Condemn ISIL but Blame TPLF.
Innocent 30 Ethiopians were victims of the terrorist group ISIL. These young Ethiopians were beheaded and shot directly on the head by these militants in Libya on Monday 20.04.2015. The terrorist group released a 29 minutes video showing the execution of the Ethiopian Christians. It was a horrifying and terrible seen. The world have openly condemned these terror acts. This terror bled the hearts of all Ethiopians in and abroad. It angered the Ethiopian citizens that led people to go out on the streets of Addis Ababa on Tuesday 21.04.2015 and on Wednesday 22.04.2015 to show their grief and hatred toward the terrorist group ISIL and also to protest on the current dictatorial government as it is after all the very root cause for all these mess. One may ask how the ruling party in Ethiopia would be accountable for the brutal killing of 30 young Ethiopians in Libya by ISIL ? Well , the Ethiopian government may not directly be accused of this crime , but indirectly take the full responsibility. The prevailing bad governance brought both political and economical crisis.
Ever since the current ruling party TPLF took power in 1991 after a bloody war which went on for about 17 years , the country has never seen good governance. This poor governance led the country to a wrong economical policy which deliberately made to benefit the minor elites of the government leaving the majority in the midst of poverty and economy collapse. Only the members or cadres of the ruling party live a cosy and beautiful life while the whole country falls in a deep economical crisis. The officials of this insufficient government owns and controls almost every single wealth of the country. For example the mining industry of the country falls under a single man named Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ali Al Amoudi who is the main supporter , member and even sponsor of the dictatorial ruling party TPLF. Large hectares of lands, almost all the banks , huge business firms are on the hands of the government officials. This poor governance made and it is still making the minor members of the ruling party richer while the vast majority live a life which is under the level of poverty. It is very difficult for the large percent of the people to get a daily food leave alone a good quality life. Where as it is getting easier each day for the members of this cruel government to accumulate millions of dollars in and off shore banks. The unfair distribution of wealth that resulted due to poor governance , forced the people to migrate and look for a better opportunity. Is it not possible to elect another government which brings good governance and better economic progress? The answer for the above question is simply NO. Because it was tried more than two times (2007 and 2010 general election) and the outcome is heartbreaking. So the people chose to migrate legally or illegally instead of dying of hunger and poverty which is the result of bad governance. That is why these 30 Ethiopians went to Libya in order to cross to Europe but unfortunately fell on the hands of the terrorist ISIL and scarified their life. Had the Ethiopian voracious government brought good governance , we would not have lost the life of these 30 innocent people.
The wrong economic policy which is the outcome of the poor governance by the Ethiopian government , spreads corruption like a fire in a forest. The basic identification of the ruling party is the wide spread of corruption all over the country from the top to the bottom officials. The main source of corruption is the so called “ Foreign investment”. In fact Ethiopia has become a magnate to attract foreign companies and investors into Africa. In the first glance this might seem very good for country like Ethiopia and for its nation. But if we deeply investigate whether it benefits the country ( the large percent of the poor people) , we can find out devastating facts. No body denies the fact that investment by foreign companies is one of the pivotal point for growth and development. In the period of globalization the benefit of foreign investment is absolutely essential to boost the country’s economy, living standard and also technology. The main point is to make sure that it targets the country as a whole but not only very few finger counted individuals or groups. What is really happening in the pretext of “ foreign investment” in Ethiopia is the unfair treatment and displacement of local or indigenous people. In the name of foreign investment the natives are being snatched their land and property. On the other hand the government cadres are reaping all the benefits of the so called foreign investment while the majority struggle to get the daily groceries. Al-Jazeera television has prepared and aired on Aug 9,2014 a special program, on People and Power at this time , entitled ” Land for sale” to show how poor farmers in western Ethiopia are forced to abandon their land so that the government can sell their fertile land for private investors. Sadly the investors are not totally interested to allocate even small percent of the product to the local market. They rather export their products while the poor indigenous people are starving day after day. While these investors are in a hurry to grab these fertile land given by Woyane leaders almost as a gift to feed the world , the Ethiopian people are staggering day to day for daily bread. The target of foreign investment in Ethiopia is not to improve the life standard of the majority but to add up on the millions dollars of the mean government TPLF’s officials or leaders. So the Ethiopians tried to see a better day in the foreign land . In consequence they were slaughtered like animals by ISIL. Should the government not be held accountable for all these misery?

