During the board meeting on Aug. 31, 2013 Andinet support organization in Sweden elected three new board members who will serve on the Board until the annual meeting takes place…Board members Melaku W / Amlak (secretary) and Yishak Kassaye (Treasurer) resigned with written letter request from the Board due to personal reasons and the Board excludes two board members Sara Dejene and Tizita Abraham because of lack of interest in the association’s work, not participating in Board meetings and for not paying membership fees for many years despite being a board member, spreading false information and rumors  against UDJ and negative to the organization’s work.
The newly elected Board members shall be proposed to the other members and another vote shall be nominated and voted into the board.
The newly elected board member AtoTamrat Adamu was elected as secretary, Ato Abebe Shanko as treasurer, Tatek Tesfaye elected as media and foreign relation och Tadesse Tesfaye as reserve board member. These members are elected until the next annual meeting.
We expect that the new board skills and experience will be an asset to our Board and we look forward to working with them shortly.
We thank them for their willingness.
Now the board consists of the following:
·         Ato Raswork Mengesha Chairman
·         Ato Tamrat Adamu Secretary
·         Ato Abebe Shanko Treasurer
·         Ato Hailemariam Getachew Public relation
·         Ato Tatek Tesfaye Media and foreign relation and
·         Ato Tadesse Tesfaye reserve board member
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