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With EPRDF: Why being in a state of mud?

By   /   October 9, 2012  /   Comments Off on With EPRDF: Why being in a state of mud?

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With EPRDF: Why being in a state of mud?

Here the moment where the start is difficult and costly, while the messages are ready to go out it took me long to decide on how…I think it is easy to start with what I have experienced…So, have you ever come across discussing your life and have difficulties in explaining….you are exited to talk about your country and all of the sudden comes the current situation in mind, clouding your face? Well I did, I could not find better word to represent it than a mud and wish for a way out from it.

In a suppressed society the struggle for freedom have it’s end as getting equal opportunity, in it there is a mechanism of doing so; administration. But, it all starts with the will the majority to decide on, follows the size of the opportunity to be equally shared…how fast it is growing and so on. Force comes when this will become none existent. Human right violations are a byproducts of the none existence of this will. When every exist such greed, there are two parties one who is claming superiority and other trying to achieve equality. The state of pre-moving forward is the state of no will, no equality and human rights abuse; which is being stack with/in mud. The mud is the regime EPRDF, the situation, the atmosphere it has created and it is holding us from having our leg one step ahead towards this opportunity, the willingness, the equality and respect for the life of mankind. It is also our thought’s and speeches which are being swamped, made unable to demand more of the opportunity and sucked from wishing, building hope and vision for the youth and the coming generation. The mud is in control while we are in it, the regime total control is obvious, so is the reason and the motives of public communications regarding development and major events; which is to assure this control of power; opportunity…making sure that we remain in mud. One would not go out of it being engaged in vicious circle of exchanging miscommunications and critics. Hold hands together, be ready to lead and follow in that way it will be difficult to drawn and will be easy to set one self free from the mud.

EPRDF’s moving forward and our up and down’s

In a state of mud every day is struggle, suffering…not knowing what is in it…the mud, a stepping stone to lay a foot on or a glass that could cut off, a worm that can penetrate skin and damage you?…nothing is known but only one; being in a mud is suffering. In EPRDF’s rule, it’s difficult of know once position, fate, future,… It has the objective to stay on power monopolizing all opportunities of the country as long as it can; will make you drop your vision, dreams, hope and make you push it from the back so that it can move forward. Each day, week, month, year spent with it’s control is moving forward for the regime. If one come in it’s way it will be dealt with and measures will be/has been taken to implement greed in policies and strategies, executed thought social institutions to insure tomorrows sole monopoly.

As an ordinary person who is tired of the usual senseless, redundant words produced and delivered in this effort through washing the mind of nations citizens, I was not at lest giving attention for what the then PM speeches accompanied by words I was enlightened with while being lectured about ancient times history; renascences and transformation. Since the past five- four years EPRDF has been communicating that it has the vision to make the country in the middle class income society by 2025; as the regime choose to refer it as a renaissance or transformation. Lets not forget this is the period of increased political suppression, it seems the cover name for total control of the life of each individual in the society by the same year; through the implementation of antiterrorism law targeting descents, freedom of expression and association, infringing it’s own constitution, dismantling oppositions,…That is the vision, being described as the transformed state…will then be said the country has passed through renaissance or transformation. While the preach promises good, the actions of the regime rises hopelessness.

I am not sure if you have been caught with the regime’s choose of words, I personally, think their mind have stacked back to the 12th century European Medieval age, where they use the word renaissance to refer the great cultural, artistic and scientific revolutions and transformation which benefit them with the great economic development before any other world does. Now at this stage of age, bringing this say could have only be, in my opinion, that the official/the person bringing this name is delusional who believe a plan, paper work design of few tasks and the show of ground foundation of few development works as a transformation at a higher level as been talked through regime media. Well here the word ‘development or/ developmental activates’ that may suit if named, in this way it might be possible to reduce the public view on how exaggerated the preach about the whole economic euphoria the country is experiencing. Either they really must have believed that they are the leaders of the 12th century.