Anti-ISIL demonstrations turn violent in Ethiopia
One of the argument made by many foreign countries especially by the developed ones is the fact that they donate , aid or give in loan or credit billions of dollars to the Ethiopian government . But they still witness the continuous flow of migrants towards them ( Europe and North America). They made no mistake that the Ethiopian current government have been taking foreign aid and loan for 23 consecutive years in the name of the Ethiopian people. However the truth of the matter is those money are either in the pockets or in the banks of the ruling party’s leaders. Those huge amount of money were intended to the vast majority of the people. Unfortunately the top officials have allocated and are still using those money for fulfilling their personal interest rather than to give priority for the cry and shout of the poor and needy.
Ethiopia receives more than 500 million dollars from USA annually, according to an article published by Johsh Kron for New York edition on Aug 21, 2012.US assistance to Ethiopia in FY2010 program highlights around 3,000,000 dollars in military assistance and around 775,000 dollars in military education and training program according to the FY 2010 Request for international affair by the state department. In 2010 alone USA has allocated over 900,000,000 dollar aid to Ethiopia. In addition the FY2012 US military assistance report Ethiopia received more than 5,000,000 dollars (US Overseas Lands and Grants, Us Bureau of Census (BUCEN) International Database ( SOURCE THE PRVIOUS ARTICLE ABOUT FERGUSON AND FROM INTERNET LOAN FOR ETHIOPIAN ) It is quite visible that the foreign aids and loan have not reached the intended majority Ethiopian people. The aids and loans have not yet hit the target because they simply could not find their way to the very intended majority. In fact the aids and loans were hijacked and made to convert their true destination by the undemocratic , selfish and narrow minded Ethiopian leaders and their cadres. Having noticed that the foreign aids and loans did not and will not reach the true destination , the majority people have decided to head straight to the origin of these aids and loans. On this process of marching towards better life and opportunity , our dear citizens gave their life being beheaded and shot by the merciless ISIS militants. One can easily condemn the ISIL for their brutal actions on these 30 Ethiopians but the Ethiopian dictatorial government can not also be exempted from being blamed.
Even though losing these 30 Ethiopians in such a horrifying terror act broke our hearts , we still point our fingers on the dictatorial Ethiopian government. These Ethiopian Christians have not been the victim of ISIL but also of the undemocratic Ethiopian government. In a country where poor governance prevails , the citizens are left with options such as fleeing the country or going in to a war. In a country where unfair distribution of wealth and power dominates , what choice do the majority people have except migrating or engaging in a war? Going into a war is quite impossible while the ruling party (TPLF) and the military are from one ethnic group. The ruling party (TPLF) controls and posses all the sophisticated weapons and military accesses just like all the banks , business firms , large companies or anything that has to do with generating income and wealth. Corrupted and inefficient leaders are never to be touched , criticized or accused as long as they work day and night to prolong the life of this dictatorial Ethiopian government. Therefore the majority are having huge difficulties to make sure they get the daily food. This democracy allergy , corrupted , inefficient and dictatorial Ethiopian government is the root cause for the cruel killings of the 30 young Ethiopian Christians by ISIL. This government should be condemned and be quickly removed from the power.
Almost all media such as Al-Jazeera ,(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IafefTMjIM4), Euronews (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC2sZKmoN6k )(http://www.euronews.com/2015/04/22/ethiopia-clashes-at-rally-to-mourn-christians-killed-by-isil-in-libya/ etc) have made report on the killing of the Ethiopians Christians by ISIL in Libya. These media have also broadcast the grievance of Ethiopians along with the families of the victims on the streets of Addis Ababa on Wednesday 22.04.2015. However this public grieving and demonstration came to an end by the brutal and usual beating and arrest of innocent demonstrates by the Ethiopian government special forces and federal polices. These actions are the proof that show how the Ethiopians have been suffering political, economical and social oppressions by the dictatorial , undemocratic and cruel government for the past 23 years.
By Zerihun Shumete
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