www.maledatimes.com Ethiopian Asylum Seekers Demonstrate in Oslo Norway against the Dictatorial Regime in Ethiopian - MALEDA TIMES
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Ethiopian Asylum Seekers Demonstrate in Oslo Norway against the Dictatorial Regime in Ethiopian

By   /   October 25, 2012  /   Comments Off on Ethiopian Asylum Seekers Demonstrate in Oslo Norway against the Dictatorial Regime in Ethiopian

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ASSOCIATION- Oct. 18 demo. press release original document click here to read  

The Ethiopians who has been living in Norway held a protest demonstration against the dictatorial regime in Ethiopia for about two hours on October 18, 2012.


The march started after a speech by representative from Ethiopian Asylum seekers association in Norway. There  were more than 400 people gathered around the city centre coming from all over the Norway and walked through holding different kinds of slogans like Free all political prisoners and journalist, Norway stop support and work with brutal regime of Ethiopia and etc. we reached to the Norwegian parliament hall, had a speech from representative from different political parties and NGO`s from Norway, representatives from opposition parties of Ethiopia and different activist from the Ethiopian community.


The objective of the demonstrations was to request the Norwegian parliament and authorities to give due attention for our appeal and review  and reverse the agreement made on January 26, 2012  between the Norwegian democratic Government and the dictatorial regime in Ethiopia to return rejected Ethiopian asylum seekers to their country. Even if it seems that forced deportation is temporarily freeze due to some technical problems by the Intelligence and security service of Ethiopia, we have a fear that it can be implemented at any time in case the two agents reach to an agreement. Since we heard about this shocking news our life is in danger.


The dictatorial regime in Ethiopia is committing a human right violation against its subject is well documented and reported by different Human right Organizations. We believe that the Norwegian government and politicians are quite aware of the worsening human rights and humanitarian situations in Ethiopia now. Ethiopia cannot be by any standard considered as a safe country to send back asylum seekers who are members and supporters of political opposition parties and also dissents because many of us have fled from the country because of pro founded fears of persecution, torture and imprisonment.


The grave human right violation and ever deteriorating socio economic condition in Ethiopia is well known by International Community, so how can a democratic country like Norway sign this kind of agreement with brutal regime of Ethiopia?


Even though the most dictatorial regime Meles has gone, the country is still ruled by his ghost and party (TPLF). The dictatorial regime in Ethiopia has still imprisoned and sentenced opposition members and supporters, Journalist, Human right activists and dissents. Even the new Pseudo Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalegn  has confirmed to the world that there will not be any policy change and vision in the country.


We appeal to the Norwegian parliament to consider the human rights violations and deplorable humanitarian situation in Ethiopia and urged the Norwegian government to reconsider its decision to repatriate and renounce the agreement.  In addition, our demonstrations and letters aim at creating and raising public and political awareness about the risks of sending back the victims to an unsafe country, Ethiopia.



After the demonstration we had a public meeting to discuss the current political situation in Ethiopia and Harish condition of the rejected asylum seekers in Norway. The dictatorial regime of Ethiopia has banned this kind of peaceful demonstration and public meeting in our Owen land. It is also well known that the Diaspora who have been engaged themselves against the dictatorial regime policy are in a constant watch by TPLF spies and reported to the Embassy of Ethiopia in Stockholm _Sweden.


Ethiopian Asylum Seekers Association in Norway

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  • Published: 12 years ago on October 25, 2012
  • By:
  • Last Modified: October 25, 2012 @ 6:48 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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