set by berhane assebe alehudres
The form of government that has power to govern with out of consent of peoples . This dictator ship concern the source of the governing power without people’s consent & controls every aspect of people’s life. Power is concentrated in a dictator or small clique /small ethnics grope/,also a single party led by a single powerful individual with powerful secret police .They don’t believe peoples as a form of government where those who govern are selected through consented election .Dictatorship &totalitarian key traits are control of mass communications, social &economical organizations
The rule is absolute power. That is:
- A single entity rules, this entity rule as individual as autocracy and with group as in a oligarchy
- Tyranny/dominance through threat of punishment & violence ,the country ruled by a despot
- Un justice impositions or restraints
- The rules in selfish &arbitrary manner
- The rule is an by leader ship un restricted by law ,constitutions or other social &political factors with in the state
- Civil right are not protected because dictatorship is an  authorial / totalitarian
- SUPREM RULE, so the supreme rule does not care for the people because he/she does not need to in order to retain power.
- The rule commit genocide in different ethnics
- Execution with out of trial or with mock rail ,for political offenses/a violation or breaking of social or moral rule &wrong doing/iniquity
- Ethnics conflict method ruled/devised method of control &persuasion
- The rule by decree, repression of political opponents without abiding by rule of law procedures the include single party state& cult personality
- The one rules has control over the military
The key characteristics of dictatorship & totalitarian regimes TPLF/WEYANNIE are:
- Human right abuses of the country
- A small group possesses absolute power without effectives constitutional limitations
- The determination of persons guilt or innocence by due to process of law
- The government economy falls under command
- No allowed free enter pries system ,no personal freedom ,no private property rights
- Keep thousands of political prisoners ,use torture &in human action
- Leaders devised methods of controls & persuasion , these include the use of terror ,indoctrinate , propaganda ,censorship and religious or ethnics persecution
- To provide a sense of security and to give direction for the future often the leader utilizes security police to crush opposition &create a sense of free among the people
- The resources taken a certain group of people
- Removed opposition party, if protests or anti-dictator acts are held those equality faced executions ,imprisonment ,torture or a variety of other harsh punishment without trial
- Responsible for many cruel acts ,deaths& oppressing the citizens of their countries, they had ultimate control& they separated from the average people by the black barrier
- The guns represent the military & police control &treat they were constantly faced with the question marks indicate the obliviousness the majority
- Killed several people & took their properties and enriched himself
- They ongoing genocide in different ethnics , or in human genocide of precious human living
- The structures of state terrorism ,regime ,violence ,classical despotic out fits hegemony
- The state controls a lot of businesses with ridiculous regulations
Totally a government controlled by a small group of people and take away much of its peoples freedom, and this powers has been obtained by force and when we reverse this evil action?
SEPTEMBER 04 /2013
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