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Afar Human Rights Organisation: Statement on the Situation of Ethiopians in South Africa, Libya and Yemen

By   /   April 27, 2015  /   Comments Off on Afar Human Rights Organisation: Statement on the Situation of Ethiopians in South Africa, Libya and Yemen

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The Afar Human Rights Organization would like to express our deep sorrow and pain on the gruesome crime committed on Ethiopians in Libya, South Africa and Yemen. These latest shocking inhuman killings of innocent Ethiopians in South Africa,.

Afar Human Rights Organisation Libya and Yemen is very painful, in a successive suffering of Ethiopians. Ethiopian people are oppressed, arrested and killed at home by the dictatorial EPRDF regime. EPRDF continued to antagonize, torture and kill Ethiopians from all ethnic background and religion. Our grave sufferings as nation and people continued and just the past weeks we had very dark and shocking news. We express our deep condolences to the victim families and the Ethiopian people.

Afar Human Rights Organization would like to express the following points:

To the Ethiopian people and victim families:

We express our deep condolences to the victim families and the Ethiopian people. This very dark moments will surely change. We as people and nation has overcome many challenges- it will not be different now and surely we will overcome it. More than ever we have to unite and stand strong in the face of such grave threats. Our unity is essential in overcoming all our challenges. Let us stand united!

To Ethiopian opposition political parties:

Ethiopian people are going through despicable sufferings. In the face of such realities, political parties must unite to bring freedom and democracy for the entire Ethiopian people. Opposition parties either directly or indirectly have been contributing to the continuation of sufferings through divided politics. In the face of such brutal crimes on Ethiopians not only at home but also in Libya, Yemen and South Africa, Opposition parties must work together and unite. The Afar Human Rights Organization urges opposition parties to unite for genuine democratic change. This is the utmost important requirement of Ethiopian people!

To the Government of South Africa:

The barbaric brutal criminal killing of innocent Ethiopians and Africans cannot be justified. The horrific crimes seen in South Africa have shocked the African continent and the world. We request the government of South Africa to end these horrendous attacks immediately and ensure the safety of innocent Ethiopians. We condemn the brutal attacks made on innocent people with the utmost possible words.

Brutal killing and beheading of innocent Ethiopians in Libya by ISIS international Terrorist organization

Ethiopia is a land of peaceful coexistence where Islam and Christianity has lived side by side for more than one thousand years. We are proud that Ethiopia has welcomed our Prophet Mohamed and his family when he was troubled in Mecca. It is also clearly stated in the Holy Quran do not trouble Ethiopians. The attack made on innocent Christian Ethiopian migrants is an attack on the entire 90 Million Ethiopian people. We denounce it unequivocally with one voice. The death of Ethiopian Muslim martyrs, Jemal Rahman along with his innocent Christian friends symbolizes that Islam stands for peace, justice and humanity.

ISIS does not represent Muslims nor Islam, the faith of peace. ISIS is terrorist organization that massacre Muslims and Christians. The barbaric attack will never divide Ethiopia nor weaken us. As always Ethiopians are united in the face of such imminent danger and brutal barbaric terrorist organization that is enemy to the entire human kind. We would like to clarify to ISIS that the killing of innocent Ethiopians and any act of terrorism can never advance any political agenda. Terrorism will never succeeded and Ethiopians are united against such terrorist enemy!

Afar Human Rights Organization would like to express our deep condolences to Ethiopian eople and call for continued unity in the face of such crimes and dark moments.

Afar Human Rights Organisation

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  • Published: 10 years ago on April 27, 2015
  • By:
  • Last Modified: April 27, 2015 @ 8:22 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA, ኣማርኛ

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Internet reporter, freelancer and webmaster.

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