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Five Armed Ethiopian Opposition Forces Agreed to Unite

By   /   May 23, 2015  /   Comments Off on Five Armed Ethiopian Opposition Forces Agreed to Unite

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The All Ethiopian Liberation Front/Force (AELF) - የመላው ኢትዮጵያ ነጻ አውጪ ግንባር / ሃይልFive major Ethiopian armed opposition groups have reached into a tentative agreement to join their forces under one formidable opposition armed front that will be tasked to free Ethiopia and its people from the clatches of the minority ethnocentric TPLF regime. The All Ethiopian Liberation Front/Force (AELF) – የመላው ኢትዮጵያ ነጻ አውጪ ግንባር / ሃይል – is on the making!

By ESAT, source tesfa news

FIVE opposition rebel groups fighting against the Ethiopian government have signed a cooperation agreement that they say would culminate in eventual unification.

In a press statement sent to ESAT on May 15, 2015, Tigray People’s Democratic Movement (TPDM), Gambella People’s Liberation Movement (GPLM), Benishangul Peoples Liberation Movement (BPLM), Amhara Democratic Force Movement (ADFM) and Arbegnoch Ginbot 7 for Unity and Democratic Movement (AGUDM) had signed an agreement to liberate the people of Ethiopia from suppression and to bring democracy and stability to the country. 

Our intention is to save the country and its people from the looming danger,” says the press statement released on Friday May 15, 2015.

The groups in their statement said that suppression, harassment, torture, kidnaping and killing under the current TPLF/EPRDF regime have exacerbated in Ethiopia, and it is time for Ethiopians to stand in unison to free the country and its people from the minority dictatorship.

It is recalled that Ginbot 7 and Arbegnoch Ginbar have recently merged to fight dictatorship in Ethiopia. Other five organizations are expected to follow suit soon, and the progress would be publicized for the public, according to the press release.

The five armed groups called Ethiopians living in the country and abroad to cooperate and extend their support in their endeavor to bring about freedom and justice to the country.

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  • Published: 10 years ago on May 23, 2015
  • By:
  • Last Modified: May 23, 2015 @ 3:53 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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