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Calgary-based African magazine gives newcomers a primer to Canadian culture

By   /   October 13, 2015  /   Comments Off on Calgary-based African magazine gives newcomers a primer to Canadian culture

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Bridging the culture gap through language

Aaron Chatha / Metro /

Daniel Gebremariam has founded an Amharic language magazine called Meznagna, aimed at bridging newcomers from Ethiopia to Canadian culture, in a language they can understand.

When Daniel Gebremariam came to Canada from Ethiopia five years ago, he found himself in the midst of a culture and climate he didn’t understand – and was left feeling helpless and frustrated.

Now Gebremariam is providing immigrants and refugees the helping hand he never had – through the launch of his new Amharic language magazine called Meznagna.

“There are many youngsters that come here and they are totally confused. They come here and this country is totally different,” he said.

“This magazine teaches newcomers that you can do anything in Canada. That is the main purpose of this magazine.”


Flipping through the pages of Meznagna’s first issue, Gebremariam pointed out stories about Ethiopian-Canadian musician The Weeknd and other celebrities, along with articles local entrepreneurs like an Ethiopian model that owns and operates her own business in Toronto.

He wants to give Ethiopians a bridge to Canadian culture, but in a language they can understand.

“Most people, they come here, they’re frustrated,” he explained. “The culture, the weather, it’s different for them, so they’re confused and depressed. If they read these stories, they will have hope. Like, if he can do this, I can do this. To create that hope in people’s minds, that is my purpose.”

The magazine is also part of Gebremariam’s success story.

“I’m an immigrant, I’m coming here and I’m printing my magazine – my own magazine, in my own language, in Canada. It’s a privilege for me to do that.”

Gebremariam will also be attending classes at SAIT to help further his own education and expand the magazine.

The magazine articles are written by him and other contributors from Calgary, although it celebrates the successes of Ethiopians throughout Canada and the United States.

The magazine costs $5 and will be distributed to Ethiopian stores across the city. It’s also online at www.meznagna.com.

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  • Published: 9 years ago on October 13, 2015
  • By:
  • Last Modified: October 13, 2015 @ 11:36 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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