“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.â€
Systematic ongoing and scandalous religious freedom violations continue in Ethiopia,these violation includes: torture ,arbitrary arrest, detained in notorious imprison, killing and the leader of Muslim and activists of Muslims have been recently charged with terrorism offenses.
The overly broad provision of the anti-terrorism proclamation allows authorities to criminalize the exercise of freedom of religion.
The religious freedom situation deteriorated since Woyanne regime, it has already horrible situation and continues to detain, inhuman treating, torturing, sexual abusing, and killing.
A number of young people have fled from the town and village for fear of persecution and detain ion over Muslim people of this days.
The government strictly control and dominates the internal affairs of the religions. Including appointed the patriarch of orthodox tewahedo church, the Muslim leaders the bishop of the Catholic Church and the head of the protestant churches. The ongoing interference of TPLF/EPRDF will do overseeing and monitoring religious activities.
The orthodox Tewahedo church the Muslims are an African institution of a long standing which are a depository of the traditions and culture of a big portion of the Ethiopian people. The orthodox tewahedo church and the Muslim can be a strong anchor against the tyranny of the woyanne regime. Only few of them with religious agenda in Ethiopia will benefit from the current political order in Ethiopia.
To summarize my view points by illustrating the need for freedom of religion and basic separation of religion and state or the interference of government in religion. Without such a separation, religion institutions have historically become either repressive political instruments or compromised of entities that are unable to full fill their proper function. Otherwise repressive religious communities in the same countering extremism lead to more extremism, greater instability and possibly violence.
The Woyanne regime has become increasingly repressive, woyanne is said to be exceedingly fear full about losing control and concentrating power in woyanne`s hand .Though thousands of Ethiopian`s with religious or civil society, political activities and journalists are imprisoned ,tortured ill-treatment ,continues killing and forced to leave the country.
We are against the unlawful intervention of the TPLF/PRDF in the religious norms.
We Ethiopian Muslims and Christians co-operate and stand hand to hand against unjustified religious interference by TPLF/EPRDF government.
Hopefully God/Allah shows us the way, the straight path or linear line.
NOVEMBER 16/2012
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