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My message to Amhara …it’s time to break our silence

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It is quite clear that the TPLF regime has destined for the destruction of Ethiopia. At the beginning, TPLF’s basic objectives were to create the republic of Tigray and it was not to climb to the seat at Arat Kilo. This is evidenced by the formative documents, and testimonies of former members of the TPLF.
Since the beginning, TPLF has declared Amhara are prime enemy of the Tigrai people. And it has stated in its formative documents for their extermination. TPLF: In its manifesto promised to eliminate the Amharas from the face of Ethiopia. We know that Nazi Weyane philosophy explicitly singled out Amharas as the main reason for all Tigray’s problems, and planned to eliminate all of them. One would wonder about this and could ask why the TPLF has considered Amharas as enemy?
There are various reasons.
1. Inferiority complex.
For TPLF, Amharas have been at the forefront in promoting Ethiopian nationalism which TPLF hates greatly.
2. TPLF has taken the lesson that it is through weakening, or extermination of the Amharas, the core of Ethiopian nationalism as believed by TPLF, that the ultimate goal of destroying Ethiopia and creating the republic of Tigray would be achieved.
3. To unite all peoples Tigray around itself, TPLF has to create an enemy, Amhara In this endeavor, TPLF has waged, since the beginning, a propaganda that Amharas are the enemy of Tigray And it has tried to attribute the problems in Tigray as problem created by Amhara. Particularly, TPLF has focused on attributing the crimes of Dergue regime as if committed by Amhara. In doing so, it has gone even on propagating that Dergue was an Amhara.
Was Dergue an Amhara or pro-Amhara regime? This is the question that must be asked. Dergue was not an amhara regime in whatever way. It can rather be said the otherwise, if one has to speak the truth. It was the Amharas who were the most massacred by the Derg regime red terror in Addis Ababa, Gonder and Dessie… Etc. Among the more than 500,000 red terror victims, the lion share of the victims goes to Amharas. The most frequent and repeated bombing of towns and cities were also carried out in Gondar and Wollo, but it is not to say, here, that Dergue attacked Amharas because of their identity. However, it was the Amharas, because of their alleged link to the imperial regime, that were the target of the revolutionaries in one way or another. Moreover, the top Dergue officials including President Aman Andom(the first president of Dergue), president Mengistu Hailemariam were not Amharas. More importantly, Dergue was a group of military officers and was not related to any ethnic group, in whatever way, in Ethiopia.
What is the other reason that TPLF has attributed the misdeeds of Dergue to Amharas? The answer is that TPLf considers any group who acclaim Ethiopian nationalism as Amhara whether the group is Amhara or not. TPLF assumes that Ethiopian nationalism, and of course Ethiopian Orthodox church, is an instrument of Amhara domination. So, according to the views of TPLF, anything Ethiopian and Ethiopianism is related to Amhara. The fact is that anything Ethiopian and Ethiopianism belongs to Oromo, Amhara, Gurage, Tigre, Sidama, Wolaita, Afar, and Somali…etc… Together. Simply to all Ethiopians. The TPLF’s act of denial and distorting of facts is countless. TPLF also alleges that the Imposition of Amharaic language in Tigray was another conspiracy of Amhara.
But it is quite clear that it was Emperor Yoahness IV of Tigray who rather did that. For TPLF fact is a fact in so far as it serves its own evil purpose and mission.
The TPLF, as stated in its formative document, has carried out, in a systematic way, the program of Amhara annihilation since the beginning. IN the 1970s, TPLF massacred and evicted tens of thousands of Wolkait Gonderian people from Wolkait, Humera,Tsegede, Tselemit and since then TPLF has settled hundreds of thousands of people from Tigray. TPLF has also annexed Raya (Alamata, Ofla(Korem),Raya Azebo…) from Wollo Province. These annexation and Tigreanisation moves were the initial project of weakening and annihilating Amhara.
