www.maledatimes.com ESAT TV, stop your hate propaganda against the people of Tigrai - MALEDA TIMES
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ESAT TV, stop your hate propaganda against the people of Tigrai

By   /   January 27, 2013  /   Comments Off on ESAT TV, stop your hate propaganda against the people of Tigrai

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ESAT’s main objective is to provide thinly veiled poisonous hate propaganda against the people of Tigrai. - Tigrai Onlinesource Tigrai Online
If ESAT and it’s supporters hate campaign against the people of Tigrai in the name of freedom, Ethiopian unity, against persecution and suppression, didn’t stop soon it will take the Ethiopian people to no Ethiopian has gone before.

ESAT’s main objective is to provide thinly veiled poisonous hate propaganda against the people of Tigrai. Financed by the traditional enemies of Ethiopia this divisive and very dangerous media outlet has been pumping out thousands of articles, cyber TV programs and radio programs. Majority of those programs are designed to create a permanent discord between the general Ethiopian population and the people of Tigrai.

For a naive person the propaganda might seem against Meles Zenawi, TPLF, EPRDF or the Ethiopian government, but if you take a few minutes to examine deeply all the programs are meant to orchestrate a hate campaign against the people of Tigrai.

ESAT portrays the people of Tigrai as if they are getting wealthier on the expense of the rest of the Ethiopian people. All the news items, all the political analysts and other so called experts target Tigrai and it’s people.

ESAT had more than once interviewed none Ethiopian and Ethiopian guests who suggested if EPRDF didn’t get overthrown soon the people of Tigrai will be in danger of becoming victims of genocide.

Struggling for justice and equality or even overthrowing a government is something, but advocating hate and genocide of a whole population of one ethnic group is something else.

ESAT is mixing ethnic hate, ethnic pride, religion, nationalism, bad politics and racism in one poisonous pot which is a gigantic time bomb waiting to explode. One can understand some of the programs are meant to bring more supporters, but they starting fires that will be very hard to put out or consume us all.

If ESAT and it’s supporters hate campaign against the people of Tigrai in the name of freedom, Ethiopian unity, against persecution and suppression, didn’t stop soon it will take the Ethiopian people to no Ethiopian has gone before.

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  • Published: 12 years ago on January 27, 2013
  • By:
  • Last Modified: January 27, 2013 @ 11:33 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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