Not to forgot there has passed the age of industrialization, service and now information. When felling like being in the current age the regime does not step on one of this sectors but the tools being used to enhance their efficiency; like BPR and others… imagine to bring the concept of BPR to the age of renaissance back in 12th century…while people are at the very verge of creating…innovating processes and then comes EPRDF official from the 21st century to reengineer a process. How sarcastic is that… to the people, it is up and downs in a swamp, not moving forward.

EPRDF’s war against reasoning; establishing illusion in an effort to cultivate submissive society

Peoples demand has always been for good governance; for…accountability, responsibility, power check and balance….etc which are the basic elements that are showing the existence of will to share opportunities. In this stage, one is owned by the mud, could not have real possession of property…everything one has is owned by the mud. While not done with the assurance to possession and get fair share of the opportunity we found ourselves dealing with how fast the opportunity is growing, it is not different than the usual miscommunication the regime is using…we know it is not the fact…the regime know that we know it is not the fact, but it doesn’t matter for the regime weather we believe it or not…what it need is that we are engaged in continues argument about the economic growth,…‘it is 11 percent….no, it is not…’ we are away from the demand that matters, the more we argue about it the more we go away from the subject; total control of the opportunity by a group of few members, and develop the illusion of being affected by it’s growth. Here, it cease to be just miscommunication; but, it is also changing peoples fundamental thinking, shaping the society to respond out of emotion than engaged in rational thinking and decision making…eroding logical thinking. Most might have been informed about public workers being evaluated based on their perception…also was one who faced with similar argument “ what should come first in evaluation of individuals…their perception or professional skills?” instead of communicating what the position requires…it seems a mission to eradicate reasoning and cultivating the development of submissive society. It is difficult to dominate human being just only by economic superiority. The regime is crashing individuals humanity, degrading their dignity, integrity and identity so that they can not have any value to hold on; because, only those who have some kind of value, even a drop of it, could raise voice and say enough…and try to defend it when ever abused.

Comparing illusion/ weight of good and bad in a state of mud

Now a day’s, the bad image of the regime is no more a thing to be denied even by the regime it self and regime supporters. …need supporting argument?.. Well ‘our great leader’ have said there is no relationship between democracy and development; as also the regime prefer to call it self ’developmental’…it means EPRDF is saying ‘we have bad image on the democracy call us ‘developmental’’…Here, the comparison comes as an argument believed to be a potential counter for this bad image; which is most of the time raised as question “ what about the goods that have been done? Why talk about only the bad?” No one should be expected to talk about the good, good is common, normal. The state of being good is natural just like one would not expect the sun to rise from the west. When bad happen then comes talking about it, discussing about it to find a solution. Just only the challenge to the territorial integrity of the country by it self out weight, even that could not be brought to the table for compassion as it could not be priced, for any possible claim that the regime could forward if exist. With what could total control of opportunities; the none existence of will and the byproduct of it corruption, injustice, mass murder, discrimination, causing mass exile, degrading hope, vision, humanity of citizens…etc be compared with? With out considering the malicious element in them and farther weighting their significance; the construction of some buildings and roads that are all included in the economic growth statistics; which the regime claim it to be 11 percent as a good thing to present on a table? If so, it is a thing that is embedded in the opportunities the regime have a total control of; it is an illusion the regime instigating citizens to have the belief as they are beneficiaries despite it’s sole monopoly. For the people it need another level to relate oneself with the opportunity. If insist to make the comparison; it would be the bad EPRDF committed against the illusion of EPRDF doing good; which if expressed in numerical term-zero. So, the out come of the weighting is debt for the next generation to be burdened with.

So, way with EPRDF? One in the mud is muddy, try to get clean out of it.

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Internet reporter, freelancer and webmaster.
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  • Published: 12 years ago on October 9, 2012
  • By:
  • Last Modified: October 9, 2012 @ 7:15 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

About the author

Internet reporter, freelancer and webmaster.

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