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African leaders overstaying their welcome: Former Ethiopian PM

By   /   October 23, 2012  /   6 Comments

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Some African leaders are overstaying their welcome in office. Courtesy #DStv403

JOHANNESBURG – Former Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn says some African leaders are overstaying their welcome in office.

Desalegn says Africa still has a long way to go in benefitting from democracy.

“We have worrisome issues we have leaders who stay in power for several years and they continue changing the constitution and their age,” Hailemariam said.

READ: Africa’s longest-serving leaders

Recently, leaders in countries like Algeria and Sudan were deposed amid unrest, especially form discontented young people.

Desalegn also wants to see more female leaders.

Last year, in his home country, Sahle Work Zewde was appointed as the first woman president.

Desalegn wants this Africa Day to be a reflection on what’s gone wrong and what’s been achieved on the continent.

Despite all the challenges, the former leader says there’s no need to despair if some African leaders would only change their current trajectories.

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6 thoughts on “African leaders overstaying their welcome: Former Ethiopian PM

  1. ye ethiopia hizeb genna bizu guud yayalinna metagessu yeteshal yimeretal. ye woyane gud bizu selehon yemiasfelgew metebaber bich new

  2. Tesfaye what are you talking? Are you part of his invisible cabinet? How do you know that he is not involved? If he is not who? What is your angle? Are you still operating as TPLF cadre? You have the right to comment but this is disturbing.

  3. tesfaye mecime yanete neger bemasetewale selehone hulegezi teqibayenete alewe hulume negere bemasetwale eneg be emotion mehon ylebetme menem behon yhi sewe gitan yaweqale lilawo tesfaye 3 tegawo medef metihafeh mech newe ymimetawo qoyei eko thank you

  4. Good bel Gonder newa negeru hulu egzeabeher ethiopian endayt adergo endemetebekat eyasaye newna lezehem cheger yelem wendem teisfaye enmesegenalen mesterachewn selmetaweta.

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