www.maledatimes.com LAST DAYS OF DICTATORS IN North and East Africa,(Homes of Modern Day Notorious despots.) - MALEDA TIMES
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LAST DAYS OF DICTATORS IN North and East Africa,(Homes of Modern Day Notorious despots.)

By   /   July 20, 2012  /   Comments Off on LAST DAYS OF DICTATORS IN North and East Africa,(Homes of Modern Day Notorious despots.)

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By Abby Minda [MT]

In history the world has seen many tyrants arise and fall. Quite a lot of them have shown no mercy to their own people. Most tyrant governments have common characteristics. In order to sustain in power and to prolong their ruler ship; they arrest, torture, kill and cleanse generation. Most of them implement tribalism as a hidden weapon to divide the people among clans or to the lowest possible group. They also use religion as a dividing rule by creating sects and groups.

The new Model of revolution:

It was Tunisia that provided a new model of revolution. President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali fled his country last year on 14 January following a popular revolt.  Following such historical revolution peoples demand to be free from dictatorship is emerged in North Africa and most Arab nations.

Being free from the yoke of dictatorship, some North African countries are more or less breathing a peaceful air. They had also undergone democratic elections. To see this brighten day, peoples of those nations have sacrificed their valuable life. It is easy to measure the struggle of transition placed to attain what they had dreamed of requires a loss of thousands of young freedom fighters, children, mothers and fathers.

Saying this, in this short article I would like to show the last days of some of modern day North and East African tyrants in 2011/12.

East Africa

There is an old Ethiopian proverb which can clearly show the hesitant behaviors of the two neighboring east African tyrants. In Ethiopia old people says: “thieves never fight during robbing, rather, they fight against when they divided what they had stolen.” Meles Zenawi Ethiopian prime minister and Issayas Afewerki of Eritrea have set an imaginary boundary of interest during the time of struggle when they were both leaders of rebellions. Both of them were accused of having not real Ethiopian or Eritrean identity.

Currently, the two dictators practically stir east Africa. Whenever, one of them acts as an accuser or a treat, the other one pretends as a liberator of the region and vice versa.

The ground to say Meles Zenawi is a dictator. Walelgne Mekonnen www.maledatimes.com

MELES ZENAWI (ETHIOPIA): the 57 year political gambler, killer and genocide master mind is well known for his narrow idea of revolutionary democratic ruler ship. After he toppled the then Dictator Mengistu Hailemariam, he controls power.

Dictatorial Records.

In the last two decades, of Zenawi’s reigning, Ethiopians were subjected under the worst tribal political administration. In different times he has opened inconsequential wars against Eritrea and Somalia with no substantial ground to fight for. In what was considered as a pointless conflict with Eritreans, Meles has locked the two countries boundary with blood. The war has left at least 70,000 dead on both sides,

Meles hectically showed his deep resentment for Ethiopians,.

Following the elections in 2005, the people of Ethiopia openly expressed its deep anger to Zenawi’s Administration. After the disputed 2005 elections, His security forces killed more than 200 protesters in the streets of Addis Ababa and other major cities of the country.

In order to hold power within one tribal group Zenawi divided the country among language based tribal state. Knowingly, he let the peoples of Amhara to be murdered and cleansed from other regions of the country.

He has drafted different versions of anti-terrorism law. This law terrorizes all opposition political parties and journalists. Many of the journalists, who exposed the hidden agendas of EPRDF, end up in prisons. Last week, the court in Ethiopia jailed a journalist for 18 years for “terrorism” and 23 other reporters and activists for between eight years and life sentence. Next to Eritrea Ethiopia is the second country to paralyze the free press by implementing strong regulations.

Meles Today:

According to Telegraph and other diplomatic sources, he is admitted in hospital in Brussels Belgium. Because of the seriousness of his sickness “haematological” cancers,meles might lost his life so soon. If Meles is going to die in the following days the power balance might led to division among Tigrean giants. On the other hand CIA is working on adjustments of power to replace zenawi with someone who is biddable to work with the US interest.

