www.maledatimes.com I am afraid of the Ethiopian Puppet President Girma Wolde-giorgis By Abenezer Aregawi - MALEDA TIMES
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I am afraid of the Ethiopian Puppet President Girma Wolde-giorgis By Abenezer Aregawi

By   /   December 6, 2012  /   Comments Off on I am afraid of the Ethiopian Puppet President Girma Wolde-giorgis By Abenezer Aregawi

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Ato Girma wrote and distributed letter regarding the Ethiopian Orthodox Church patriarch election controversy existed between the 4
th Ethiopian patriarch forced to exile by the current regime Patriarch Abune Mekarios (the exiled sinodos) and the Ethiopian based sinodos. The letter was really very interesting and all inclusive with detail explanation that is expected from a good leader (presidency) or the ruler of the country. But all of the sudden he change his mind and told Voice of Amharic program (voa) as the letter doesn’t have any effect according to the Ethiopian government
and as he change his mind too. The president controversy is because of the current acting patriarch Abune Natenael. The president doesn’t hide his controversy reason. There is always somebody behind the scene whenever something happened. But why Abune Natenael forced the president to change his mind? The president already explained the detail of the negotiation and the reason why they agreed Abune Mekarios as patriarch of the Ethiopia. They came to that decision after a meeting was made between elders in the president office as the president explained in his voa interview on Dec 5, 2012 (http://www.diretube.com/voice-ofamerica-radio-voa/amharic-program-every-day-livevideo_f4ebb85b0.html) The reason for the patriarch forced exile was the then Prime Minister of the transitional government Tamirat Layne until 1995 and served as Deputy Prime Minister until 1996. The president lastly said with short sound “I wouldn’t do this if I knew it had such kind of problem”. What kind problem the president got? The president also explained as the letter is written in haste that mistake was made. To whom he is competing? Okay if the letter doesn’t represent the opinion of the government, why he change his personal opinion? He is the president of 90 million Ethiopian people and 87/88 years old. How
can he make such kind of silly mistake? I am really disappointed by this puppet president Girma Wolde-giorgis. How can 90 million Ethiopian
people ruled by such kind of president who don’t have a confidence in his personal opinion after 87/88 years in life. I thought life is school by
itself. Actually he won’t be the member of and work with weyanna if he is smart enough to differentiate what is going on in Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian orthodox Christian patriarch negotiator started discussion last night 8 o’clock Dallas time. There is fruitful indication on the
discussion. God may help the unity of the Ethiopian orthodox Christians to be under one Patriarch according to the church rule.
God bless Ethiopia!
You can reach the writer at:- abenezer2013@gmail.com

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  • Published: 12 years ago on December 6, 2012
  • By:
  • Last Modified: December 6, 2012 @ 5:27 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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