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message for Gudu Kassa

By   /   September 19, 2013  /   Comments Off on message for Gudu Kassa

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Dear brother Gudu Kassa;

Let me start with my greetings to you “Happy New Year”. Having said that, I have a problem lately with your strange commentaries regarding Ginbot 7 leaders character that you seemed to glorify. I will clarify some of the points you raised that I disagree with you. Before that, I like to apologize for not using Geez version for my response to you here- because, my keyboard/keyman seemed to have some technical problems, so I am responding to you in my poor English.
Now let me quote some of your views below.  Yous aid;- <‹ማንኛውንም ዘዴ ተጠቅሜ አምባገነኑን የወያኔ ሥርዓት እጥላለሁ› ብሎ የተነሣን ድርጅት ባይሆን እሱም በለስ ቀንቶት ሥልጣን ሲይዝ ልቡን ያራራልንና የምንናፍቀውን ዴሞክራሲ ያጎናጽፈን ብሎ ከመጸለይ ውጪ የትግል ሥልት ምርጫህ ተሞክሮ የከሸፈ ነው እያሉ ከወዲሁ ማጣጣል ከሁሉም ሳይሆኑ የመቅረት ያህል ተስፋ አስቆራጭ ይመስለኛል ->>
No, you are absolutely wrong. Ginbot 7 leader Mr.Berhanu Negga clearly told the us in public in Seattle, that Democracy in future Ethiopia has consist/ accommodate “self administration –up to secession”. He said “Quote ;-“ if the people of any given ethnic preferred or demand to separate from Ethiopia union, and vote majority to disintegrate- we have no option but to honor their wish by vote. After all this is the meaning and start and end of democracy means. We can’t hold people by a gun to live in the union” End of quote. (if you disagree with me, give me some times, I will bring you the audio video as proof to hear what he said on record in Seattle last year while he was touring with OLF and Aregawi berhe and Dr Zero (Getachew Begashaw)-)- Is this the democracy that you are stressing out የምንናፍቀውን ዴሞክራሲ?
 << የግንቦት ሰባት መንገድ መጥፎ ሊሆን ይችላል – ግን በማን ዐይን?>> On my eye. Why because the method/መንገድ it is following is  a dangerous one. I already explained it above. Do you think a country can be built by a method of democracy or can it be ruined by the method of  democracy as Berhanu is promising the secessionist to destroy Ethiopia suing the voice of the people by vote/card?
<<ከሰሜን የመጣ ዝናብ ሁሉ አጥፊ ነው የሚል ድምዳሜ ላይ የደረሱ ወገኖች እንደሚኖሩ ባውቅም ገሣ ቢጤ ለመግዛት መጣር እንጂ በአድማስ ክልል ውስጥ ባልታዬ ችግር ያን ያህል መሸበርም ለጊዜው የሚገባን አይመስለኝም – ቢያንስ እኔ ልሸበር አልፈልግም፡>>  You are amazing. What Gessa are youi talking about? from Ginbot 7 storm that was going to happen in the last Fassika with the $500.00 worth of Harbenga certificate? (as Berhanu promised all of you last year-). What do you meant when you said “ቢያንስ እኔ ልሸበር”? No one is worried about the bravado of Berhanu or Isayas Afewerki’s new spokes person Andargachew Tsige who replace Ali Abdela. What worried me is when Ginbot 7 elements like Efrem Madebo is working with Shaabia insulting patriotic Ethiopians on their conference as TimkihitenGoch/Neftenoch/Remnants for adamantly opposing the illegal secession of Eritrea from Ethiopia by a conspiracy land locking us. Why would someone attack his fellow Ethiopians invited to speak on the conference of enemies stage who murdered millions of our people conspired with TPLF and Arabs? I do not get it. What is the benefit of it? Efrem Madebo told Eritreans to ship us Shurab//Golfo to Ethiopia as his economic relation if Ginbot 7 is going to be the future government. What a joke, what a joke. So we can rent “their” ports. KKKKKKKK…
<<፡ …  ብዙዎች ሲጮሁ ግንቦት ሰባት ዝም ማለቱ ግን ብዙም እንዳላስደሰተኝ በዚች አጋጣሚ መጠቆም እወዳለሁ፡፡> What do you want them to say beyond glorifying Isayas Afewerki?  Andargachew, Efrem,… have said what they have told to say by their masters without fear and worried about the reaction. Ginbot 7 already asked the “Islamic movement” In Ethiopia to dress their wound and leave the peace full struggle and stop crying and join them in Eritrea and hold the gun instead. This what Berhanu Negga spoke openly on the air last month.
Your Tamnag Beyene that you are glorifying did not say a word when he was invited in the Ethiopian Islamic Mujahadeens conference in America when the organizers wrote and gave a piece of paper to the Egyptian jihadist cleric, a slog that calls Jihad in Ethiopia with his slogan “Islam Yeshenifal!!!!!!”. Who wrote this slogan and made him say it in Amharic? What did your Tamang Beyene said after that? He said Ke Weyane Tiyit- Ye Ethiopia Islam Akriro Gurade Yizo BimeTa ImerTalehu”. This is if Isalm is victorious in Ethiopia against us the Christians. Is that what it is? What is that mean? He still didn’t even want to admit that such stupidity was wrong. He thinks it is wise to say it. He claimed we took it out of the content. What content? This quote itself is clearly a choice he presented A or B. He chose, B. Both are dangerous choices. He think we understood him- but we understood him his naivety. If Ethiopian Muslims became radical and armed with their sword (as Tamnge depicted it) what will be their aim? Their aim is to be victorious as their Egyptian advisor slogan clearly said it in Amharic/ Islam Yashenifal!!! The goal of the Sword is not a symbol for love, or assimilation. The sword Tamang taking will  is there to slaughter their opposite religious sectors (Christian or a Muslim or atheist). Already happned in Ethiopia and still happening.
