www.maledatimes.com A critique of “Tamagne Beyene receives warm welcome both in Sweden and Norway “ posted on 12 of February 2013 everywhere.By : Sista - MALEDA TIMES
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A critique of “Tamagne Beyene receives warm welcome both in Sweden and Norway “ posted on 12 of February 2013 everywhere.By : Sista

By   /   February 17, 2013  /   Comments Off on A critique of “Tamagne Beyene receives warm welcome both in Sweden and Norway “ posted on 12 of February 2013 everywhere.By : Sista

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When I open the video, of the above title, frankly I did not know what to make of it.  Men and women wearing historical warriors clothing with all the paraphernalia ( Tor and Gasha)   being led by a male and female who were holding the Ethiopian flag and fully clothed   in military outfit.  The female   complete with the accessories of sunglasses- She   can easily be mistaken for a Congolese militia who is associated with all sorts of underworld as oppose to an Ethiopian fighter!

Nationalist song for a hero and some wedding song, It appeared Tamagne the hero or the groom not the artist turn activist that is courting this grand entrance.  What is all these about?

Why do we so readily idolise individuals, who hardly have done anything other than rant about what they believe in.  What is it that this person have done other than collecting money god knows for what – that got him such platform and adulation?

When his supporters read this, I know they would   automatically assume I am a member or supporter of EPRDF. Such is the only way we perceive everything-As black or white.  Well, I am neither- Just a citizen of Ethiopia observing both government and those against it. So I rather place myself in the colour grey.    I am not here to be the mouth piece of EPDRF; it can speak for itself but   in comparison to  most of the ruling parties in Africa, we  have a country that is growing reasonably 5% not what EPRDF claim 12% – still good progress.  It is reasonably safe and secure and has an overall stability. This is not to say all is good.  It is not.  There are issues of political repression and attack on media workers and high cost of living and lack of development in certain regions and groups.  So, I have no problem with anyone raising these issues in a constructive manner.

However, there is a disturbing trend in the Diaspora that almost any charismatic character   can be a political figure that would bring miracle.  No they can’t!    One may argue yes such figures can play a pivotal role and may quote for me Regan, Schwarzenegger and so on.  May be.  The danger in our case is, the likes of Tamagne Beyene  have little knowledge and understanding of politics and its structure hence his   ill-conceived idea of “fundraising”.   Quite, what is this fund being raised  for?  To build schools, hospitals, roads, pick up street kids?  Nop, it’s to wage war on the sitting government.

Now, we can list lots of wrong doings of the sitting government but sitting in America and Europe and war-mongering is not going to achieve anything nor is it a smart move.  It makes me laugh when those who talk a lot about democracy seem to choose the least democratic path to bring change!  War, No – thank you; War kills, war devastates society, war damages the economy, and war changes the fabric of society.  We have been there;we don’t need to go back.

Secondly and most importantly, anyone who believes those preaching democracy and change will deliver it; are at best naïve at worst ignorant of what politics really is.  In other words, no one, I mean no one can produce a miracle that eradicates poverty, corruption, high unemployment and  political repression in a country like Ethiopia with all its ethnic, strategic, economic and social issues;  At least for the foreseeable future.

So this is as good as it gets.   If and when any party (there is no viable one at the moment) or group, manages to take over power hopefully through the ballot box, I would say they would do the same thing as they are accusing of the current regime.   Such as elimination of those who oppose them, they will begin propping up their own supporters, nepotism and corruption and securitization of the state will continue.  They may even do worse than what we currently have.

This is Africa and African politics is “politics of the belly” so the kind of change we all aspire for will take a considerable time and effort but it is achievable.  I am sorry to be so pessimistic but I am talking of reality.  Look around you.  Eritreans fought with the entire god given energy, money and ideas that was out there.  They all had one vision -an independent Eritrea which they got  but the horror that followed and continues to befall them under their iron-feast leader is not what anyone of them anticipated or contemplated.

What matters in any system is that there are enough resources to go around.  Those resources are not only natural resources but Human Resources.  To have a country that has good Human Development which is a healthy, well educated work force is the greatest asset.  Economic development is paramount too.   As we work on these issues, I believe it is a natural phenomenon that positive changes would follow but to focus just on the administration is a tacit   desire for power as oppose to a desire to bring positive change.

This is why I find Tamagne and Co. just hot air with no substance.  They have nothing to offer other than playing with people’s emotion through nationalism.  Instead, how I wish such groups turn their energy into positive action.  Instead of setting up fruitless political parties, there are so many things we could do in the Diaspora for the development of our country and Ethiopians in general.

Such as creating strong community with lots of businesses, educate our youth not only about their homeland culture but that of the host country, so that they get a fair chance in life.  Support women and young girls to get education and enable them to compete in the job market and make them productive and one that can stand on their own.  Organise scholarships and charities to those back home, assist new comers to settle and encourage them to do well and many more things can be done.

Use our churches and mosques for the purpose of worship of course but also as port –of- call for those in need. (Social Service for the community).  I don’t know what goes on in mosques but the state of our churches is exactly the reflection of our society; Patriarchical, top down management and decision making is male dominated and the mass is a prisoner of these spiritual and cultural psychologies.  These are the sort of changes we should seek and treat as a priority.    As the saying goes Gulicha biliwaetu wot ayatafitim.  Just demanding change in governance without these things in place is a futile exercise.

I am sure, a lot o people will disagree with me and that is fine but I want those people to ask themselves what has been the history of Diaspora activity?  Has it been productive or destructive?  Is Nostalgia really the way forward or do we have to accept the reality on the ground and work around what we have?  I believe the latter will at least allow us to produce a nation that is knowledgeable, smart, can think for him/herself as they  develop  instead of idolising non heroes just because these are the people who happen to put themselves upfront  as rescuers as the rest of us are passive recipient of what-ever ridiculous claim they are coming out with.  I leave each reader to answer for themselves.










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  • Published: 12 years ago on February 17, 2013
  • By:
  • Last Modified: February 17, 2013 @ 6:51 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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