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Ethiopian National Transitional Council call general assemble meeting in Washington DC

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Ethiopian National Transitional Council call general assemble meeting in Washington DC

APRIL 10, 2013 10:18 PM 

Ethiopian National Transitional Council
In an effort to highlight our “joint struggle for shared victory”, all individual Ethiopians and Democratic Organizations residing in different countries of the world are invited to attend the all inclusive international public meeting in July 2013 in Washington DC.
At this historical time all Ethiopians ask one question. It is how to unite and work together towards one goal – replacing the present Ethiopian regime with a transitional government. This important question has been raised and talked about on all possible platforms. In this regard for this very
important public agenda, all concerned Ethiopians without delay must come together to discuss and come up with resolution that stipulate how all stakeholders bring together their efforts and work towards common goal.
From its sacred aim of bringing all Ethiopians together, the Ethiopian National Transitional Council (ENTC) with any possible co-organizing body is calling a public meeting to be held here in Washington DC in July 2013. In this public meeting ENTC is committed to give a direct and decisive
answer to this very important public agenda, to affirm to the public its commitment to continue its struggle to remove the present regime and replace with a new transitional government, to discuss how all stakeholders will be represented in the transitional government under the slogan of “shared
struggle is shared victory”.
The Goal of this Public Meeting
In this public meeting, participants will discuss how to remove this anti-Ethiopian and antidemocratic policy of TPLF/EPRDF and replace with a transitional democratic system. This is a public meeting on which individual Ethiopians and Ethiopians representing different political and civic
organizations from all over the world will get together and propose their constructive ideas, participate in the national dialogue where consensus can be built and laid down the ground work of establishing all inclusive transitional government upon the fall of the present regime.
Agenda Items to be discussed on this public meeting
1. The removal of TPLF/EPRDF regime with well coordinated and executed plan
2. Isolating and picking strategies and tactics of struggle supported by the majority.
3. Bring together all stakeholders.
4. Forming a transitional government after the removal of TPLF/EPRDF regime.
5. In the struggle for regime replacement how to address ideas and suggestions coming
from all stakeholders.
6. How to gather international support
7. Building the capacity required for the struggle.
85 S. Bragg Street, Suite 203
Alexandria, VA 22312, USA
Tel: 1-571-335-4637
contact@etntc.org8. How to sustain this kind of public meeting for consensus building.
Outcome of this meeting
After discussing and debating on above listed agenda items, the following outcomes would be
expected from this public gathering.
1. Pass resolutions supported by the majority of the participants
2. Taking common stand on agreed upon agenda items.
3. Even if the participants found difficulty to work together on all issues, an agreement
must be reached on mutual respect at least until the removal of the present regime.
4. Establish a mechanism to co-ordinates struggles waged inside and outside of the
5. A transitional process must be planned. For any kind of development pre-planned
activities must be in place.
6. The house must reach on some kind of agreement on how to sustain this kind of
consensus building meetings
Participants of the Meeting
This great national vision and solution bearing plan of action must include all the stakeholders. We, Ethiopians must be united and have the moral responsibility to defend and protect our mother land. Therefore, all citizens of this beloved country are cordially invited to attend and be part of this
historical event. It will be a great opportunity for every one of us to bring to the table ideas that will unite and enable us to work together. Unity is very important.
Accordingly for all:
1. Political Parties
2. Civic Organizations
3. Invited from Ethiopia, organizations and guests
4. Religious organizations
5. Media
6. All Ethiopian Community associations
7. Women’s Organization
8. Youth Organizations
9. Professional Associations
10. Business owners
11. Intellectuals
12. Renowned individuals
13. International Organizations
14. Foreign dignitaries We extend our invitation and request to all true sons and daughters of this country to provide their
full support for the success of this all-inclusive public meeting.
To participate in this public meeting, please register by accessing our web site www.etntc.org or by
sending us email to contact@etntc.org . You can also register by calling 001-202-735-4262 and +44-
All Ethiopians residing in different cities all over the world are requested to conduct series of
meetings where participants can discuss on issues of unity and co-operation in the struggle to
replace the present regime with all inclusive transitional government and try to send off as many as
possible participants to the Washington DC meeting.
Unity and Freedom!
The Ethiopian National Transitional Council

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  • Published: 12 years ago on April 10, 2013
  • By:
  • Last Modified: April 10, 2013 @ 5:21 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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