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The Revenue Officer and the Customs and Excise Commissioner were again scheduled to meet again in the court

By   /   August 17, 2017  /   Comments Off on The Revenue Officer and the Customs and Excise Commissioner were again scheduled to meet again in the court

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The Commissioner of Taxation Rights at the Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority received a further 14 days’ probation probation period of more than 10 million birr.

We are told that the department head, World Gurage (Dr.) of the Federal Police Crime Investigation Group, is being arrested.

The Investigative Team held its second hearing at the Federal High Court Lideta Category Secondary Criminal Court August 8, 2009. According to the report, the suspect has caused a loss of 10,697,468 birr by the government allowing several organizations to submit tax credits.
The investigator, who described his gathering as evidence of the gathering of evidence, said that the police were making technical inquiries by arranging for auditor. He also acknowledged the various types of letters that were requested by various organizations and submitted the Audit Inspection Report.

Demanding the extrajudicial testimony of witnesses and experts, receiving evidence for witnesses and experts’ testimonies, confiscating the evidence, acknowledging the results of a limited audit, and asking for a further 14 days of probation,

According to the suspect, Abebe Aasak, the suspect was indicted by the court that all the documents claiming that the investigator team would need it were at the institute. Customers said they were allowed to indefinite items of tax-free goods over their authorized dealerships, according to Abebe, adding that the investigator said that the crew had been deciphered by the dictator.
The suspect was found guilty of corruption by the Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission in 2005. Until 2008 According to the lawyer, they have been given free conviction and proof of their presence since they were not examined. Four years after leaving the institution, six years have passed.

In response, the investigator explained that the suspect was suspected of corruption and was not exempt from the current system, but was previously a former Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission. But now, 10,697,648 birr has been damaged. The investigators also reported that the arrested persons were fleeing from the country knowing they were wanted by criminals. An investigation was being filed, and he rejected the warrant and declined the 14-day extension.

When the suspect asked for permission to speak to the court, the suspect was arrested in 2005 by the Revenue and Customs Authority. it is. After completing his doctoral degrees for one year in the United States, they were awarded certificates for their free and anti-corruption commission investigations.
Declined map, bank notebooks and other assets have been returned. He told the court that he is currently working with the US-based investment company and foreign investors seeking to invest in Ethiopia. Last year, they also raised more than US $ 20 million in foreign currency to Ethiopia.

Speaking to the court on how the suspect was seized, the head of the National Intelligence and Security Council said they were handed over to the head of the Federal Police for five days at the Bole International Airport. They demanded the court notify them that they had neither marriage nor had children.

When the court heard the right-hand man, he ordered the final approval of the team for the last seven days, noting the 14-day period, indicating that the suspect had not accepted the offer.

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