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Letter From Getachew to all Ethiopian Patriots
Check out how the Department of Banda elements in Ginbot 7 praising the traitors ,crudest and popular anti Africa and Ethiopia banditry name EPLF , who are responible for Ethiopian Amhara, Tigre Oromo soldiers and their family’ massacering and murdering in a crudest way of killing and humiliation.What a curse is this banda called Ephrem?! Now he is talking Eritrea issue and Ethiopian problem since Emperor Tedros? What a shameful man this saleout is this element? Check out how he is now echoing Amhara domination agaisnt Eritrea. This crued is worst and shmless nature I have encountered after few of his Ginbot7 of department of banda groups. I am sure this saleout is laughed by these banditry in Oakland festival for making him a toy of their own how he is jabering incohorently and talking history he doesn’t know.
Ephrem Madebo speaking on Abune Petros statue
Thanks Getachew Reda editor Ethiopian Semay
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