Ethiopians express spontaneous anger at ISIS, despite state violence by police
The Islamic group named ISIL have beheaded and shot 30 Ethiopian Christians on Monday 20.04.2015 in Libya. The group post a video that is 29 minutes long, which shows the brutal killings of these Christians. These Ethiopian Christians left their country due to the unfavourable political and economical conditions which are the result of the 23 dictatorial rule by the current government EPDRF. The people of Ethiopia are under oppressive rule which has been snatching both their democratic and economical benefits and rights . During the past two decades large number of Ethiopians have been migrating to neighbouring countries , to Europe or to North America in fear of execution , torture and arrest by the dictatorial government. In addition they have been fleeing their country due to the economic burden that the government deliberately loaded on the nation’s shoulder. Due to the unstable political conditions and deliberate economic crisis which the current government brought on to the majority of the nation , the Ethiopians left their country in search of better conditions. It was very unfortunate that these 30 Christians did not make it to a better world but rather got trapped in ISIL net.
Several opposition parties have tried to convince the current ruling party either to change its political and economical policy or to hand over the power to other capable party peacefully. Nevertheless the peaceful attempts have all been rejected by the dictatorial Ethiopian government. It blocks all the peaceful opposition parities from getting near to the power. Arresting , torturing , threatening and even killing members , supporters or leaders of opposition parities become its prior task instead of working with them to improve both the political and economical conditions . It is a known fact that a country’s political situation greatly influences its economical strength , social values and development rate. Since the current Ethiopian ruling party focuses only on prolonging its dictatorial rule , the country’s economy is going from bad to worse. In addition to the worsening economy its political situation is reaching into a very dangerous and critical stage. Only the members of the ruling party have a massive in Ethiopia. The large population is simply left behind and out of any economical or political benefits. In order to adjust this maltreatment , the people have tried to vote peacefully against the current dictatorial government each time the so called “ General Election” comes.
The ruthless TPLF leaders however wants to stay clung on to the power till their death. In fact their slogan and motto for the people and opposition is “ We hold on the power or we die” This is the main reason why people find migration as the only possibility. Of course armed struggle is also an option but the government ( the ruling party) is well armed and equipped up to its nose thanks for USA ( Ethiopia is the key allies of USA in in the horn of Africa). Therefore several people fled the country to a better place to see a better day. Among these migrants those 30 Christians had fallen on the hands of ISIL and scarified their life for the mistakes or sins that they never committed. We hold the Ethiopian government responsible for their life. Their blood is on the hands of each corrupted , selfish and cruel dictators.
The Ethiopian people went out on the streets of the capital Addis Ababa following the news of the beheading of the 30 Christians on Tuesday 21.04.2015. The government dispersed the peaceful demonstrators by using force and by deploying federal polices because the people were blaming the government for its failure in bringing better political and economical change in the country. After all it is this failure which leads several people to migrate and being executed by savage groups such as ISIL. On 22.04.2015 the government called for peaceful gathering at Meskel Square so that the nation can show to the world its grievance and sorrow for the victims. Indeed the Ethiopian people showed not only their grievance due to the ISIL group but also their anger and hatred of the Ethiopian ruling party to the world. The government again dispersed the demonstration by taking horrible actions on the peaceful demonstrators. The beatings and chaos by the government hired federal polices were broadcast through several world media such as Al-Jazeera and euronews.
All these unnecessary beatings and arrest on peaceful demonstrators are the characteristic of undemocratic and dictatorial government. The whole world had witnessed the type of government that the Ethiopian people have been putting up for the past 23 years. As much as ISIL should be blamed for the cruel killing of civilian 30 Ethiopian Christians so should the Ethiopian dictatorial regime.
Source AlJazeera , euronews , EBC, Esat Tv
By Abenezer Ahmed Germany Hof
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