Moreover, it is a common knowledge that the massacres and genocides in Arbagugu,Asebot, Bedeno, Woter and the recent in Benchi Maji and Benshangul are committed by TPLF as part of its long project of Amhara extermination. For the last 24 years, the propaganda, we have heard here and there, have also mainly focused on creating hate between innocent Ethiopians, targeting the innocent Amharas. The TPLF has also been committing other several horrible and inhuman acts against Amharas such as subtle and clear discrimination against Amharas in education( distorting the results of Amhara students who seat for examination at grade 10 and 12,…), discrimination in employment, in private business(bank loan, investment license, access to foreign currency, land..). ..Etc… The elimination of more than 2.4 million Amharas in the recent national census was another clear act of TPLF for Amhara destruction.
It is unfortunate that majority of the Amhara people do not know what is being done against their very survival. On the other hand, those few so-called elites, who even know about the goal and mission of TPLF has been collaborating in this long scheme of Amhara extermination.
TPLF’s best double-edge sword in its program of Amhara extermination is the so-called Amhara National Democratic Movement(the Amharic speaking TPLF wing so to say) led by Addisu Legesse, Bereket Simon, Teferra Walwa, Demeke Mekonnen, Guenet Zewudie, Gedu Andargachew, Alemnew Mekonnen and many other collaborators. This party has been the best pillar of TPLF’s power grip. The party has embraced the annexation of Gonder and Wollo by TPLF. It is an instrument to silence Amhara people; its name masks so that TPLF can do its project of the Amhara extermination. The party has also been at the forefront in blaming Amharas and in supporting the massacre and genocide committed against innocent Amharas in the eastern, western and southern part of the country. The very mission of the party (the so-called Amhara National Democratic Movement) and the collaborators, under it, is to ensure the long stay of TPLF in power so much so that TPLF would ensure the completion of its project of Amhara extermination.
To make things more clear, it is important to make comparison between the current situation of Amhara people and the fate of Israelites (Jewish) during World War II. In its formative document, the Nazi party and the leader of the party, Adolf Hitler in his book, ‘’My Struggle (Mein Khamf),’’ had elaborated in detail about the need to eliminate the Jewish from the world. This book and the formative document of the Nazi party stated the extermination of the Jewish as the primary goal to be achieved by the party. Quite similarly, the formative document of TPLF states the extermination of Amhara as the primary goal to be achieved. And similar to Hitler’s’ book ‘’My Struggle’’, the TPLF’s ‘’Woin Magazine’’ , as was produced by the late dictator Meles Zenawi, Sibhat Nega and other top TPLF officials, has stated, in its several editions, the need, and the mechanisms, of Amhara extermination.
In its program of Jewish extermination, Adolf Hitler was quite clever in managing to get the collaboration of some insane Jewish elites. Those Jewish collaborators helped Hitler in hunting, deporting their fellow Jewish brothers and sisters in to gas chambers and concentration camps. These Jewish collaborators also fought against those who opposed the horrible acts of Hitler. Similarly, the collaborators under the so-called Amhara National Democratic Movement are doing the same thing to TPLF in its move for the extermination of Amhara people.
What is the solution? The solution lies in the hands of the few Amhara elites who are aware and loyal to the people. It needs hard work, determination, and dedication to pay sacrifice. It is necessary to aware people and ignites Amhara nationalism which is non-existent at all. Ultra Ethiopian nationalism does not help for the survival of Amhara people at this time. The elites have to know that Amhara people are under the cloud of extermination. The first thing to be done must be destroying the so-called Amhara National Democratic Movement which is the formidable agent and double-edge sword of TPLF (First, we must stand together and fight ANDM and defeat our greatest enemy once and for all.), Of course, this is not an easy task because there are so many ignorant and collaborators, and It is clear that the party is full of mentally retarded individuals who are loyal to TPLF. If this party is destroyed or reformed by a movement from within, then the next step would be a real show down with TPLF. This is not as difficult as the first and TPLF is, in fact well aware that it would not survive even for months, let alone for years, if it loses the support and collaboration of its formidable agent and double-edge sword, the so-called Amhara National Demorcatic Movement, and other non-ruling but legal political parties …
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We Don’t Expect a Dove from Snake Egg!

Mussa Muhabbet ZeWollo
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  • Published: 10 years ago on May 9, 2015
  • By:
  • Last Modified: May 9, 2015 @ 10:05 am
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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