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Nejashi Justice Council is a not-for-profit, independent organization with a mission to promote justice and
equality, and raise awareness about human right abuse in Ethiopia. Currently the Council registered in
District of Columbia.
Crime against Humanity in Ethiopia; Ethiopian government forces committed atrocities on
peaceful Muslims on Eid Al-fater Holiday.
August 9, 2013 | By Nejashi Justice Council
The Ethiopian government forces committed an indiscriminate gross human rights violations and a
brutal crackdown on peaceful Ethiopian Muslims during the celebration of Eid-Al-fatr Holiday in Addis
Ababa and all over the country. The extent of the atrocity includes killing of five, heavy handed crack
down of thousands and the arbitrary detention of Tens of thousands people. The attack
disproportionately targeted women including reports of sexual assault.
In a separate incident, eye witness account and Media sources reported, on August 3 , 2013,at least
fourteen people were confirmed to have been killed in the town of Kofele, West Arsi Zone , Oromia
Regional State when the Agazi special military brigade fired live ammunition on peaceful protesters.
According to eyewitness who reported to NJC sources, among the victims include an infant, 14 years
old boy and elderly people. It has been reported that the killing took place when the Agazi special
military brigade trying to arbitrarily arrest the Imam of local Mosque. In addition to those killed, more
than 35 people were severely wounded while scores of Muslims arrested.
Ethiopian Muslims have been staging peaceful protest for more than 18 months against government
coercive religious conversion to its imported religious sect .The Regime opted to silence Muslim
protestors by force and different repressive measures. It is remembered that On October 22, 2012 in
Gerba, South Wollo and on April 27, 2012 in Asasa, Arsi Zone the federal police committed similar
massacre against Muslims. Nejashi Justice Council believes such despicable use of force against
innocent and unarmed civilians throughout the country on the same group because of their faith is a
clear case of crime against humanity.
Nejashi Justice Council condemns, in its stricter terms of condemnation, these atrocities committed by
the Ethiopian Regime security forces against the innocent Muslims of Addis ababa, Kofele, Dessie,
Wolikite and throughout the country. We call all stakeholders, including international community and
human right groups at local level to deplore these atrocities on civilian people.
Nejashi Justice Council also calls on the Ethiopian government to halt the bloody response to
Ethiopian Muslims’ peaceful demand. The Ethiopian Muslims demand nothing in their peaceful protest
but their legitimate and constitutional right.
Nejashi Justice Council
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Crime against Humanity in Ethiopia; Ethiopian government forces committed atrocities on peaceful Muslims on Eid Al-fater Holiday.
Read Time:2 Minute, 17 Second
- Published: 11 years ago on August 11, 2013
- By: staff reporter
- Last Modified: August 11, 2013 @ 1:51 pm
- Filed Under: AFRICA
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