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Dictatorial rule ignites civil disobedience and unrest in Ethiopia.

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Posted By Issa Abdusemed The two decades dictatorial rule in Ethiopia generates civil uprising. The harsh, undemocratic and oppressive rule ignites the nation’s anger against the government. The people have been expressing their unwillingness of being ruled under dictatorial regime by protesting peacefully on streets. However, the response of the government was as usual firing bullets directly on unarmed demonstrators on day light. This killing of innocent but freedom loving Ethiopians by the dictatorial ruling party continues in different parts of the Oromia, Amhara and Southern region.
Ethiopian security forces have killed at least 140 people taking part in mass anti-government demonstrations since November, activists say, according to US-based Human Rights Watch (HRW).http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-35261314). University students who possess only paper and pen but not guns nor weapons, were the majority victims by the irresponsible and savage actions of the government. It is very surprising why the current dictators have failed to learn from the mistakes and arrogance of the previous one (Colonel Mengstu Hailemariam from 1974-1991). They came on power 25 years opposing oppressive and dictatorial rule of Mengstu Hailemariam. How in the world would the Meles Zenawi and his disciples’ rule be worse than that?
The nation’s anger is not only in the Oromia region but also in the Amhara region too. The TPLF regime kept snatching the farmers land and handing it to Sudan. This is very saddening. What sort of government sells its land for others? One of the major causes for any country to wage a war against another one is because of land dispute. Was that not the case between Ethiopia and Eritrea in the war from May 1998 to June 2000? More than 100,000 Ethiopians gave their life for a piece of unfertile land which the Ethiopian government does not still admit whether the land has been given to Eretria or to Ethiopia. How in the world could these narrow minded TPLF leaders cut fertile farming land from Gondar and handing it to Sudan? In addition, the tension between the Qimant people and TPLF is reaching dangerous stages. Every time the citizens demand explanation, clarification or changes, why is the Ethiopian government responding with bullets and fire? For how long do these dictators keep shooting and killing innocent but oppressed Ethiopians? It is vivid that the westerns (who preach democracy) cover their eyes while the Ethiopians suffer each day under dictatorial rule inside their own country.
People went out to the street of the capital Addis Ababa protesting the government. Taxi drivers had had a strike opposing the irrational thinking and measures of the TPLF authorities. Students from Addis Ababa University held a peaceful demonstration on March 9, 2016 protesting the shooting and killing of innocent people in Ethiopia by the government soldiers. This protest took place in front of the American embassy in Addis Ababa. The government has now reached to the stage where it cannot control the people’s anger and dissatisfaction. It has understood the fact that people will no longer put up with its dictatorial and oppressive rule. It is clear to this undemocratic government that the pressure both in and outside the country grows. Shooting, killing and arresting the people was the preferred remedy taken by the government to silence the anger. The question is how far can this government go with this action of killing and torturing civilians?
Change is inevitable in Ethiopia by Ethiopians for Ethiopians. It matters little now that the dictator Haile Mariam Hailemariam Desalegn ruling party TPLF is ready to allow the change. It is too late for the butchers to undo the crimes they have been committing on the nation. They had blown long ago their chance for reconciliation and peaceful measures. They drove Ethiopia into the midst of poverty, hunger (More than 10 million people are short of food amid one of the worst droughts for decades as BBC reported it on the 31th of January 2016 http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-35455053) and into a deep dictatorial rule. Even if they seemed to possess each weapon, the people are ready to pay whatever sacrifice to end the dictatorial rule. The civil unrest inside the country and the armed struggle groups by those brave Ethiopians from outside Ethiopia will shorten the life span of the oppressive rulers and their regime in Ethiopia.
BY Abenezer Ahemd Beahilu
From Germany

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Internet reporter, freelancer and webmaster.
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  • Published: 9 years ago on March 13, 2016
  • By:
  • Last Modified: March 13, 2016 @ 5:30 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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Internet reporter, freelancer and webmaster.

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