Isayas Afewerki

 Self-elected president Isaias Afewerki is a well-known living tyrant with no western political interests. With the help of TPLF’s years of rebellion support isayas has come to power in 1991.

After 30 years of bloody struggle with the Derg regime Eritreans has scored their “freedom” . But under the rule of Isayas, the freedom of Eritrea has gain to the people suppression of political freedoms in Eritrea. Eritrea becomes the first African country with no free press or free media. In fact the international journalist watchdog group Reporters without Borders ranked Eritrea’s press freedom as the third worst on earth in 2006, behind only North Korea and Turkmenistan. Now and then,Isayas has Accused Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi for the recent assassination attempted on him and for aggressions made by Ethiopian soldiers in Eritrean soil.

Eritrean government is hostile to his own people. ‘Terrorizing’ the nation and other neighboring countries is typical behaviors of Isayas afewerki he is the man behind the plots of wars with Ethiopia, Yemen, Djibouti, and Somalia. Like Zenawi of Ethiopia, Isayas is sentimental out low, he always believes in power to make his own dream alive. He always fight for no one. He is drama queen. He has a manner to make things worse. The only thing makes him alive is because he is phobic to change.


It was everybody’s dream to see Africa free from despots like Isayas, In 2012 There was a rumor circulated about his accidental death. But he is still alive as one of the notorious African Despots.


North Africa

Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali(TUNISIA)

Army officer and politician who served as president of Tunisia (1987–2011). Ben  Ali was trained in France at the military academy of Saint-Cyr In late December 2010, protests against poverty, unemployment, and political repression erupted in Tunisia, with many of the demonstrators demanding that Ben Ali resign. Dozens of protesters were killed in clashes with security forces,. After unsuccessful attempt to hold on power Ben Ali stepped down as president and left the country, fleeing to Saudi Arabia.

According to the state media, In June 2011 a Tunisian court convicted Ben Ali and his wife, Leila Trabelsi, in absentia of having embezzled public funds and sentenced them to 35 years in prison. The trial, which lasted only a few hours, focused on large quantities of cash and jewels found in one of Ben Ali’s palaces. In a second trial held in July, Ben Ali was convicted of smuggling drugs, guns, and archaeological objects and sentenced to 15 years in prison. He still faced a number of criminal charges for corruption and for his role in ordering the use of lethal force against protesters.


Birds of same feather…


Gaddafi came to power in Libya in a coup against that country’s monarchy in 1969 and stayed in power until 2011. Many dictator governments have common behaviors. If one of them has unrest in their own country the other dictator starts to crow likes an owl or stand on the side of a dictator. The best example for this is The Libyan people revolution.  As a nations organization African union must stand against tyrants and should support the quest of the people of that country. Rather African Union was the first Organization to annihilate Libyan’s. Secondly tyrants like Chavez and Mugabe was the right hands until the final day of Gaddafi. The death of Kaddafi has seen as a great achievement among Libyans and by the world in general. On the other hand the Living tyrant Mugabe has praised it as a hero death. Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe’s ruling Zanu-PF party and himself has praised it Mugabe considered Gaddafi   as “an African hero,” tragically the death of Gaddfi was not a death of a hero. Rather, Gaddafi   has been betrayed by all his allies, and dead after his battered body was paraded through the streets of Sirte, where he was born.


MUBARAK(EGYPT): Even though, he is still alive in between death and life inside a military hospital with high security shadowing, the Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak was one of the notorious African leader who has been in power for more than 30 years. Hosni, 84 like most African modern day dictators has ruled Egypt by subjecting under military ruler ship.

The 18 days Tahrir square revolutionary struggle set Mubarak’s dictatorship to end. The former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was sentenced to life in prison for failing to stop the killing of some 850 protesters.


After his detention, Mubarak has been seriously sick. His condition is becoming deteriorated and still under life support.

The last days of every dictator seems more of uncomfortable and tragic to the world. Most of them loose their fans and became hopeless.. Finally I would like to underline the point that, in the end, power will be restored by the people. But, Africa is unfortunate to have such despots in her womb. Africa is miserable to be exploited by her own children’s.

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Internet reporter, freelancer and webmaster.
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