If Ethiopian Islam became Akrari and hold Sword (as Tamang’s depiction) they will reject societies assimilation and is bent on the conquest of our national character using their sword as we already saw it since 1991. The entire message in that conference where Tamange has been participated was entirely a message of Jihadists. What does “Islam Yashenifal meant?”. Why did not he react to it instead of glorifying Akarari with a sword as if Akarai is a benign group?
Not only that your Tamnag was naïve when he describe the Islamic movement in Ethiopia- but he told them “You have been repressed by Christians in Ethiopia all your life – but I have never saw any Ethiopian Muslim for secession regardless you were repressed>> Is that not stupidity? Who are the Ogadenians? Are they not Ethiopians? Are they not asking for secession as we speak? Who is General Jara? An Oromo Muslim. Was not he leading Islamic Ormo murdering so many Amhara ethnic demanding cession from Ethiopia Christian? Why is that this elements like your Tamange trying to play games between Christian and Islam in political manner unfairly? This why we are screaming at him if you do not follow why we are reacting to your Tamang. He never acknowledge that he made a mistake when he spoke. Instead he argue he is right. Then we react and argue he is wrong. What made you react to my reaction/our reaction on him? The fellow is good Ethiopian, but he is arrogant at time very naïve.
Remember few months ago on this forum- few Ethiopians defended Jawar Mohammed  a guy who is OLF demanding “Ethiopia out of Ormia”. They tried to call me Weyane for exposing him. You see! How naïve can people be? I just wonder how people can failed to understand an elementary politics. Very, very simple thing to understand? The Diaspora opposition is confused and tuned by so many emotions. They embraced our enemy as their friend they disgustingly disrespect us as Weyane for exposing anti Ethiopia elements. Can you see how corrupt the Diaspora mind is messed up?
You also said adamantly and surely ፀረ-ግንቦት ሰባቶችም የፈለጉትን ያህል ቢያብጠለጥሉትና በቃላት እሩምታ ቢዋጉትም የታሪክ ሂደት እንደሆነ ከላይ በተወሰነለት ጊዜና ከታች በተመደበለት የሰውና የማቴሪያል ኃይል መጓዙ፣ የመጨረሻውን የወያኔ ግብአተ መሬትም በቅርቡ ማየታችን የማይቀር ነው፡፡>> What can I say? Something is wrong in Ethiopians this century. I am afraid that your Ginbot7 might not come to show us the ግብአተ መሬት of Ethiopia with the wish of the OLF, ONLF, the SMLF and perhaps his ethnic group to secede from Ethiopia using Democracy (Tyrany of Majority against Minority vote) to destroy a Ethiopia by vote. You a Tigrayan and speak and hear Tigringa- can’t you at least listen to the radio Wehgahta (Eritrean opposition radio) based in Ethiopia that it aired x- spy and higher EPLF officers that they talk about TPDM and the entire Ethiopian opposition forces in Eritrea and the way how they serve Isayas in the border area. To the extent they are participating border guards order to shoot to kill Eritreans who cross borders running away from Isayas tyranny. Some even participated in raping women and Isayas let them free regardless the Eritrean villagers complained in court for their crime. These are hooligans who are there to serve the interest of Isayas. These are now believed by you to free you from Weyane?  Sad, to loose you as good patriotic friend whom I gave a lot of hope and respect to see you to this lowest extent. But, history will judge all of us who was right and who was wrong. Like or not, these groups in Eritrea are the other version of TPLF serving Eritreans as the latest banda who are in a business of glorifying Isayas. I have no idea how people got into such mess and low their dignity. Can’t they simply clarify their mission without mentioning or glorifying a tyrant and anti Ethiopia fellow who hate to speak Amharic? Or they are told to do it as their mandatory service for what they got in Eritrea in return? Who is there who does not know Isays at least those of us who were in politics for many years? Who re they trying to tell us who Isayas is or was? This Fascist who bombarded Tigrayan children in Mekele mercilessly is all in a sadden Angel to save Ethiopia fro m Weyane Tigray without his hidden agenda. Has Andargachew ever read the EPLF General Sebhat interview in Eritrean youth magazine what they have for us? Do these elements know the psych and character and crookedness of Eritreans and Tigrayans at all when it comes to Eritrea and Ethiopia politics? As one of the Eritrean EPLF supporter in one of their Pal Talk last week said “Hadeshti Aedug Afrina Alena” (what it means is “we are glad at this moment we have managed to breed  a new Ass/Donkeys in Eritrea from the Diaspora to replace the retired Donkeys that we had in Ethiopia” It makes me more sick. Let me stop here. I think I have to edit this and made it as an article to be read by the public. I think we are now going to the mess again.
Getachew Reda – Editor Ethiopian semay Septemeber 16, 2013)
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  • Published: 11 years ago on September 19, 2013
  • By:
  • Last Modified: September 19, 2013 @ 9:39 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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