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By   /   November 26, 2012  /   5 Comments

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        This reports are based on from different international sources.

According to many organization-the conditions in Ethiopian prisons are harsh and life threatening. Prisoners are subject to torture and in human treatment. The exact number of prisons are unknown, but there are an estimated 120 federal and regional prison/source-from land info/.   In addition to this there are prisons and detention centers connected to police stations and on the worda and kebele administrative levels.

No independent or international organization has access to visit Ethiopia`s prison. That makes it difficult to know how many people who are detained, but it is estimated that roughly 86,000 were imprisoned/this number will exceed –Land info sources/.Of a total 86,000 inmate prisoners,2474 are women, 546 are children and2627 are life sentenced people and326 are life death .In every year there is an increase number of prisoners by 29.8%/source-Land info/.

Situation or conditions in prisons around Ethiopia are reprehensible, roughly torture, and ill-treatment occurs .Many innocent and human rights activists have been arrested, tortured and imprisoned for their peaceful activities since1991 TPLF/EPRDF regime.

Most of them were given long prison terms and have faced violations of their human rights.

Detainees-In  Ethiopia , anyone can be detained for being involved in human rights and democracy activities and peaceful demonstrations. All political prisoners and prisoners of conscious are arrested without warrant.

Torture-The military intelligence personnel systematically and brutally interrogate the detainees, in order to get information and false confusion .The abuse and the torture include: sleep denial, forcing people to stand or squat in uncomfortable, positions, forcing them to kneel on sharp stones or piece of glasses, women suffer from sexual abuse/rape/, flogging with wire, aimed at the head and feet, people have been back bandit lying on the ground, blind folded and person with military boats standing on chest, hung upside down, tortured necked blind folded, beaten with cables, threatened to stab syringes containing HIV-infected blood, racist statement about   ethnicity  , torture of genital, in some case life threating conditions, prisons  to much over crowded, one room accommodate more than 300 prisoners.

Repeated accusations directed towards prison staff that political dissidents ,students ,teachers, and people it claimed are terrorists and supporters of OLF, G7, and ONLF, subjected to abuse and torture when the subjected persons arrive at interrogation center.

Convicted prisoners are also subjected to torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment for breaches of prison regulation. Many have died due to these appalling conditions .Prison conditions in Ethiopia are so worse compare to international standards, food, water and medical care are insufficient, especially medical treatment almost no existence in regional prisons .Many prisoners have a serious health problems.

TPLF/EPRDF regime violates the international law especially on political prisoners. The political prisoners are often held far away from their families and many have been subjected to torture and other ill-treatment, including prolonged solitary confinement .Torture and other forms of ill-treatment are absolutely prohibited under international law. Many international organizations oppose the torture and  ill-treatment of prisons in Ethiopia .Such practices are in direct contravention of the international standards, including the declaration on the protection of all persons from being subjected to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.


-practice of torture and ill-treatment of prisoners must be eliminated.

-ensure that prison conditions and practices are brought in to conformity with the UN standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners, including the prohibition of beating and the provision of adequate food and medical care.

-prisoners shall be allowed to communicate as often  as possible by letter, telephone or forms of communications with their families, other persons and representatives of outside organizations .

-prisons staff shall not be use force against prisoners.

-the conditions of detention and treatment of prisoners must be monitored by independent body like international organizations.


-Land info, Amnesty International

-BBC/2012 Oct16/ talked to Swedish Journalists.

-Human Right Watch /2012 January/

-CPJ/2011 December 8/and ICPS /2008 January

-UN committee against torture /2011/ and US department of state /2011 Apr and 2012 May/

v  If you could possibly comment on this issue, I`d be very great full


Set by Baile Derseh Mihrete





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  • Published: 12 years ago on November 26, 2012
  • By:
  • Last Modified: November 26, 2012 @ 5:03 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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  1. M/r Baile realy this is good tanjeble news abouT prisons and prisoners in Ethiopia,now adays many innocent Ethiopian poletical prisoners have got unbilivable punshiment by weyane junta in bad prison house more than what Nazi was done in his prisoners on his time.We can stope together this new Nazi from Ethiopia and prisoners!

  2. ya mr Baile-now a days Ethiopian prison conditions is the worst of all,woyanne doing and will do like hittler .so what we will do , we have to unite and confront TPLF/EPRDF regime

  3. yes,Mr.Baile the Ethiopia government threatening the prisoners espically life threatening prison conditions,the government arrest oppositions political figures,activists, journalists and bloggers under the anti terrorism proclamations.we have to reveal the woyanne`s secrete like you thanks for your article

  4. MrBaile -really your recommendation is an acceptable according to the international law ,but TPLF /EPRDF regime could not respect the international law . woyanne violate the international law.At least the independent people and international organizations must be monitor and supervise the prisoners.and also communicate with their families
    thank you

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