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Satanism in full swing in all over the world!

By   /   September 17, 2017  /   Comments Off on Satanism in full swing in all over the world!

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                                                                                                Mihret Zegeye

Very short message to those whose ears are not yet deaf!

Currently, there is no country without the influence of Satan especially in the leadership of the country in question. Truth be told, Satan has won the hearts and minds of billions of people nowadays including their political and religious leaders. From the US to Russia, from Middle East to Far East, from the Horn of Africa to Australia, every nation on Earth seems to be ruled by this crooked fallen angel, Satan. Of course, one of his headquarters seems to be situated in Ethiopia at Arat Kilo Palace designating Tigray People’s Liberation Front as his ambassadors with full right to exercise his rimless whims.

In Europe and the Americas churches are being changed from churches to museums or night clubs. Popes and clergies or priests all over the world are becoming members and servants of Satan and his Satanist values by conforming their way of life with that of the demands or interests of the Devil himself; to serve him in conformity with his rules and regulations, they must be gays, lesbians, murderers, practitioners of SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse), renegades or apostates, rioters of the established social and religious values, etcetera.

Mr. Satan has efficiently deployed his army in every direction of this bloody world, for he knows that his days are numbered. He has to be wise to conquer as many million souls as possible to populate his vast kingdom in the netherworld. He needs millions of people to inherit his mendacious kingdom which attracts the fool like ‘Abboy’ Sibhat Nega and Azeb Golla, with mundane paraphernalia, paraphernalia which only needs an elastic belly.   And to this effect, the so called Illuminati are there at the heart of this planet to facilitate the leading of “the blind with the blind”. To whichever direction you go these crooked children of the Fallen Angel are in charge of manipulating everything; the worst scenario of killing and looting being carried out in Ethiopia.

Moreover, the long-awaited Armageddon, the catastrophic war between the Gog and Magog, is also about to begin soon under the leadership of the proponents of the New World Order, Novus Ordo Seclorum,  though millions of people might be skeptic of such claim due to carnal and spiritual fatigue.

Satan wants people to go astray. He wants us to be immoral, unethical, selfish, irreligious, illiterate or uneducated, atheist, sodomite, disrespectful, lustful, active participants or at least staunch supporters of LGBTQ, hopeless, sinners, criminals, trespassers, and what have you . …

The solution!

Listen and come on to your sane conscience. Do not get confused with what you see here and there. What you have to see is something foretold centuries back to be seen this time around. Never expect any good from so called great people or leaders of religious factions or political groups, if you will. In a world where things are changing very rapidly, do not be easy going and do not trust words only, rather, you had better trust actions more than blabs; be a person of high discretion. Do not depend upon individuals in a bid to secure your salvation. Salvation is not communal; it is personal and depends on what you do rather than whom you follow as an icon. Individuals, whoever they might be, whatever credentials they might have, are fallible. No person is perfect to be foolishly emulated. People who give more trust and credence to individuals than God and their conscience would tremendously be hurt when they feel they are betrayed or when they observe their expectations are compromised and hence fail from being fulfilled.  Though individuals may have some impact, you are the only responsible person for your damnation or salvation.

Furthermore, know that the time to come shortly is a new time in which our world would change to another form of dimensional existence, perhaps a leap from coarse and badly designed dimension to refined and better dimension. These crooked world powers, the powers that are churning our planet with all the technological armaments they have owned, such as nuclear and other WMD, will soon reap what they have been sowing for the past two millennia; you can see what the so called Irma is doing now in the US and around. We can infer from what they do that they are the children of Satan, and they will inherit his lot within a short period of time in the near future. Every single prediction about these children of Lucifer is fulfilled by now. Only the bellowing of the trumpet is remaining. As a matter of fact or coincidence, Trump may order the trumpeters to trumpet when the time to do so is ordered by the relevant heavenly power. Who knows? We are in the last generation, by the way. One needn’t to be a magician or sorcerer to imagine and notify this fact to heedful fellows. We don’t have much time. You don’t need any conjurer to tell you what will come tomorrow or the day after. Everything has become clear and it will continue to be clearer as each fraction of a second goes by. To be cautious of the time, try to be tuned to major media facilities. They tell us a lot on daily basis.

Let’s pray, pray, and pray so that we would be among the elects of the Almighty God.

Let the Ethiopian New Year, 2010, be a year of resurrection to Ethiopia and Ethiopians! Behold, an Ethiopian time is coming soon. And we deserve it tooooooo. It is not exaggeration  if one says that no country is immune from the wrath of God if that country has done some harm to ETHIOPIA. Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Somalia, the Sudan, Egypt, … are living examples for this proposition.


“Enjoy’ the following pictures from the internet and wait your turn patiently, for “Rome was not built overnight”! And try to identify who the hell is leading this world to its peril. The goat or the sheep?


Anton LaVey, founder of church of Satan











Seven Steps to Overcoming Occultism and Satanic Involvement

If you discover that your children are involved in the occult, then the first thing you must do is turn to God and the promises in His Word. He can and will deliver your children from evil. For the young person involved, these seven rules are cardinal steps in eradicating all traces of satanic influence:

  • 1. Confess your involvement.
  • 2. Break the contact — and contract — with evil. Renounce your involvement by first identifying each and every act or behaviour, then stating aloud to God that your permanently renounce and cast away from your life anything connected with Satan.
  • 3. Get rid of all satanic articles and items.
  • 4. Ask our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you and wash you clean of all the sins in your life.
  • 5. Acknowledge to God verbally that He is your deliverer. Praise Him for your deliverance.
  • 6. Pledge to obey God, to read your Bible, to pray frequently, and witness to others.
  • 7. Stand daily against satan, always in the full assurance that God is almighty and that His strength is always sufficient. lean on God and He will protect, inspire, and lead you to victory in all things. (http://www.nccg.org/FAQ083-Satanic.html)


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  • Published: 8 years ago on September 17, 2017
  • By:
  • Last Modified: September 17, 2017 @ 12:54 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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