not to send any representative to observe the election process because they do not believe that the election will be free , fair and democratic ).

In addition more than 500 Ethiopians are suffering inside Yemen’s prisons due to the instability inside the country. Almost every county has taken its citizens out of this chaos in Yemen. But the Ethiopian government turns its back on its citizens and leave them in such critical time. These helpless Ethiopians are thrown in the Yemen’s Immigrations prison and nobody cares about them. Children are among the prisoners who are thirsty and hungry because no one seemed to bother about them. At least two Ethiopians were shot and killed while they were trying to escape from this prison. According to some eye witness about 11 Ethiopians were shot and injured attempting to run away from the same prison. It is also unforgettable what the Saudi Arabia government did to the Ethiopians citizens who lived and worked there in 2013. Which country’s government will take this insult and sufferings on its people without taking action? Well there is only one government in the world who cares less or nothing, that is the dictatorial Ethiopian government.

The Ethiopians are still being forced to leave the country seeking security, safety or even a better life while the supporters and members of the butcher ruling party TPLF rob the country’s wealth and live cosy and comfortably in the country. The wrong political system which the dictatorial Ethiopian government follows brought economical , social and political insatiability. This in turn drives the Ethiopian citizens in to migration , peaceful and armed struggle. In fact those who chose the peaceful struggle to bring a better political, economical and social change end up in jail where lots of torture , biting and sufferings are their daily experiences. The current Ethiopian ruling party is totally to be blamed for the Ethiopian citizens who lost their life, injured victimised and suffered in South Africa and in Yemen.

Sources BBC News, The Maleda Times, Zehabesha.com

By Abenezer Ahmed


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Internet reporter, freelancer and webmaster.
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  • Published: 10 years ago on April 26, 2015
  • By:
  • Last Modified: May 9, 2015 @ 5:42 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA, WEST AFRICA

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Internet reporter, freelancer and webmaster.

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