www.maledatimes.com Is Hailemariam Dessaleign the Men of God? By Abenezer Aregawi - MALEDA TIMES
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Is Hailemariam Dessaleign the Men of God? By Abenezer Aregawi

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It’s very hard and difficult for a person like me to judge somebody as  he is the men of God or not. First, I am not spiritual person though I believe in God. Second, it’s only God that can judge the overall activity or deeds of an individual. I believe on the bible verse written under Matthew 7:1-5 “judge not, that you be not judged,,,,”. Sadly, this verse create favorite environment for all people irrespective of religious difference to be pulled out and enable them to beset those people who are against their deeds and rebellions. This text doesn’t teach us, as we can’t judge, rather it tells us to be careful and judge rightly. It tells us as how we are to judge others? I am not preaching the bible. But there may be some people who may not comfort when I criticize the new puppet Ethiopian Prime Minister Ato Hailemariam Dessaleign and their response would be the bible verse that I mentioned earlier. We have also traditional saying, which is influenced by our religion that God is the one who gives judgment i.e. I don’t want to involve on God business/job. But God also said this, Matthew 18:15-16 “If your brother sins against you go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may
be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.”, that I want to tell him who he is for the Ethiopian people and correct himself and as a lot of people are deceived by his being the follower of protestant religion though my friends and I were/am not offended by that.
Because I don’t think a person will do good things the mere fact that he is the follower of a certain religion unless he practices it. Now, I am not going to criticize my brother in accordance with the bible words rather based on our legal documents we have in our hand to rule our country. But the judgment whether Dessaleign is Men of God or not? will be in the hand of the Ethiopian people.
Who is Dessaleign? Hailemariam was born in 1965 in the Boloso Sore  district of the Welayita Zone in southern Ethiopia. Hailemariam
received Bachelor Degree at Addis Abeba University in Civil Engineering in 1988. After two years of service he went to Finland for
further study. This means at the time when there was high level of college and university drop out because of the Derg military regime.
The selfish Hailemariam was studying at school rather than helping his friends to the extent he can. He doesn’t show any love to his people.
He can’t stand on the side of the Ethiopian people at the time of severe problem rather he went to abroad to build his personal carrier. If someone isn’t in your side at the time of your problem, he can’t do anything for you at anytime even if he got good environment. Rather he don’t have respect and love for you that, he will injure you when he get the chance. That is what Dessaleign is doing as of today. Hailemareiam was parrot of the late Prime Minister Ato Meles Zenawi that he was sworn to keep the legacy of the late prime minister. i.e. killing, humiliation, torture, massacre, imprison, denial of human and democratic right, destruction of history and historical heritage, not respecting the sovereignty of the country and many more. By the way all people who got drop out from college and university love and respect the Ethiopian people and for Ethiopia like the weyanna master mind the late Prime Minister Ato Meles Zenawi, Sebehat Nega (from his carrier),,,,,, who are dividing the country for the last 22 years.
Hailemariam promised to stick to his predecessor Meles Zenawi’s development agendaand told the member of the parliament as he got
the good opportunity to keep or maintain the legacy of Meles Zenawi. Meles Zenawi was the master mind of the weyanna regime that was terrorizing the Ethiopian people because of their race, religion, belief, opinion or political difference. He was one of the most brutal and dictator government in the world. He is criminal. Dessaleign sworn to kill, torture, terrorize, massacre, humiliate,,,, etc the Ethiopian. All these deeds are criminal and sin. Hailemariam was the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopian at the time of the Meles era for two years. He was collaborator of the late Prime Minister.
According to the Ethiopian criminal code collaboration in criminal activity is a crime. Therefore, Hailemariam is criminal too. Crime is sin,
how can a criminal be the Men of God?
As we all know the Ethiopian Muslims are demonstrating demanding for their religious freedom stipulated under the Ethiopian constitution under Article 27 Freedom of Religion, Conscience and Thought. They have religious right to demand their inevitable right; no one can take away their basic and fundamental right worship and follow their religion. But the existed dictatorial regime continues to threat our Muslim brother and sister’s inhuman way though they are asking peacefully. 17 prominent Muslim leaders were arrested still today. I was shocked when federal police in Dessie beats the Muslim religion followers and beat and take the feminine to the prison on Nov 30, 2012 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cmlp4Ce4Yxk&feature=share). How can a person who worships in God threat people like this? These people are slave for God. Hailemariam, who believes in God, is the mastermind behind the sin. I know that he has the influence of the weyanna old guard whose hand is full of blood and don’t believe in God.
A lot of churches and monasteries are burned at the time of the Meles administration. Weldeba Monastery, church land is taken away
forcefully by beating harshly from the church monks for the construction of sugar factory in the pretext of development to demolish
Christianity from Ethiopia as Sibhat Nega said at the weyanna pal talk group when he was trying to explain as the main goal of weyanna when they came to power was to destruct orthodox Christianity and Amhara ethnic group. This has great message for all Ethiopian people. Because even if he specifies and the main target was Amhara; genocide is made  in different ethnic group. For instance the killing of 70 sidamo at 2001, more than 400 killing of Anuak, thousands in Oromiya, afar, Somalia, Ogaden, 193 killing of innocent Ethiopians after 2005 election,,,,,. It’s all these legacies of Meles promised by Hailemariam to maintain it. Killing is always a sin according to bible. Hailemariam,who is the follower of protestant religion, belief in bible. So, how a person who makes a sin can be the son of God?
To sum up, Hailemariam Dessaleign, who take an oath to maintain the legacy of the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, is the one ruling the country today. The late Prime Minister was the most brutal and dictator ruler who were terrorizing the Ethiopian people for a little
more than 2 decades before his death 5 month ago at the age of 57.
Dictators are criminal and always master at the massacre of innocent people. That is greatly a sin. That what Hailemariam appreciate as a good deeds by Meles whenever he gets the chance. All criminal threat is getting worse after the death of the late Prime Minister. Everything gets out of control. People forced to leave their residence without fair compensation. They send innocent Ethiopians to prison the mere fact that they are suspected of having political difference from the existed minority regime. But the bible said this, Hebrews 13:3 remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you are also in the body. All Hailemariam and his party deeds are illegal according to our legal document and sin according to bible. So, how can Hailemariam be the Men of God? Is he the men of God?
God bless you and God bless Ethiopia!
In unison we can make the difference and bring the change we need,
and the hope we believe in!
Dec 2, 2012
You can reach the writer at: abenezer2013@gmail.com

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  • Published: 12 years ago on December 2, 2012
  • By:
  • Last Modified: December 2, 2012 @ 7:58 am
  • Filed Under: AFRICA, Ethiopia
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