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Ethnocentric Based Politics results in severe Famine.

By   /   November 22, 2015  /   Comments Off on Ethnocentric Based Politics results in severe Famine.

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The Amahra National Democratic Movement ( ANDM) which is a surrogate and watch dog of the 25 years long dictatorial ethnocentric TPLF Ethiopia( Tigrian People Liberation Fronts) is getting ready to celebrate its 35th anniversary of the launching of the armed struggle in the horrific civil war in Ethiopia which lasted 17 years from (1974-1991 ). While millions of dollars are being spent to celebrate the 35th anniversary colourfully , more than 4.5 millions people (Largely from Amhara Region) are severely affected by hunger and famine. The present famine is somehow similar(might be in fewer months worse) to the one Ethiopia had gone through 35 years ago. Without a blink of hesitation the Ethnocentric dictatorial Ethiopian government should be taken accountable for such shocking hunger and famine disaster in this modern era.
ADNM was founded in 1982 by the help and master mind of TPLF’s cruel members in order to wage a war against the Derge regime. A year after its foundation the Amahra people had suffered from severe famine and drought which the whole world had witnessed. After 35 years the narrow minded Ethiopian dictatorial regime ( EPRDF) drove the nation once again into a terrible starvation and food shortage. It is speculated that the number of people who are vulnerable to the famine will increase in the coming few months to 15 million. What a government who successfully led its nation into starvation, civil war and poverty!
The dictator Ethiopian ruling party spent in millions of dollars as usual to celebrate the ADNM 35th anniversary. Won’t it be logic and right if this voracious Ethiopian government allocates the money to fight the number one human race’s enemy (Starvation and Poverty)? It is very difficult to comprehend the idea of throwing millions of dollars to celebrate people’s death due to civil war while other millions are on danger of dying because of shortage of food. We Ethiopians knew the kind of dictatorial and corrupted government that we have been put up with for more than 25 years. This government brought us almost all the worst that anyone could ever go through, for example a 17 years long civil war, a 25 years long dictatorship and now a terrible starvation which affects more than 5 million people. Of course this figure is expected to reach 15 million in the coming few months.
It takes no Einstein to understand that nature’s harsh penalty caused this horrific drought. Nevertheless failing to control it or to implement as quickly as possible corrective measurements before things got out of hand(till more than 5 million people’s life is in the risk for lack of loaf of bread) shows clearly how the Ethiopian current government cares less about the citizens. Struggling this type of dictatorial , cruel , corrupted government in any way possible (call it peacefully or in an armed means) should be considered as a permanent solution for our hunger of freedom, equality, democracy and also bread.
Shortly, I hope the ADNM and its ally TPLF will enjoy the 35th anniversary by hosting huge parties that could take days and throughout the whole feast they will spent millions of dollars to drink Champaign, eat exclusive food and cut anniversary cake while millions in Amahra region starve to death. In order to decorate and magnify this anniversary again millions will be spent on propagandas, advertisements, conferences, meetings(only to remind the people that TPLF and ADNM shed Ethiopians blood in the civil war) and feasts. On the other hand at least 2 children are dying each day in this region (Amahra) due to lack of a loaf of bread. This is the outcome of Ethnocentric, dictatorship and cruel ruling system.
By Abenezer Ahmed

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Internet reporter, freelancer and webmaster.
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  • Published: 9 years ago on November 22, 2015
  • By:
  • Last Modified: November 22, 2015 @ 5:24 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

About the author

Internet reporter, freelancer and webmaster.

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